October 14, 2022

Dear Monarchs,

Well, we’re now one-sixth through the school year already. Can you believe it?!? 

Here are this week’s updates.

Mon, Oct 17 Tue, Oct 18 Wed, Oct 19 Thur, Oct 20 Fri, Oct 21
4:00 P&G to All Admin mtg. 7:45 Climate Team (Beth’s office)

3:45 Justice League (503 Miller)

8:00 GLT

6:00 Film I’m Not Racist….Am I? (NEHS)

7pm, School Board Meeting

Peter, Beth, and Christina out for Leading Change for Equity Peter, Beth, and Christina out for Leading Change for Equity

NASU 2nd Period

LSU 3rd Period

BSU 4th Period

2:45 Building-based PD


  • Friday PD – This Friday, we’re working on getting Jordon Gentzkow to show us more about accessibility features on the student macbooks. Gina will also be briefly previewing some sample TalentEd goals that teachers may choose to use, if they’d like.
  • Spirit Week next week – Please see next week’s calendar, below, for spirit week theme-days and start chatting kids up about making it a fun week!

DISTRICT INFORMATION                   


  • Talent Ed Tasks and Goals:   The next step in our evaluation process is to choose goals for ourselves, this year. I am working on some optional sample goals for teachers to use related to our school wide goals of academics and SEL. I’ll share those out via email, this week, and review them briefly at our PD time on Friday. In the meantime, all staff need to complete their self-reflection (classified staff) or self-assessment (certified staff) in Talent Ed. A huge thank-you to everyone who has already gotten those in!
    • Evaluation Cycles:
      • Classified staff: All classified staff complete a self-reflection in Talent Ed (due by 10/31) and then receive an evaluation from us by the end of the year. Licensed staff who direct your work are asked for input on areas of your job performance I may not have opportunities to see, however the final evaluation is done by me.
      • All Licensed Staff: All licensed teachers must complete a self assessment (due 9/30), a goals development form (due 10/31), and an end-of-cycle goals reflection (due 5/31). 
        • Probationary Teachers & “Contract Year 1” Teachers: You receive a summative evaluation this year. A summative evaluation includes a self-assessment (due 9/30), a Goals Development Form (due 10/31), 2 informal observations, a formal observation (includes a lesson plan with a pre-conference, observation, and a post conference), and a summative evaluation with a conference. I’ve already emailed all probationary and summative year teachers with a link to a doc to sign up for an informal observation.
        • “Contract Year 2” Teachers: You have a self-assessment (due 9/30), a Goals Development Form (due 10/31), 1 informal observation, and a goals reflection (due 6/1). I’ll send out an email in November for contract year 2 teachers to sign up for an informal observation during December.
  • Professional Development Calendar: Linked here is the 2022-23 Professional Development Calendar for certified staff. This lays out all the district-led PD for teachers this school year.


  • Big picture 

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Oct 24 Tue, Oct 25 Wed, Oct 26 Thur, Oct 27 Fri, Oct 28
Pajama Day

3:45 P&G to Admin Meeting 


Twin Day


Country vs. Country Club Day

Picture Retakes

No Place For Hate Training

Crazy Hair Day


Costume Day

GSA 6th Period (Café)

2:45 Curriculum PD

6:30 Fall Activity Night

Have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina


October 7th, 2022

Dear Monarchs,

Thank you for the joy and excitement you created during today’s River Walk. It was great to see all the kids participating and enjoying the event together! We managed to successfully raise $10,000 for the school, which is way more than the previous River Walk, prior to covid. We are excited to announce the winners for each of the prizes. That will happen a few at a time, each day next week during announcements. We will also post the names of winners on the monitors in the hallways.

Here are this week’s updates.

Mon, Oct 10 Tue, Oct 11 Wed, Oct 12 Thur, Oct 13 Fri, Oct 14
3:45 P&G to Admin Mtg


7:45 TLC

3:45 Justice League



NO GLT this week due to Progress reports





No School – Progress reports and PD


  • Bathrooms and Out of Class – We are continuing to have a ton pf problems with kids being out of class to hang out in the bathrooms. They will often coordinate a time and each ask for a pass at the same time, or one will get a pass and then cruise past their buddy’s class and give them the “come on” nod. Kids are vandalizing the restrooms and making all kinds of messes. Please put some thought into your bathroom checkout routine. You may consider a sign-out sheet of some sort, in order to track which kids are constantly using the restroom or are out of the room for extended periods of time. The supervision team has noticed that there are some students who seem to get a bathroom pass every single period and seem to be constantly roaming the halls. Thanks so much for your help in trying to minimize these behaviors so that we can keep our restrooms clean and cared for.


