Week of November 27, 2017

November 26th, 2017

Hello Shining Stars,

I hope everyone had a refreshing extended weekend and is ready for the three weeks leading up to winter break. With last week so short, there’s not too many announcements this time around.  However,  I do want to commend the third grade team for their amazing efforts to restructure reading time. Erin Reckers, Erin Piper, and Zelene Flores have been doing amazing work to support our 3rd graders with inclusive tier 3 group time.  It is already making a big difference in student reading skills.  If you have time to come see them, I encourage you to see these innovative teachers in action.  It is pretty impressive. 

I also want to recognize the whole staff for pulling together a strong and highly involved fall parent conference session.  I believe we helped families become well informed about their children and we too learned a lot about our students.  

We do not have a lot of specific  things to share this week but  please read through the events coming up:

• Fire Drill Tuesday at 2:10- We will be having a fire drill on Tuesday at 2:10.  Please check that you have current attendance sheets and have reviewed exit routes with your students. Rain or shine.

• Hour of Code Next Week – The Hour of Code is happening next week, December 4-8, during Computer Science Education Week, if teachers can squeeze in an hour of coding. One other resource, besides Code.org, HourofCode.org, and Edutopia shared earlier, there’s also some good resources at Khan Academy. I’ve added a link to Code.org on Howard’s Links for Learners webpages, but let me know if you’d like any other links added.

• Instructional Technology Winter Workshops – Available to all 4J K-12 staff are FREE instructional technology workshops now through January. Workshops being offered include:

• Google Classroom for K-5 Teachers
• Creativity & Digital Storytelling
• Foundations of Google Apps Part 1 & 2
• Digital Portfolios with Seesaw
• Edpuzzle – Engage students with videos
• Create, Update, and Maintain a classroom website
• Introd uiten to SMART Notebook
• Advanced SMART Notebook & CCSS/NGSS Standards

Detailed information for all workshops being offered and online registration can be found at: http://www-old.4j.lane.edu/workshops

Winter Walk & Roll to School Day!

Wednesday, December 6th, is our Winter Walk & Roll Day! We’re encouraging all students to walk, bike, carpool or ride the bus to school. If you live a long way from school, try parking a ten minute walk from school and walking the rest of the way. Older students can walk on their own; younger students will need to walk or bike with an adult. The class with the most “walkers and rollers” (including bus riders and carpoolers) will win a hot cocoa party!  

Our goal is to reduce traffic and pollution around our school and to promote physical activity for our students. Students who ride the bus are doing their part by participating in the biggest carpool of all! Teaching your child to use their body to get to school and other places builds their confidence, keeps them physically fit, and can be fun for the whole family!

You can find walking and biking groups by clicking here.

Schedule of Upcoming Events

November 27 (M)

9:00-9:30- In Piper’s classroom.

9:30-11:30, Joel in  attendance support meetings.

12:00-2:30, Joel in Classroom Observations

4:00-5:30, AIM4S3 Webinar Begins in Library

November 28 (T)
8:15-11:15, Joel to Elementary Principals’ Meeting (Ed Center)
12:00-1:30, Joel in Classroom Observations

2:10 PM, Fire Drill

3:15-5:00, Joel to the Immersion Task Force Meeting

November 29 (W)
Asemblea, 8:10-8:35, Special assembly  guest, short Tae Kwan Do performance. 

8:30-11:00, Charis McGaughy, Assistant Sup. School Visit

12:00- 12:30, Audrey Lucero Meeting

2:00-3:00, Grade Level PLC in classrooms

November 30 (H)

8:30-11:00, Joel in Classroom Observations

1:20-2:20, Joel in Formal Observation

December 1 (F)

8:30-11:00, Joel in Classroom Observations

12:00-12:30, Attendance Support Meeting

7:00-9:00 PM, Know Your Rights Session for the North Region-

Contact Alicia if you want to support this event.

