Week of October 10

October 9th, 2016


Hello Shining Stars,

I want to put out a big thank you to our teachers, volunteers and parent group for making the Caminata such a big success. It was a great way to end the week.


Reminders and Announcements:

SMART Goal Template: GOALS ARE DUE by Saturday, OCTOBER 15:
I am striving to (ultimate outcome).
As of ___________(Fall date)_______________(grade/class/cohort) had the (average/raw) score of ____________ (points/percentage) in ______________(specific area/skill) as measured by  _____________ (assessment). By __________ (mid-year date) the ____________(points/percentage) will increase by ______________________ and by end of year by ____________________.
To accomplish this, I will (activities).
Many of you already have goals meetings set.  I sent out invites earlier in the week along with instructions via email. Please understand that these can be done without a completed goal  but that you need to submit the goals BEFORE October 15.
Here is another school’s Smart Goals Form for Math and Reading Goals. They are pretty nicely worded and can work as a guide for goals but do not match our Dual language curriculum very well. You might also consider writing a SMART goal on language and use the FLOSEM for your formative assessment.
Staff Lounge Clean up and Treats: Team Dorado –Karen (team leader), Zelene, Erin B, Katie Perry,Lee, Peggy Lima
Site Council Agenda for October 11 at 5:00 PM: (Milagra, Kim, Megan, Olivia, and Andrea Garcia(new) will be representing  on this team. We still need a classified representative.)
1. Review Group Agreements from previous years for the benefit of new member.
2. Discuss the Dual Language Curriculum and Title 1 Night.
3. Report on the new Pasaporte Intervention materials and Dreambox software.
4. Discuss  attendance awareness roll out.
Curriculum Night Thursday, October 13, 2016 from 5:45-8:00:
Are you wondering about the structure and content of this year’s curriculum night?  We are designing it this year to be very family friendly.  Teachers, you might want to join families for dinner. We are having a beans and rice meal with a meat and vegetarian option.  It should be good company and a great chance to interact with families. Aline and I will run a short presentation for a 1/2 hour before the 2 classroom sessions which should give you time to get settled in and share. Here is a link to my Google Slide Show if you want a preview. Childcare is provided too. Families will still need to take care of children under 3 but we have caregivers ready to help this year.
District PBIS Referral Forms Streamlined – In an effort to streamline data being collected across the district, downtown is looking to create a uniform set of behavior referrals (i.e. Level 1, 2, and 3s). They also want to streamline and get some uniformity in terms of what is considered a Level 1, 2, or 3 referral. This seems like a great idea to me, but there is going to be a process to create these forms, so there likely won’t be any changes until later this year or next school year.
Mandatory Bus Safety Training 2016-2017 – As required by OAR 581-53-002, all students must receive instruction on bus safety before winter break. The intent of the rule is to reach the occasional riders who find themselves on a bus because of a field trip or other activity. Linked here is the information sent to principals and also some bus safety information (English and Spanish) to use if you’d like, but to meet the requirement the easiest method is by showing the the classic 1997 bus safety video The Safest Way Out. Once you have completed your chosen method of meeting the requirement, please let Myka know the date and the training method used.
Language Translation Support – Downtown asked principal to share that teachers (and also principals) have been contacting Debi Starr at the ELD office about immediate needs for translation services. Many of these requests could be easily managed through the Language Link telephone translation service. It is very easy to use, especially when time is of the essence. See the linked Language Link Directions for how to access this service. I’ve used it a couple times and it’s worked well.
Lexiles on easyCBM – I was reviewing easyCBM scores this past week and noticed that class reports now include a column for reading Lexile, which could be an easy way for teachers to pair students up with appropriate level of books to read. Some books have the Lexile scores on them, but you can also go to the Lexile website to search by book, author, or ISBN. 3rd and  our 3/4 blend  is planning on doing this and are formulating a SMART Goal around Lexile Scores. Ask them about it!
Column Advancement Deadline – For licensed staff, October 15th is the deadline for submitting information for column advancement. Linked here is the Application for Column Advancement that needs to be returned to HR if you are seeking advancement on the salary schedule.

Teaching and Learning:

Multiple Measures of Data (link to entire document) – This is a quick, informative read that provides a conceptual foundation and reasoning for the kinds of data that should be examined in school-wide improvement (whole system), GLTMs/Department (grade level/individual student differentiation), and Data Team (targeted, individualized intervention).  Take a look at this more wholistic way to consider student progress.

Materials on Hurricane Matthew: This has been a devastating storm to people in the United States and Haiti. Learn more about it and share so our students understand this natural phenomenon better.

Here Are Resources On Helping Victims Of Matthew (& Learning About Hurricanes) With devastation already in Haiti, and millions evacuating coastal areas in the United States, Hurricane Matthew appears to be a terrible storm. How to Help Victims of Hurricane Matthew is from NBC in Los Angeles. Here’s additional info on how to help from The Weather Channel.

 Equity and Inclusion:

 New film for possible school viewing: Film – Every Row a Path

For migrant families in rural America,survival isn’t easy. For five young women in Washington’s Skagit Valley, survival isn’t enough. In the berry fields of Washington State’s Skagit Valley, migrant teenage girls struggle to balance family and school with back-breaking agricultural work.Statistically, they are destined to fail, but five young women are determined to beat those odds.

Produced by the DreamFields Project, in partnership with Reel Grrls, Every Row A Path is a collaboration between filmmaker Jill Freidberg and the youth who appear in the film, providing an intimate look into the daily struggles and rewards of being young, migrant, and female in rural America.

Information:  http://www.everyrow.com/

Trailer: http://www.everyrow.com/trailer.html

Name mispronunciation= microagression: Recently an article came out that mispronouncing a student names has been proven by social scientists to be a racial microagression.  Many of us have already studied this, but I think it is important to review occasionally.  Here is a list of important resources for this topic.

Education Week reports on a national campaign to promote this practice called “My Name, My Identity.”

You can read about it in their story, Mispronouncing Students’ Names: A Slight That Can Cut Deep.

They also published a useful follow-up, Pronouncing Student Names Correctly: A Quick Guide.

And, if you doubt the importance of this practice, read The Toast’s The Names They Gave Me.

You might also be interested in The Best Places For Students To Learn About…Their Names.


Calendar for the next two weeks:

Calendar for the Week of October 10:


Calendar for the Week of October 17:


District Dates for Elementary:

Relevant Upcoming Events and Dates for Elementary

10/18/16, Elementary Principals Meeting: 8:15-11:15, Parr Rm

10/18/16, Entering Discipline Incidents Training: 9:00-11:00, Tower Rm

11/01/16, Elementary Principals Meeting: 8:15-11:15, Parr Rm

11/08/16, FBA II Training: 8:15-11:30, Lane ESD

11/17/16, LEL B@Charlemagne

01/12/17, Trauma Informed Practices: 8:15-11:30, Lane ESD

01/03/17: PD Day – Up to 7.5 hours PD, including 5 hours of science PD for all elementary teachers

04/03/17: – 5 hours of science PD for all elementary teachers, 2 hours uninterrupted planning

05/05/17: PD/Planning Day – Up to 7.5 hours of PD.5 hours of math curriculum training for all elementary teachers

Thanks for reading.

Have a great week Shining Stars,




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