May 27, 2024

By Allan  


Hello Holt Bolt Friends,

Thirty-one items of note for this week:

• Staffing Updates – Two staffing updates:

• Assistant Principal (still waiting) – The three schools adding APs interviewed six candidates a week ago and I was hoping I’d have an announcement this week, but we are still waiting to hear from district admin. Building teams made a “recommendation” but district admin make the final decision. There were three candidates I liked, so I think we’ll be happy.

• SPED Teacher (waiting for HR) – We held interviews last Thursday and I’ve submitted a candidate to HR, so we are just waiting for them to make a job offer. It was really nice that it was such a strong pool of candidates!


• Class List Review – If your grade level has not yet finished entering the Class List Google Sheet, make sure it is completed by Tuesday. Between now and June 4th, specialists, classified staff, and prior grade levels should review the class lists and share feedback with sending and receiving teams. Also, I changed the date of our time for sending and receiving teams to meet to Wednesday, June 12 because I remembered we are not to schedule meetings the week of a Grading Day. 

May 23 – June 12 –  Specialists, Classified Staff, and prior grade levels review class lists
– Spreadsheet available for staff
– Classified and licensed review lists
– Share feedback with sending & receiving teams

June 12 (W) – Sending & receiving teams do a final review of lists at Wednesday PD


• Wednesday PD: Equity & Inclusion Team – The final Equity & Inclusion Team Wednesday PD of the year is this Wednesday at 1:30 in the library.


• 24-25 Kinder Meet & Greet, WEDNESDAY @2:30 – Families with incoming kinders for next year are invited to come meet each other on Wednesday, May 29th at 2:30 on the playground. Allan will be out there to schmooze and answer questions.


• Final Book Nook, THURSDAY – Let your class know that this Thursday is the final Book Nook of the school year.


• Self-Manager Recess, FRIDAY @1:30 – We’ll hold our second Self-Manager Recess this Friday, 1:30-1:50 for Self-Managers. Send your managers down the hallway to the 2nd grade entrance door and we will have the kids responsibly walk themselves back to class down the hall after recess is over. The third and final round of applications for this year are due next week on Friday, May 31. Next year we will only do monthly Self-Manger application periods.


• Spring Benchmarking Closes, 6/3 – easyCBM Spring Benchmarking closed Monday, June 3rd, so make sure any final stragglers have completed their required benchmark assessments.


• Wednesday PD 6/5: Report Card Collaboration – In addition to the Report Card Grading Day, teachers can use this time to connect, collaborate, and prep for report cards.


• Holt Spirit Day – Tie-Dye, 6/6 – The final Spirit Day of the year is Thursday, June 6 and this time it’s Tie-Dye Day! Remind kids to wear their favorite Tie-Dye attire or just wear their Holt gear to join the fun!


• Interventionist Last Day, 6/6 – The last day for Title, ELD, and SPED groups will be Friday, June 6th.


• Fire Drill, 6/6 @1:15 – The June Fire Dill is on Thursday, June 6 at 1:15. Linked here is a copy of the Building Evacuation Map and the Fire Drill Line-Up Map


• Grading Expectations, 6/7 – Principals haven’t been sent anything new for Grading Day, so I’ll assume the expectations are the same as earlier this year:

Certified staff may work from home on this day, however they need to inform you as the building principal of their plan to work in an alternate location and how they’ll be available to their team members, if needed. Staff that have not communicated a desire to work from an alternate location will be expected to work on site. This is a working day and professional awareness is critical. Please be aware of the perception of community members if you are engaged in activities in the community instead of being at work. Classified staff need to report to the building, or use appropriate leave or trade time.


