October 19, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Filed under: October 2015 Planner and Assignments from the days before — montgomery @ 7:14 am

Thursday, October 15, 2015. Computers for those working on “Who Represents Me?” or those working on crafting bills including the Secretary and Clerk.

Business – Monty has opportunities for writing and art contests.

Essential Question(s) for today:

How do the House and Senate work together and separately to pass bills?

LA/SS: Quiz on how Congress works. Continue role play House and Senate. Pass your bills and present them to your counterparts. Role call voting.

If you are not on a committee, do iCivics webquest – Who Represents Me!

Homework DUE TODAY: You should have studied your notes for a quiz on how Congress works.

HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW: None, because tomorrow is a grading day! Happy weekend and be sure to read at least 30 minutes/night.