October 19, 2009

By Allan  

Hi All!

I’m feeling a bit under the weather this weekend. I don’t have a fever, so I’m planning to come in on Monday. Hopefully, I’ve got just a cold. Anyhow, remember to wash your hands frequently, cover your cough with your arm, avoid touching your face, and encourage your students to do this same.

Three items of note for this week.

• Computer Imaging Update – CIS has now updated the “Policy” for both schools. Here’s was they sent to principals and TSSs:

o You will see that “policy is done” for most schools. We know that there may still be some work left to do on policy to get all of the dock configurations exactly right and to get all of the applications to run with the correct permissions. Most of the work right now is focused on getting COW computers to accept the policy/dock settings from the server. Student logins should be working. Most lab computers are picking up the dock and have their policy set.

If you have do have student log-ins that do not work, CIS advised first shutting down the computer and trying to reenter the username and password. If that does not work, try the log-in on another computer. If it does not work at that point, email me or Marvin the student username and PIN number to have CIS work on correcting the problem.
• easyCBM Math – Math percentiles from Fall benchmark testing are now available in easyCBM. If you are progress monitoring with math in easyCBM, the district suggests intervals for administering progress monitoring measures no more than once every 3 weeks with each measure. Once a month should be perfectly adequate. This recommendation is based on research from UO looking at response to intervention in math. The district recommendations may be refined over time, but this is a good guideline and starting place. We’ll be notified when data is available in the data warehouse. 2nd grade math is slow going, but downtown is doing their best with the resources they have.
• easyCBM Progress Monitoring – There are some access issues currently occurring with the Progress Monitoring component of the EasyCBM website. Downtown has brought this to the attention of the developers and hope the issue will be solved soon.
• BLOG ONLY LINK – Crawford the Cat Videos – Here’s a fun K/1 website that has instructional videos on health and manners, such as hand washing, brushing your teeth, table manners, letting others play, and many more. You can also find most all of the videos on YouTube where you can watch them full screen. http://www.crawfordthecat.com/

Have a great week, everyone!