• 24-25 Holt Leadership Plan – Principals were given info about the 24-25 Leadership Plan Process. Normally schools will develop a preliminary plan in the spring and do a final approval in the fall, but downtown has acknowledged there is not enough time to do that this spring, so instead I’ll share info about the plan here and possibly at a future Staff Meeting if we have time. If you’d like a preview, linked below is the:

24-25 Holt Leadership Plan (which we’ll complete and submit to JCAC)
24-25 Leadership Plan Guidance (this is the directions on the process)
24-25 Staff Leadership Plan Slideshow (the slideshow I’ll present either this spring or fall)
EEA Memorandum of Agreement

Allocations for each school are based on the number of licensed staff and a number of schools had incorrect information, so downtown is working on fixing that, which means our amount may change. It’s currently $2,000 less than we got this year, but they were missing five licensed staff members.


• Licensed IEP/504 Time Log (2023-24) – A reminder that teachers should use the IEP/504 Time Log to request payment for up to twelve hours of additional compensation for participating in IEP or 504 meetings during planning days, prep time, or outside the workday. You’ll need to be logged onto your 4J Google Account to view the form.


• Quiet in Hallway for Testing – A reminder to keep students quiet when walking to/from lunch, recess, PE, and Music because testing is happening in the Calming Room and other rooms in the west hallways.


• Clear Tables in Commons Areas – Although folks are starting to pack things up for the end of the year, please keep tables in the common areas somewhat clear for individual and small group support and testing.


• Following Schedules – Although schedules often change with various events at the end of the year, be sure to continue to follow your regular schedule of where you are supervising or providing support. If you are pulled away from your normal schedule, be sure to communicate with those impacted if you are working outside your regular schedule.


• KITS and SEAL Info – Holt will again host KITS and SEAL this summer. Here are the details.

KITS – June 28 – Aug. 8 (MTWH, 8:00-10:00 & 12:00-2:00)
SEAL – June 24 – Aug. 9 (M-F, 8:00-2:00)

KITS – 4 classrooms
SEAL – 10 classrooms, music, gym, counselor, and office

We’ll decide at a future staff meeting which rooms will be used, but we’ll keep folks in their classroom who are teaching summer school and try to avoid people having to share their room two years in a row if possible. 


• 24-25 Report Back Dates & CalendarsEmployee Work Year Calendars for the 24-25 school year are available now. Below are a few key dates.

Elem. Principals – Wednesday, July 24
Licensed Staff – Tuesday, August 27
Classified Staff – Wednesday, August 28


• Use of Zoom – Starting next year 4J will no longer be using Zoom as a communications platform and will instead start using Google Meet to hold virtual meetings. While not as robust as the Zoom platform, there are significant cost savings with this switch.


• AVID Path Training – There is an AVID Path to Schoolwide Training this summer for any interested teachers on August 22 & 23, 2024, 8:00-3:00 at North Eugene High School. There will be extended contracts for participants. Breakfast and lunch will also be provided on both days, and the district will cover all registration costs. See the AVID Flyer for details.


• Google Drive Share Phishing Scam – I’ve heard there’s a phishing scam going around 4J where you receive a Google Drive share from someone with a 4J email, but when you open the share, it downloads a trojan to your device. The advice I heard is DO NOT open any Google Drive share you were not expecting.


• District Admin Updates – Brooke Wagner has been named Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services. Hillary Johnson will serve as Interim Communications Director. Downtown will post for a Human Resources Director, Communications Director, Assistant Superintendent of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging; and a School Safety and Risk Administrator. See this email for details.


• Electronics Recycling Competition Results – If you’re curious here are the Electronics Recycling Competition Results. We collected 284 pounds of electronics and came in fourth place.


• Final Walking Challenge of School Year – The final Walker Tracker Challenge of the year started Sunday, May 26 through June 1. Join the Holt Team and compare your steps with your colleagues. For this challenge only, six teams can win the $300 cash prize by finishing in first or second place for:

1. Tallying the most steps either by walking or engaging in physical activities (which can be converted to steps in the app)
2. Obtaining the highest average of steps/activities
3. Posting the most pictures related to the challenge’s theme to the Walker Tracker app dashboard.

In addition, the top eight individuals with the most steps/activities will take home an Oregon State Parks pass.