December 4 (M)
8:30-11:00, Joel in Classroom Observations

December 5 (T)

8:30-11:00, Joel in Classroom Observations

5:30-7:30, North Region Visioning Community Engagement Event (Kelly MS)

December 6 (W)

8:30-11:00, Joel in Classroom Observations

2:00-3:00, Number Talks Session 2 with Reid Shepard (Staff Meeting) 
6:00-8:00, First Responder City of Eugene Event  (at our School)

December 7 (H)

8:30-11:00, Joel in Classroom Observations

December 8 (F)

8:30-11:00, Joel in Classroom Observations

6:00-8:00-ish, Movie Night Parent Involvement Activity

Looking a little further ahead:

  • December 9, Centro Latino Americano, Fiesta Navideña Community Event at our school.
  • December 6, City of Eugene First Responders bilingual outreach event at our school.
  • December 16, Winter Break begins.
  • January 2, Professional Development Day at River Road/ El Camino del Rio, Science Unit is the topic. (We will be hosting)
  • January 3, School resumes

Have an excellent week, everyone!


Week of November 20, 2017

November 19th, 2017
We had a great turnout for the  Spanish North Eugene Visioning Session.  A special thanks goes toKaren Perez Da Silva, Edith Gómez, Alicia Longoria, Vanessa Vasquez, Allan Chinn and the Howard staff who came to help with this event. Parents words were authentic  and telling about their children’s futures. It was so powerful to hear them and honor them.
It is going to be a short week but a packed week into that short time.  On these long days, take a breath and a moment to take care of your self.  I must tell you that I am so thankful to work with such a great staff. Do not hesitate  to connect with me if you need support in communicating with a parent.  I have  a few parent meetings now but am fairly open to support you during the sessions on Monday and Tuesday.
• Last week’s staff meeting was powerful and productive-
If you want to read more on Zaretta Hammond’s work or to reflect on your own practices, I encourage you to read the following links.  Also, You may want to watch this video by Ta-Nehisi Coates again.
Here are specific practices that she encourages teachers to use in classrooms:
Zaretta Hammond Culturally Responsive Practices  
This is a link to understand how your use of language in the classroom matters greatly.
How Does your Positionality Bias your Epistemology  
And this is the video we watched in the meeting.

• Parent Math Resources – If parents ever ask you for information about LearnZillion, you can direct them to the 4J webpage: Elementary Family and Community Math Resources .One particularly helpful document explains some of the shifts we’ve made in math instruction; Help Your Child with Productive Struggle. 

• Conferences and Specialists & Classified Staff – Specialists (Title, SPED, ELD, Music, PE, etc.) are to be working during conferences in some capacity and are available to families if they would like to meet. For classified staff, Tuesday and Wednesday are regular work days unless you have time saved up. Classified Staff, please make sure you submit a comp time form to me  if you plan to use it. MariCarmen has the forms.

Small Group Behavior Training with Kim Reinhardt- All Classified EA’s are expected to be in a training from 8:30-9:30 on Tuesday morning in the library.  I will honor comp time after 9:30 but not before that time. Awbrey Park EA’s will also be in attendance. 

• Title 1 Compacts – This is a reminder about how to use compacts.

• PLEASE have families sign these at conferences.
• If we can only get you and the student to sign, then make a photocopy for Title 1, and THEN the original will be sent home to be signed. If it comes back, great! If it doesn’t, no biggie. We’ll have the copy showing we tried. 
• Once you have signed compacts, please return them to Aline. 

• Verification of family Information forms- All teachers will receive verification forms for their families.  We will need these checked by families for accuracy.  After the conferences, bring them by the office for updating Synergy.

• Assistance for Corridor Fire – As most staff know, a great deal of classroom materials are staff-funded. If staff feel so inclined, teachers at Corridor are looking for support to replace damaged. It you are having a hard time finding space for all your stuff in your new classroom, consider what you could do to help Corridor teachers  get back on their feet with that extra stuff.

