October 18, 2010

By Allan  

Hello Everyone,

I know last week was a stressful one for everybody, but I appreciate everyone’s professionalism and constructive attitudes in the face of uncertainty. I can’t imagine a better group of people to work with during these difficult times.

Three long items of note for this week:

• Sustainable Budget Regional Meeting, Monday October 25th 7:00pm-9:00pm – I’m still looking for two staff members from each school to attend this meeting. Each school can send up to four people (2 staff and 2 parents). Below is how the meeting was described to principals. Let me know by Wednesday if you can attend. If I don’t hear from anyone, I’ll open it up to more parents.

The purpose of these regional meetings is to talk about the district’s financial situation and the big choices ahead for our school system. How will we provide 21st century learning and increase student achievement in these tough economic times?

By having regional conversations, we believe we may generate some new thinking, ideas and options for change. There is great value in coming together as a system. By tackling difficult issues as a school community, we believe we will ultimately develop the best and widest range of alternatives from which to choose our future course.

The meetings are a launching point for our sustainable budget process, which continues through January. In October, we will present “Initial Scenarios”, which will be very broad, general examples of a budget-balancing strategies. A web survey will provide a way for everyone to provide input, while the regional meetings are an opportunity for conversation with all schools having an equal voice.

• Eugene Ems and Sluggo Want to Encourage Reading – The Eugene Ems have an interest in starting a reading incentive program with any elementary schools that are interested. The Ems handle all of the preparation for this reading incentive program. All teachers need to do is decide what goals they would like their students to achieve and collect the bookmarks that track the number of books they read. The Ems players and their mascot, Sluggo will come to our school for a kick-off assembly. Students may receive free Ems tickets for their family, a chance to run the bases during a game and possibly have their principal throw out the winning pitch. If enough classes are interested, I’ll arrange for an assembly, so let me know by the end of the week if you’d like to take part in this reading incentive program.
• Oregon Virtual School District—Excellent, Free Resources for Educators – The Oregon Virtual School District (OVSD) has numerous free resources to help Oregon teachers develop lesson plans. Below is a list of just a few of the resources you can access by visiting the OVSD website and creating a free account:

Free access to databases like GALE Host at elementary, middle, and high school levels. This includes full-text Lexiled reading materials that can be printed for classroom use.

Free access to entire online courses for adaptation and use in Oregon classrooms. All subject areas are included. Some of the available courses are U.S. History, AP Calculus, Oregon Writers, Earth Science, and Art Appreciation. Included are full lesson plans with student learning activities.

Free access to Moodle to create your own cyber class or house information about your in-person class that students can access via Internet at home. For example, you could post a reading assignment with a discussion question as homework, and students could discuss their reactions online.

Free access to podcast videos on a variety of educational topics.

Have a good week, everyone!