• Staff Summer Reading Picks!I love hearing what other people are reading, so send me a book recommendation you think others should read or share a book you’re hoping to read this summer. One I just got in the mail this weekend that I’m hoping to read is Bluebeard’s Castle by Anna Biller. It’s supposed to be a feminist makeover of traditional gothic fiction, but what made me want to read it is the author made a bonkers movie called The Love Witch that was a loving homage to psychedelic films of the ’60s, but with a modern feminist twist. I always have too many books I intend to read over the summer, but I’m making sure I read this one. So email, text, or tell me what you’re reading or what you think everyone else should read! I’ll share the results in my last Staff Announcements of the school year.


• 5 Super Common End-of-Year Behavior Issues (Plus How to Address Them!) – Nothing earth-shattering, but good reminders from WeAreTeachers about addressing end-of-year behaviors.


• End-of-Year Printables – WeAreTeachers shared a few different end-of-year printables I figured I’d pass along. There are Last Day Signs, Last Day Activities, Summer Reading Challenge, Classroom Awards (B&W and Color), and a Summer Reading Log Activity.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• PTO Childcare EA Help in June – Any EAs interested in helping with childcare at the June 6 PTO meeting, 5:30-7:30? The PTO will pay extended contract or I can offer trade time if you’d rather bank some hours for a grading day. Let me know if you are interested.

• MySAEBRS 2-5 Student Self-Eval Closed FRIDAY – A reminder that 2nd through 5th grade students should complete the MySAEBRS self-evaluation by the end of the month. See the SAEBRS Slideshow for details.

• easyCBM Spring Benchmark Closes June 3 – The spring easyCBM Benchmark Testing Window closes June 3rd. See Debbi’s Email for details.

• Science Kit Packing & Storing – See Maggie Cline’s Email for details, but grade level teams should make note of the Materials Request Form if your team needs any materials refreshed for next school year.

• Erin’s Law & Second Step Child Safety Unit – There are still three weeks of school left, but all classroom teachers should use the Second Step Child Protection Unit for meeting the state Erin’s Law requirements. For each grade level, there are six lessons, which are to be covered at three points in the school year, with Lessons 1-4 in the fall, lesson 5 right before spring break, and lesson 6 right before summer break (within the last two weeks of school). Each grade level has their own kit, but linked here are Child Protection Unit Scans of the teacher guides if that makes things easier.


• HANDBOOK HIGHLIGHT: Dismissal – This week’s highlight from the Holt Staff Handbook, is on Dismissal, but the two main reminders from the handbook are that:

1. Full-time staff are to supervise outside and buses until the bell rings 10 minutes after dismissal.
2. Make sure that bus kids line up in their wing and wait to be led down the main hall by a staff member (not on their own).

Student dismissal

• Dismissal is at 2:25 MTHF and 1:10 on Wednesday. All students will be released as close as possible to 2:25/1:10 to maximize instructional time.
• Students and staff have assigned locations for dismissal. Each year staff will revisit who will supervise necessary areas (see map at end of document)
• Teachers who are supervising outside should escort their students to the designated area for pick up. Exit the door and wait with students in the grade levels areas. Students are to remain with teachers until family-teacher contact is made. Older siblings will meet their younger siblings at the younger sibling’s dismissal site.
• Teachers supervising bus riders have students line up in their wing and wait to be led down the main hall by a staff member.
• All staff should remain in supervision areas until 10 minutes after the dismissal bell whether or not students are still present
• Any students remaining shall be walked to the office
• If there is a change in normal dismissal procedure for a student, the office will send a green note indicating how they are getting home. Otherwise, students will follow their regular procedures set up by families at the beginning of the year. Students may only be released to parents or authorized representative of the parent listed on the student’s school file. Authorization must be done in writing or via phone call to the school. Adults picking up students during the regular school day are asked to do so through the office.


