10th 2016
Finishing incomplete science classwork and homework

Posted under Science

Dear Families,

This weekend I am telling students to take their science edition workbook (SE) home to finish incomplete science classwork and homework.  If your child has missing/incomplete work and if they have turned the SE in consistently, I have circled questions, activities, and homeworks that are missing or incomplete and you can cross reference that with their scores on Synergy (StudentVue and ParentVue).   All assignments (labeled Activities in the SE) can be made up for full credit and all homeworks (labeled Homework or Reading in the SE) can be made up for partial credit (2 out of 3). 

If your child is missing any pages in their SE (the only ones should be HW 2.2 and HW 7.3), you can find a pdf version of the SE under the tab “Resources” (link provided, password is AL16science) and either print a copy or complete it on a separate paper. 

Thanks!  Have a great weekend!

Kimberly Lum


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