-Classroom calendar
-Bulletin board borders
-Bulletin board letters (varied sizes)
-Classroom job poster
-Classroom Birthday poster
-Cursive poster
-Number line
-Multiplication chart poster
-Place value poster
-Varied math posters (hundred chart, other content related posters) -Varied writing posters (editing posters, writing aids, etc) -Name/checklist posters (you know, the ones you can log reading minutes or things being turned in for each student)
-Inspirational quote posters
-Character Trait posters and materials
-Lots of Oregon Duck stuff (duh)
-Various writing paper/cards for letter writing for the kids (fun prints, envelopes, decorated computer paper)
-Anything paper (construction paper, reams of computer paper, lined paper, spiral notebooks, etc)
-Various yarn (hair colored (Oregon Trail art project) and other colors) -Various fabric (printed and plain)
-Yards and yards of muslin
-Rolls of batting (for story quilts)
-Stickers (various kinds, lots and lots)
-Approximately 6 rolls of postage stamps (my kids write letters and we mail them)
-Boxes of ziploc bags (small, medium and large)
-32 clipboards 


Schedule of Upcoming Events 

November 20 (M)

12:50-1:45, Joel in a Formal Observation

1:45-2:20, School Wide Dance Party to Celebrate hitting $10,000.00

4:00-8:00, Parent/Teacher Conferences 

4:00-5:30, Joel to All Admin Meeting (Ed Center) 

5:00-6:00, PTO Provided Dinner (Staff Room) 

November 21 (T) 

Student Care Team Referrals Due
8:00-8:00, Parent Teacher Conferences

5:00-6:00, PTO Provided Dinner (Staff Room)

November 22 (W) 

No School – Teacher Comp Day for Conferences

Regular Work Day for Classified Staff 

November 23 (H) 

No School – Thanksgiving Break 

November 24 (F) 

No School – Thanksgiving Break 

November 27 (M) 

12:00-2:30, Joel in Classroom Observations

4:00-5:30, AIM4S3 Webinar Begins in Library New teachers and all who want to check in with Lis Meyers.

November 28 (T) 

9:00- 9:30, Joel in an observation.

8:15-11:15, Joel to Elementary Principals’ Meeting (Ed Center)

12:00-2:30, Joel in Classroom Observations

3:15-5:00, Joel in the Immersion Task force Meeting Downtown

November 29 (W) 

8:10-8:25, Asemblea-  Tae Kwan Do Demonstration part of the assembly.

8:30-11:00, Charis McGaughy, Assistant superintendent to visit the school.

12:00-2:30, Joel in classrooms.

Grade Level PLC Meeting for all classroom teachers.

November 30 (H) 

9:00-11:00, Joel in classrooms in the AM.

12:00-2:30, Office Hours

December 1 (F) 

9:00-11:00, Joel in classrooms in the AM.

12:00-2:30, Office Hours

7:00-9:00 PM, KYR Session with Luis Garcia 


That is all for this week. 



Week of November 13, 2017

November 11th, 2017


Hello Etrellas Brillantes, This is the last full week before Thanksgiving and Conferences. Make it a great one.  I just wanted to show some gratitude to Jennifer Harris for her relentless support of teachers and office staff with our most challenging students.  She approaches every support for children and families with love, resiliences, an a belief in young people succeeding.  Thank you so much for serving our kids Jennifer.  You skills are greatly appreciated and recognized by us all. 

Conference Support:

Remember, if you need to have Director Lavin (me) or Counselor Jennifer Harris with you in your conference then please sign us up this week! We are happy to help you and make our selves available to support you in the conferences. Also,  make sure you are actively seeking our parents for conferences. It can be easy for some families to forget to sign up for an appointment. We all have busy lives. Here are the Sign Up genius links again:

Classroom teachers conference links:
















New School Choice Application and Visitation Window: January 1-31, 2018-  This year is a much shorter school choice season. Program overview in Spanish and English: January 24 (W), 5:30-6:30 PM, Snacks and childcare provided Guided Tours in Spanish and English: January 8 (M) at 12:00-1:00 PM and January 11 (Th) at 9:00 – 10:00 AM January 22 (M) 9:00-10:00 AM and January 25th (Th) 12:00- 1:00 PM Any help with school choice expo would also be great.  I will be there but having a teacher or school cheerleader is also really nice.  This year it is shorter, 2 hours instead of 4 hours.  It is on January 6 from 10:00 am to 12:00 at the Ed Center.

January 2nd PD Day will be focused on Science- This year you will learn the third Unit for your classroom. We will be hosting it in our classrooms this year in January.  

Data Team will be this Friday- Be prepared to share important information on Mathematics instruction.  We will be focused on how CORE math instruction is going and also what strategies you use for students who need remedial or advanced supports.  This meeting, Joel (me) will be running the data teams with our ESC out.   Tier 2 Instruction will be a major topic of discussion in Math, not reading groups or Tier 3 literacy.