DISTRICT INFORMATION                   

  • Friday District PD: This week’s PD is teacher’s choice. Peter sent an email this afternoon with more info. 
  • Talent Ed Tasks and Goals: I am working on some sample goals for teachers to use related to our school wide goals of AVID Organizational Support and SEL. I’ll share those out as soon as they’re done. In the meantime, all staff need to complete their self-reflection (classified staff) or self-assessment (certified staff) in Talent Ed, if you haven’t already done that. As of this afternoon, 19 out of 24 licensed
  • Professional Development Calendar: Linked here is the 2022-23 Professional Development Calendar for certified staff. This lays out all the district-led PD for teachers this school year.
  • Equity Learning Opportunity We are excited to share the link for the viewing of I’m Not Racist…Am I? 


    Password is: E4J2scrn%106!

    It is available until 4pm on Saturday, 10/8

    We also want to make it clear that the purpose of this film is to facilitate dialogue and discussions between parents and families at home. We are not expecting teachers to facilitate or have discussions in their classrooms regarding this film. 

    For anyone who is unable to watch the staff viewing or attend the screening in person, there will be a virtual screening offered on 10/21 from 5:30-7  with a Q&A and talkback with the creators of the film from 7-8:30. 


  • Save Our Schools Opt Out Form: A heads up there’s a Save Our Schools Opt-Out Form circulating online and in our community made by Heritage America. If you receive this form, simply thank the parent or guardian and let them know you’ll give it your principal. The form cites OARs with a loose interpretation of them, but don’t engage in a discussion about the opt-out form or any actions you’ll take regarding the form. 


Looking Ahead:

Mon, Oct 17 Tue, Oct 18 Wed, Oct 19 Thur, Oct 20 Fri, Oct 21
4:00 P&G to All Admin Mtg






6pm – North Region Screening of  “I’m Not Racist….AM I?” @NEHS


Have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

September 30, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

We just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge all of the hard work you are doing and effort you are pouring into kids. Thank you for all that you do!

Here are this week’s updates.

Mon, Oct 3 Tue, Oct 4 Wed, Oct 5 Thur, Oct 6 Fri, Oct 7
Peter out AM

EEF Grants Due This Week


Yom Kippur


Yom Kippur

8am – River Walk Planning Time


  River Walk

District PD – Staff Choice

Madison INFORMATION         

  •  Monday Grade and Assignment Checks – This week, we’ll be kicking off our work in supporting students with organization and prioritization around their academics. Specifically, kid’s will be filling in a grade check template while teachers meet with several kids to check in and help them prioritize a few missing assignments to tackle. Here are the resources that were previewed at Friday’s staff meeting.
    • Focus Slides with Sample Student Grade Check template. There is also a 7 minute video that models how to check for missing assignments, if you’d like to use it.
    • Missing Assignments spreadsheet, sorted by Focus teacher and Risk score
    • Digital copy of the Canvas Grade Check sheet. Paper copies are already printed and in your mailbox. They will still need to be 3-hole punched.


  • River Walk on Friday – Teachers, if you haven’t yet landed on a theme for your class to dress up as for the river walk, please pick that on Monday so that kids can plan ahead for Friday’s outfit. Here are all of the logistical details for Friday’s event.   
  • Student Tardies – Our supervision team is noticing more and more students who are dragging their feet to be done playing at the end of morning break and lunch time. Please know that we always blow the whistle a full minute before the bell rings, to ensure that kids way out on the field have ample time to get to class. Having said that, kids are increasingly ignoring the whistle and continuing to play. There appears to be a consistent group of students getting to class late every day following things unstructured transitions. So, rather than yell and get frustrated, we’d like to ask for your help in holding kids accountable to return to class on time. If you are noticing students rolling in late consistently, please feel free to mark them tardy. Establish a system to keep track of tardies (many teachers keep a printed copy of their seating chart and pencil in dates under a student’s photo), and then when a student has been tardy three times, you can write them a minor referral, which will initiate a lunch detention. When students understand these natural consequences, they will begin to adjust their habits.



