Standards: 2015-2016

Common Core Standards: Montgomery/Young 8th Grade


Identify main ideas. (RL1-2/RIT 1-2)

Make an interpretation and cite text-based evidence. (RL1-3)

Evaluate an author’s claims and evidence. (RIT 8)

Make comparisons between information delivered in different media. (RL7,9/RIT7,9)


Write detailed and organized argumentative texts, supporting claims with evidence. (W1,4,9,10)

Write detailed and organized informative/explanatory texts that explain a subject in a meaningful way. (W2,4,,9,10)

Develop and strengthen skills by planning, revising, and editing as needed. (W5,6,)


Collaborate with others respectfully, prepare for discussion, and listen/respond critically. (SL 1,3)

Present information in a manner that enhances understanding of content. (SL 2,4-6)


Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (L 1-2)


Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. (6-8.RH.1)

Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose. (6-8RH.6)

Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text. (6‐8.RH.8)