Latino Cultures in the United States Resource– Google launched a free, digital collection that aims to preserve and share stories related to Latino history,  culture and contributions in the United States — content that has traditionally been underrepresented both online and offline, according to the company. The release was timed with National Hispanic Heritage Month.The Google Arts & Culture: Latino Cultures in the U.S. curates more than 4,300 archives and 90 multimedia exhibits. In addition to arts and culture, individuals can explore the lives of influential Latino figures featured in the collection, ranging from activist Dolores Huerta, to National Baseball Hall of Fame athlete Roberto Clemente, to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

Getting better at AIM4S3 Live Webinars-This year  we will be offering 6 webinars to support  your work with AIM4S3. These sessions are designed to help teachers who have not been through the initial training for AIM4S3.  They are offered to you for free but will not be paid extended contract sessions.  The PD is completely voluntary and is open to anyone  on staff including classified staff. The sessions will mainly run on Wednesday in the Library with some Mondays from 4:00-5:30.  I will provide snacks and  beverages at each session. These PD sessions will be taught by Lisa Meyers who did our previous PD  sessions at the old building. Wednesday, November 29 Wednesday, January 10 Monday, February 5 Wednesday, March 7 Wednesday, April 18 Wednesday, May 9

Dance Party will be 1:45-2:20 on Monday before conferences!  The school will be having an awesome dance party on November 20th right before conferences in order to celebrate our  goal of raising over 9,000  for the school.  There will be some school wide Go Noodle  dancing as well as some special requests. If you have suggestions for specific  songs or fun movement activities pass them on to Mr. Adee, our DJ!

Community Resources  Items:

 Community Meeting to Learn About 4J Vision 20/20 Nov. 14, 6-7 p.m., Kennedy MS Please join 4J Superintendent Dr. Gustavo Balderas on Nov. 14 at a community meeting to learn about 4J Vision 20/20, the school district’s strategic plan. 4J Vision 20/20was developed in partnership with the community and adopted earlier this year by the school board. The plan is a roadmap to guide the school district’s efforts and resources for the next three to five years. Everyone is welcome! Learn more about 4J Vision20/20: www.4j.lane.edu/4jvision2020.

4J Superintendent Community Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 6–7 p.m. at Kennedy Middle School, 2200 Bailey Hill Rd., Eugene. Por favor únase con el superintendente de 4J, el Dr. Gustavo Balderas, el 14 de noviembre en una reunión comunitaria para informarse acerca de la visión 20/20, el plan estratégico del distrito. El plan fue desarrollado con la colaboración de la comunidad y adoptado a principios de este año por los miembros de la junta directiva. El plan es un mapa para guiar los esfuerzos y recursos por los siguientes tres a cinco años. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Entérese mas acerca de la visión 20/20 de 4J en: www.4j.lane.edu/4jvision2020.

Reunión Comunitaria con el Superintendente: martes, 14 de noviembre de 6 a 7 p.m. en la escuela secundaria Kennedy, 2200 Bailey Hill Road, Eugene.

North Region Visioning Process: Get Engaged: Share your Views, Shape your Schools Help Define Future of North Eugene Region 

Please share information with your parents in Class Dojo, SeeSaw  or your newsletter:Students, families, staff and neighbors are encouraged to take part in the district’s North Region Visioning Process at a community engagement event. Attendees will participate in energizing design activities and share their voices to help guide future decisions, as our schools seek to better serve our community’s diverse students and families. These community engagement events are part of 4J’s North Region Visioning Process, a regional focus including an opinion- and idea-gathering process involving North Eugene area parents, students, school staff and community members. The aim is to identify and implement a unified vision for North Region schools in the coming years. The North Region Visioning Process follows on the districtwide 4J Vision 20/20 strategic planning process. Visioning processes in other regions will follow.


