June 14, 2010

By Allan  

Hi Everyone,

Here’s the final edition of Allan’s Announcements for the school year (and also the final non-blog version of the announcements). It’s been a very busy school year, but I can’t think of another staff I’d rather have spent it with. I hope everyone has an excellent, well earned summer break.

Five items of note for this week:

• End-of-Year Thursday Staff Gathering, Thursday, June 17th at 3:15 – Since we have a full-day with students on our last day, we can’t have our traditional staff luncheon, but after kids leave, at 3:15, we will have a Staff Root Beer Float Social (if people want to reconvene off campus, other beverages may be imbibed). This will be our opportunity to say goodbye to staff that will be leaving us and will also a chance for use to celebrate the end of another school year.
• 2010-2011 Report Back Dates – Normally in my final announcements of the year I would remind folks of the report back dates, but the calendar is currently in flux, so watch your email or the 4J websites for updates in case things change. At the moment, teachers report back on August 31st.
• Math Teacher Overview – Attached (Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade) are the math overviews that outline the units and topics teachers will be teaching at each grade level. These are the final copies that were sent to be published. This will be helpful for teachers to have as they look at their new materials. Teachers will get the published copy in September at the training. Also, remember to pack up your old Everyday Math materials before you leave for the summer, and remember to use in the boxes provided by the office.
Year End Check Lists – In your mailboxes last week are the year end checklist items that must be completed by teachers before you leave for the summer. If you need any boxes for when you begin clearing off shelves and counters, let Crystal know and she can provide you with some. Let me know if you have any questions and return completed forms to Crystal’s mailbox.
• Zimbra Calendars – Let me know if you do not have the “Silver Lea”, “Corridor”, and “Yujin Gakuen” calendars showing up for you in Zimbra. Zimbra will be the method for communicating dates next school year, so make sure you have these set-up.

Four (student) days until Summer!