DISTRICT INFORMATION                       

  • EEF Grants Due 10/7: If you plan to submit an EEF grant, please let us know. Applications are due by October 7. They are prioritizing high needs schools (like us) as well as projects that focus on their three focus areas. These are enrichment (STEM, arts, experiential learning), ready to learn (literacy, SEL, emergent needs fund), and pathways (SPED, CTE, TAG). Grants are available only once a year and are capped at $5000.       

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Oct 10 Tue, Oct 11 Wed, Oct 12 Thur, Oct 13 Fri, Oct 14

3:45 P&G to Admin Meeting



3:34 Justice League



8:00 GLT






No School – Progress Reports and PD

Have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

September 23, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

What an amazing couple of weeks! Classes are rolling, kids seem pretty happy to be back, and there doesn’t seem to be quite the trauma and extreme behaviors that there were already by this time last year.

You are all doing an amazing job supporting kids with the transition to laptops. We know that there have been some challenges. Please continue to let us know if there are roadblocks with the technology use.

Here’s what’s happening next week.

Mon, Sept 26 Tue, Sept 27 Wed, Sept 28 Thur, Sept 29 Fri, Sept 30
River Walk Assembly – Focus Class TLC – 7:45

Safety Committee – 8:00 

GLT – Plan Back to School Night and Focus Grade Checks Back to School Event – 6:30

Justyne Karaoke Competition @ Bugsy’s in Junction City – 9pm

AVID Guest Speaker – 

PD – Building Based


  • River Walk Assembly on Monday – We will call classes down right after the announcements, and we’ll be using the same seating chart as last time.
  • Wednesday Grade Level Meeting: In GLT, next week, teams will be planning their group presentation for our Back to School night on the 29th, and also learning about the process for weekly grade/assignment checks in Focus, from your Justice League rep.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                   

  • Friday District PD: This week’s PD is centered around content areas. Please review the list of sessions and be ready for your session. Many of the sessions are on Zoom, but some are in person.
  • EEA Collective Bargaining Agreement: The new collective bargaining agreement is now up on the 4J website. 
  • High Holy Days: Here is some important information about the High Holy Days. We cannot hold events on these days and must provide students time to make up missed work if they are out for religious reasons. 
    1. Rosh Hashanah – Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset on Sunday, September 25, 2022. Rosh Hashanah ends at nightfall on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. Most observant families will be in services on Monday.  Some will go on Tuesday.
    2. Yom Kippur – Yom Kippur begins at sunset on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. Many families will be in services and/or out of school on Wednesday.
  • Using Synergy to Email Families: The director of technology, Steve Menachemson, shared that adding large files to emails sent from Synergy slows Synergy down district-wide. If you need to attach anything larger than a small PDF file (like a one-page handout), load it into your Google Drive, set permissions to “Anyone with the link can view”, and share the link in your Synergy email instead.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Oct 3 Tue, Oct 4 Wed, Oct 5 Thur, Oct 6 Fri, Oct 7
  Yom Kippur Yom Kippur

8:00 Commons planning for River Walk Activity

  River Walk

PD – Staff Choice (UDL or Anti-Bias Training)

Have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter

Meme Creator - Funny when i'm 3 weeks behind and it's only the second week of school Meme Generator at MemeCreator.… | Teacher jokes, Teaching memes, Teaching humor

September 16, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

First Full week is in the books! Greeting our students in the morning is one of my very favorite things. Some share big smiles as they walk in, while others look like they’re still half-asleep. But they’re here and ready for big things.

It sounds like people are mostly in one of two camps – either things are going well and you’re wondering if you’re in the honeymoon period or you’re making new seating charts and focusing hard on routines and expectations. The beginning of the year can be incredibly hard. If you need support, need to vent, or want another pair of eyes in the room, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

Mon, Sept 19 Tue, Sept 20 Wed, Sept 21 Thur, Sept 22 Fri, Sept 23
  Justice League 3:45 Picture Day   Building PD @ 2:45