SPANISH/ESPAÑOL: Childcare will be available and light meal will be provided to attendees Thursday, November 16 / jueves, 16 de noviembre, 5:30–7:30 p.m. River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School, 120 W. Hilliard Lane. (RSVP or invite friends on Facebook ENGLISH: Childcare and meal information TBA Tuesday, December 5, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Kelly Middle School, 850 Howard Ave. (RSVP or invite friends on Facebook

Gender Revolution Parent Night- This is a great event. I encourage you to share with families. What: A showing of Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric, as seen on National Geographic Channel, Spring 2017. Katie Couric sets out to explore the rapidly evolving complexities of gender identity. When: Monday, November 13, 6:00–7:45 p.m. Where: 4J District Office, Tower Room, 200 N. Monroe St., Eugene Who is Invited: Parents and guardians of 4J students RSVP:We have limited seating for this event. It is expected to fill up quickly. Sign up online by going to: www.eventbrite.com/e/gender-revolution-parent-night-tickets-39401993423 This event will be facilitated by Dr. Karen Pérez-Da Silva, Equity, Instruction & Partnership Administrator; Brianna Stiller, co-author of School District 4J’s policy to support gender diversity; Sarah Swofford, parent of a 4J student; and Ardyn Wolfe, parent of a 4J student. The evening will include a welcoming address, documentary showing, think/pair/share activities, Q & A and contact information regarding local resources for family support. Contact Karen Pérez-Da Silva 541-790-7714, Ed.D.

Dr. Monty Neill at EEA Tuesday, Nov. 28, 3:45-4:45, EEA/SEA Building, 2815 Coburg Rd. 4J staff is invited to join EEA and SEA in welcoming Dr. Monty Neill, Executive Director of FairTest. The National Center for Fair & Open Testing has been working for over 30 years to end the misuses and flaws of standardized testing and to ensure that the evaluation of students, teachers and schools is fair, open, valid and educationallybeneficial. Handy Links


These are  the major events for the next couple weeks and a few looking ahead to December:

November 13 (M)

Joel in classrooms most of the day, except lunch recess mid day.

November 14 (U)

Bilingual EA Interviews from 9:45-2:00 PM  (Conference Room)

3:00-3:30, New Teacher Check In

5-6,Site Council (Library)

6-7:15, Parent Group (Library) Childcare and Snacks  Provided

November 15 (W)

8:10-8:30, Asemblea de Virtudes

2:00-3:00, Staff Meeting- Agenda –

30 minutes-Equity Conversation

10 minutes- ALICE Debrief

10 minutes LEL  Share out- What is it about anyways?

November 16 (H)

9:00-11:00, Joel in Classrooms

Joel, Alexis, Erin B out at LEL B All Day (Yujin Gawkwin)

6:00-7:00,  Zumba for Families in the Cafeteria

5:30-7:30, North Eugene Spanish Visioning Session at El Camino del Rio

November 17 (F)

Data Team- Room 209 (7:45-2:30)

November 20 (M)

1:45-2:20, School Wide Dance Party to Celebrate hitting $10,000.00

4:00-8:00, Conferences Begin 

November 21 (T)

8:00- 8:00 PM conferences continue.

November 22 (W)

No School – Teacher Compensation Day

November 23 (H)

Thanksgiving – No School

November 24 (F)

4J Holiday- No School 

November 27 (M)

12:00-2:30, Joel in Classroom Observations

4:00-5:30, AIM4S3 Webinar Begins in Library

November 28 (T)

12:00-2:30, Joel in Classroom Observations


December 1 (F)

7:00 PM-Late, KYR Seminar for Families

Looking a little further ahead:

  • December 9, Centro Latino Americano, Fiesta Navideña Community Event at our school.
  • December 6, City of Eugene First Responders bilingual outreach event at our school.
  • December 16, Winter Break begins.

Have a great week everyone!



Week of November 6, 2017

November 4th, 2017

Hello Shining Stars,

What an amazing week!  I am so proud of how much we shone last week.  The DDLM event was simply spectacular.  If you have not liked our Facebook Page, please do. There are some wonderful photos of the event online.  It is also a new location for the news of the school. If you have photos to share of cool activities, you are welcome to add them to the social media page.  https://www.facebook.com/elcaminodelrioelementary/

Seesaw Teacher Resource: ­ I’ve seen quite a few classes using this, so I thought I’d

share that Seesaw now offers free online professional development courses every month and also have a robust library of recordings. Whether you’re a beginner or a total pro, you’ll find a session to pique your interest, across all grade levels and subject areas. https://web.seesaw.me/professionaldevelopment

Student Care Team Resources – Below are a few community resources that were unused at last Wednesday’s Student Care Team that you can feel free to share with families should the need come up. 