• Dismissal is at 2:25 PM. All students will be released as close to 2:25 as possible to maximize instructional time. Before the school year begins, staff will decide who is on duty and where. Students attending YMCA, Unity School, KidZone, onsite after school enrichment, or other after school care or organization should be released to their designated spot. Wednesday dismissal is 1:10.
• All staff present at the end of the day participate in dismissal supervision. In the fall, staff will be allocated an area or duty to supervise, which will be located on a school map and shared with all staff
• Teachers should escort their remaining students to grade level designated area to be picked up. Exit the door and wait in the location indicated by teams. Students are to remain with the teacher until family/teacher contact is made. Older student siblings are to meet their younger siblings at their dismissal site, by traveling through the building and exiting the same door as the younger sibling.
• If there is a change in normal dismissal procedures for students, the office will send a green note indicating how they are getting home. Otherwise, students will stick with the regular procedures set up by families at the beginning of the year. Students may be released only to parents or an authorized representative of the parents. Authorization must be in writing or via phone call to the school. Adults picking up students during the regular school day are asked to do so through the office. Office personnel will call the child’s classroom and the student will be dismissed to meet the adult in the office. Families will never come to the classroom to pick up their students. The only exception to this might be students in one of our special education programs who have made special arrangements with their case manager.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the rest of the year:

May 27 (M)
No School – Memorial Day

May 28 (T)
4th Grade Staff Room Duty
Library Last Week – Book Return Week
Artist in Residence Continues (Calming Room)
easyCBM Spring Benchmark Open (5/13 – 6/3)
Spring SAEBRS Last Week (May 1-31)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)

May 29 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Equity & Inclusion (Library)
2:30-3:30, 24-25 Kinder Meet & Greet (Playground)
4:00-5:00, Allan to SEAL Admin Meeting (Ed Center)

May 30 (H)
8:50-10:35, Final Book Nook (Cafeteria)
1:00, Oheros 4th grade – Are you smarter than a 4th grader?
2:45, Leadership Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)
3:30-5:00, Allan to KG Smart Start (Ed Center)
5:30-7:30, Retirement Celebration / Golden Apple (formerly ACE) Awards

May 31 (F)
Spring SAEBRS Window Closes
1:30-1:50, Self-Manager Recess

June 1 (SA)
Girls on the Run 5k & Final Celebration

June 3 (M)
5th Grade Staff Room Duty
easyCBM Spring Benchmark Last Day
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem Principal Meeting (Ed Center)

June 4 (T)
10:00-5:30, 5th Grade Outdoor School Day

June 5 (W)
Happy “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” Day
Holt BIPOC Affinity Group
10:00-5:30, 5th Grade Outdoor School Day
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Report Card Collaboration Time
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

June 6 (H)
Holt Spirit Day – Tie Dye Day!
Last Day for Title, ELD, and SPED Groups
10:00-5:30, 5th Grade Outdoor School Day
5:00-6:00, Site Council Meeting (Library)
6:00-7:00, PTO Meeting (Library)

June 7 (F)
No School – Grading Day

June 10 (M)
ELD/Speech/Counselor/Library Staff Room Duty
Dynamos Store
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up

June 11 (T)
No PE or Music Classes
Field Day – Times TBA
Birthday Drinks & Goodies in Staff Room

June 12 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Teams Review Class Lists

June 13 (H)
8:30-10:30, Holt Kindergarten Park Field Trip
9:00-12:20, 5th Grade Walking Field Trip to Movies
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (if needed)
6:00-7:00, Accessible Education Parent Group

June 14 (F)
Last Day for Students, 11:10 Dismissal
Last Day for Classified Staff
Grab-and-Go Lunches
-10:25 – Kinder
-10:30 – 1st
-10:35 – 2nd
-10:40 – 3rd
-10:45 – 4th
11:00-11:10, 5th Grade Clap Out
11:30-12:30, Annual End-of-Year Gathering

June 17 (M)
Last Day for Licensed Staff

June 28 – August 8
KITS at Holt, 7:30-3:30 (MTWH)

July 10 – August 15
SEAL at Holt, 7:30-3:30 (MTWHF)

July 24 (W)
Allan Reports Back (though I’m at SEAL July 1-19)

August 12 (M)
Secretaries Report Back

August 27 (T)
Licensed Staff Report Back

August 28 (H)
Classified Staff Report Back


Twelve and a half days to go!
