April 9, 2012

By Allan  

Hi Everyone,

Four items of note for this week.

• Friday, April 13th Planning Day (and Furlough day for Teachers) – This Friday is a non student day. For classified and administration, this is a normal workday. For teachers this is 4 hours planning time and 4 hours furlough.

• District Staffing Process Delayed – There have been some changes to the staffing timeline and the district staffing process I wanted to let everyone know about. Shelley was planning to monitor enrollment and make adjustments accordingly in May and in the fall as the impact to the new enrollment process is still unknown.

As of now, 4j has 250 student applicants to the district at varying grade levels. This will have a significant impact to staffing. Rather than moving forward, the district staffing process (placement, displacement, reductions in force, exclusive posting period, regular posting period etc.) will be delayed until enrollment impact can be determined and FTE to schools can be adjusted accordingly. This will avoid potentially laying off teachers in some areas only to recall them in a few months. Classified staffing impact is unknown but the timeline has also been adjusted.

Below is a summary of the changes to the staffing timeline:

May 1-3 Adjustments to staffing allocations as needed based upon enrollment projections
May 9-10 HR Queries—HR analyzes staffing plans and queries for 1)all open licensed positions 2)Displaced teachers 3)Classified Bumping and the applied logic is applied 4)All licensed staff returning from leave in PT & FT positions 5)Known retirements and leaves etc.
May 11 — Classified Round #1 Bumping & Licensed Displacement letters are sent
May 14-18 Validity Committee Phase 1 and 2*(Phase 2* requires principal attendance for appropriate curricular areas meetings)
May 16 – September 30—Placement & Notification of Displaced Licensed Staff
May 16-June 5 — Licensed Exclusive Three Week Posting Period
May 16-August – Notification of Licensed Staff of Reduction In Force (R.I.F.)
May 30 — Classified Round #2 R.I.F. letters sent
June 6-July 31 – Regular Posting Period
June 15 — Final classified bumping letters sent with status (laid off)

• Dropbox and Backing-Up Your Computer – As a follow-up to Alex’s email about remembering to back-up your computer, here’s a cool free service I like to use, Dropbox. If you install it, it creates a folder on your laptop and any files you keep in that folder are automatically backed up. The other nice feature of DropBox is you can access your files online from any computer or from most mobile devices. I have all my school files backed up using DropBox. They give you 2 GB free, but if you are referred by someone, like me, you and I both get additional free storage space, so let me know if you’d like to try this and I can send you a referral email link.

• Chinn Family Photo Sharing – Thanks again everyone for understanding and allowing me to take some time off to take care of Josephine and also Kim. For those interested, here are a few new pictures. Kim thinks Josie and I look very similar in this picture. Here’s a picture of Gracie and Josie warily eyeballing each other and here’s an unhappy picture of them a few seconds later. The Chinn family is very tired, but doing well.

Have a good week, all!
