18th 2016
Science Grades

Posted under Science

Dear Families,

I hope you had a good weekend!   I wanted to let students and their families know that I have updated synergy (aka ParentVue and StudentVue) to reflect what students have completed in class.  Please do not be too alarmed if when you check the grade is not what you expected.  There are four assignments students should have completed up to this point: A signed letter home, a signed safety letter, a self-portrait and a response to a reading in their student edition books.   There are a few reasons a grade may be low: 1) The signed letters were either not turned in or both letters were not fully signed by both child and parent/guardian.  If the latter I will return them on Monday.  2) No name – I can’t give credit if I do not know who to give credit to. There is a basket in my room with all no name work. 3) Did not turn in their student editions (SE) for grading (marked as missing) or the responses for HW Reading 1.1 was incomplete (marked as a 0).  Please check StudentVue (students should know their usernames and passwords because it is the same used to log onto the school’s internet) and find out what, if anything, is missing or incomplete and turn it in as soon as possible.  Thank you and have a good Sunday!

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