26th 2016
Make Up Work

Posted under Math & Science

Policy for make up work:

If you were absent, you MUST make up the work within a week or it will be counted as “late”.  Check the door of my classroom and this website for office hours.  You must plan ahead because when you are available may not be when I am available.  When you complete the work, please write “absent” on the top of the assignment or homework and it will not count against you.  You must also mark the page with a sticky note and turn it into the appropriate basket.  Otherwise I will not see what I need to grade.

If you do not complete the classwork in class, take it home and complete it.

If you see a comment and need to fix something in your graded notebook (writing legibly, answering the entire question, answering a skipped question), then fix it, place a sticky note on the page you fixed and turn it into the appropriate basket.

Let me know if you have any other questions.  Have a good day!

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