• Dusk to Dawn Program – Families and adults in need of overnight shelter can access the Dusk to Dawn Programs administered by St. Vincent de Paul; families with children under 18 at First Place Family Center, 1995 Amazon Pkwy and adults at the Eugene Service Station, 456 Hwy 99N.

• Oregon Family Support Network, Lane CountyOFSN Lane County partners with families of children who experience behavioral, emotional or mental health challenges to help them succeed at home, school and in life. They work with parents, foster parents, grandparents and others, offering Parents Night Out (or respite care), System Navigation and Peer Support, Family Fun Activities, Support Groups, Wraparound Family Partners, Resource, Referral and IEP Support, Collaborative Parenting Series, Mental Health First Aid Training (Adult and Youth), and more.

• Central Housing ListLane County’s Coordinated Entry program is one central list that homeless families can get onto that will place them on the wait list for all of the community agencies that provide housing assistance (i.e. Catholic Community Services, St. Vincent De Paul, Shelter Care, Looking Glass, etc.).

• Oregon Telephone Assistance Program (OTAP) – Free phones are offered through the Public Utility Commission to qualifying low income individuals. People can apply by email, phone, or print out application from on the OTAP website.

• Energy Assistance, Energy Education, and Weatherization Programs ­ 

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) opens in Lane County  Wednesday, November 1st. ON­LINE WAITING LIST This year, households can get on  an agency’s LIHEAP waiting list one of two ways. They can call a LIHEAP agency, or  they can go on­line and place themselves on the list. We believe the on­line option will  be faster and easier than calling an agency. To use the on­line option, the customer should go to: www.lanecounty.org/energyassistance

• 10 Reasons Why You Should Implement Digital Student Portfolios: Here is a great article if you like Seesaw.  With social media becoming the norm for many families,  the idea of sharing with families authentic student work in real time is becoming common place in many schools.  I suggest you read this article if this idea intrigues you.  

• ALICE This Week- Do not forget that we have ALICE  Drills on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  Please review these materials.  It is a HIGH PRIORITY TO DO SO.  The link to all materials except the book is below.



Here is the calendar for the next two weeks:

November 6 (M)

9:00-11:00, Classroom Observations

November 7 (T)

9:00-11:00, Classroom Observations

1:50-2:20, Alice Prep Lesson

3:00-3:30, Outdoor School Meeting (Conference Room)

November 8 (W)

9:00 AM, Alice Drill

9:30-11:00, Classroom Observations

2:00-3:00, PBIS Meeting in Library

November 9 (H)

9:30-11:00, Classroom Observations

6:00-7:00,  Zumba for Families in the Cafeteria

November 10 (F)

No School- Veteran’s Day

November 13 (M)

Joel in classrooms most of the day, except lunch recess mid day.

November 14 (U)

3:00-3:30, New Teacher Check In

November 15 (W)

8:10-8:30, Asemblea de Virtudes

2:00-3:00, Staff Meeting- Agenda forthcoming.

November 16 (H)

9:00-11:00, Joel in Classrooms

Joel, Alexis, Erin B out at LEL B All Day (Yujin Gawkwin)

6:00-7:00,  Zumba for Families in the Cafeteria

5:30-7:30, North Eugene Spanish Visioning Session at El Camino del Rio

November 17 (F)

Joel running Data Team All Day

November 20 (M)

1:45-2:20, School Wide Dance Party to Celebrate hitting $10,000.00

4:00-8:00, Conferences Begin 

Looking a little further ahead:

  • November 20, Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-8
  • November 21, Parent Teacher Conferences, 8-8
  • November 22-24, Fall Break December 1, KYR Session with attorney Luis Garcia(Chavo’s brother)
  • December 3, Centro Latino Americano, Fiesta del Invierno at our school. 
  • December 6, City of Eugene First Responders bilingual outreach event at our school. December 16, Winter Break begins.

Have a great week everyone!
