November 14, 2011

By Allan  

Hello Staff,

Wow! Nine items of note for this week.

• Thanksgiving Classroom Reminder – With Thanksgiving coming up I wanted to remind folks to keep in mind that student conceptions of Native Americans often come from classroom activities around the First Thanksgiving. The conception of Native Americans gained from such early exposure is often both inaccurate and potentially damaging. When planning activities, be aware that what most of we learned in school about the “Pilgrims” and “Squanto” and the “First Thanksgiving” is a mixture of both history and myth. Thanksgiving activities should avoid reinforcing historical myths and should also avoid stereotypes (ie. NO warbonnets!) A blanket draped over one shoulder is accurate for a simple outfit). It’s often best to shift the focus away from reenacting the “First Thanksgiving” and instead focus on items children can be thankful for in their own lives and on their families’ celebrations of Thanksgiving at home. One good resource on what to avoid and what to teach can be found at Education World. Here is a good article with a Native American perspective on Thanksgiving . Also, the 4J Natives program is a resource and is available for classroom presentations.

• TAG Testing for Referred Students, Nov. 22nd – For those of you who referred students to be tested for TAG testing, the district is sending out testers the morning of Tuesday, November 22nd. We’ll hold the testing in the Corridor Library, which mean no library for Corridor classes that morning. K-2 students will be tested first at 8:40 and once they are done, probably about 45-60 minutes later, they will test students in grade 3-5. Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any additional students you want to refer. Parent permissions slips to test must be turned in before students can take the test.

• Mandatory Safeschools Online Training, Deadline December 31st – Give yourself a pat on the back if you have already completed the Safeschools Training on Sexual Misconduct and Child Abuse. If you’re like me, it’s still on your “to-do list”. Currently about half of the staff has completed the online training. All staff, including both certified and classified, are required by new state laws to complete the online training before December 31, 2011. If you can’t find the email with the link to the online training, the email came from “Safety Training” with the subject line “Eugene School District 4J Online Safety Training”.

• easyCBM Winter Benchmarks Approaching – It’s not for a couple more weeks, but the Winter Benchmark testing window will begin in a couple weeks. The testing window is shorter than in the past and only runs two weeks, going from 12/5 – 12/16. Attached is the easyCBM Benchmark Assessment Guide, which tells which tests are to be given at each grade level. Please let me know if you have any questions.

• “A Better Turnaround Strategy” by Sheldon Berman – Our very own superintendent was the featured author in an Ed Week editorial this month. In the article he offers a counter point to the heavy-handed approach of NCLB and lays outs his thoughts on a more effective approach to school reform. Besides being an interesting editorial, it also gives you glimpse into the though process and priorities of our new superintendent, and the likely direction he will be moving 4J schools.

• UO International Cultural Presentations for Classrooms – The International Cultural Services Program is once again making their student ambassadors from across the globe available for the 2011-2012 school year. Student ambassadors have brought cultural diversity to our community through group presentations, panel discussions, and demonstrations of regional dance, music, food and many other forms of cultural expressions. If you would like to invite an international student to speak in your class, please contact ICSP at (541) 346-1333, or at More information can also be found on the ICSP website.

• 2012 International Aviation Art Contest – The Oregon Department of Aviation is taking part in the International Aviation Art contest. This year’s theme is “Silen Flight.” Artwork is judged, at least in part, for its creative use of this year’s theme in relation to the aviation world. All artwork must be receive by the Oregon Department of Aviation by January 12, 2012 to be considered for state, national, and international judging. For more information visit the 2012 International Aviation Art Contest webpage or check out their brochure.

• National Engineers Month Sign-Up for Classrooms – Here’s an opportunity for teachers who want to give kids a glimpse of the engineering field. Attached is a document for teachers to invite a local engineer to visit your classroom during February’s National Engineers Month. See the attachment for details.

• Studies suggest students should be praised for effort over smarts – I quite like the thesis of this study. It shows that praising students for intelligence and good grades, rather than effort, can lead them to focus on the grade rather than the learning process. Designating students as different types of learners also can lead students to believe that working hard means they are not smart, according to research by Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, associate professor of psychology at UC Berkeley. “People have aptitudes that are undeniable,” he said. “We can’t all be geniuses, but we can all access learning.”

Have a good one, everybody!