  • Affinity Groups:  We are going to be starting Affinity Groups soon.  As we talked about on Friday, if you are someone that wants to be a facilitator or co-facilitator, please let me know.  We are looking for someone to facilitate our BSU.  When they are scheduled, they will show up on the Zimbra calendar.  
  • Backpacks: At the end of last week, I started to see small non-string backpacks in the hallway.  If you see them in your room, please invite the student to go put it in their locker.  If they refuse, please email Gina and/or Peter and we will deal with it.  You can keep the student in your room for the period and hopefully we will have it solved before the next period.
  • EasyCBM: Our fall benchmarking window is now open through October. Our goal is to have students finished with testing by September 30. Linked here is a document with testing windows this year, which assessments need to be given, and how to access and use the EasyCBM website. It also includes information for new teacher accounts.     
  • Staff Shout Outs – 
    • Audrey – She always says, “yes.”  She is now doing the afternoon attendance. 
    • Beth – Following Ms. T’s footsteps is a difficult job but she has decided to walk next to the footsteps and I have really enjoyed working with her.   
  • Religious Holiday Accommodations: High Holy Days Here is some important information about the High Holy Days as you begin to plan your Fall 2022 events:
    1. Rosh Hashanah – Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset on Sunday, September 25, 2022. Rosh Hashanah ends at nightfall on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. Most observant families will be in services on Monday. Some will go on Tuesday.
    2. Yom Kippur – Yom Kippur begins at sunset on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. Many families will be in services and/or out of school on Wednesday. 
    • Tests and assessments of any kind, would not be a good choice on these days as many families will be observing the High Holy Days. 

DISTRICT INFORMATION                    

  • Love Food Not Waste Lunch Composting: In the next few weeks, we will implement the Love Food Not Waste program at lunch. Students will be asked to S.O.R.T. their lunch – Separate organics (food products), reusables (silverware, trays), and trash (non-recyclables & liquids).
    • Linked here is a folder of resources from Tana Shepard about the program. 
    • Once we’re ready to launch, these slides help introduce students to the program.  
    • More information to come…


  • Squats, Lunges, and Phonemes: This article from Edutopia shows how one teacher uses kinesthetic movement to help kids get moving while also segmenting and blending words. Whether doing squats, lunges, or push-ups, they’re combining essential foundational reading skills with physical movement.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Sept 26 Tue, Sept 27 Wed, Sept 28 Thur, Sept 29 Fri, Sept 30
River Walk Assembly during Focus TLC and Climate Team at 7:45 GLT – 8am 6:30 – Open House  

Have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter


September 9, 2022 – First Blog of the Year

Dear Madison Staff,

As we embark on this new year, we just want to start with my gratitude for who you are and what you do each day. Madison is the special place it is because of you. Thank you for being here, for doing what you do to help grow future generations, and leaning into challenging situations and enjoying fun times. We are heading into this year with optimism of what’s to come. Here we go, Monarchs!

Mon, Sept 12 Tue, Sept 13 Wed, Sept 14 Thur, Sept 15 Fri, Sept 16
3:45 – P&G to admin meeting 7:45 Climate Team (Beth’s office)

7:45 TLC (Conference Room)

8:00 GLT Fire Drill at 9:15

Gina out at 2:45



  • Things to have on your calendar:
    • First Fire Drill @9:15 on Thursday 9/15
    • River Walk Assembly 9/26 during Focus
    • Parent Night 9/27 @6:30pm
    • River Walk 10/7


  • Backpacks – Starting Focus on Monday, you should not see backpacks in your classroom.  If they come with their backpacks, please have them take out what they need for class and send them to their locker.  If they need locker help – please acknowledge that and try to get them help.


  • Focus Content Calendar – Beth has set up an awesome calendar to organize the daily content for Focus class. Please bookmark this page as you’ll need to access it nearly every day.


  • Classified Staff Trade or Comp Time Documentation: If you are a classified staff member and work past your scheduled hours at my request or with my prior approval or at the request or approval of another district administrator, please let me know. Please see the descriptions below for the difference between trade time and comp time. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    • Comp Time: Compensatory Time Off. In lieu of overtime pay and with the approval of the administrator or supervisor, or if budgeted funds are not available for the payment of overtime, an employee will receive compensatory time off at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the number of overtime hours worked. Maximum accumulated compensatory time shall be sixty (60) hours for full-time employees, and thirty (30) for part-time employees. An employee who has accumulated the maximum compensatory time shall be paid for any additional overtime worked in the next regular pay period. Compensatory time will be recorded daily and/or weekly on a form that is readily accessible to the employee, supervisor and HR. 
      • Available days for Comp Time for the first half of the year:
        • Thursday, November 10
        • Thursday, December 1
        • Friday, December 2
    • Trade Time: Trade time is equal time exchanged within the same workweek. Trade time is available by mutual agreement of the supervisor or building administrator and the employee. Employees who are scheduled to take trade time but are unable to do so must notify their supervisor by the next business day and record the actual hours worked on a timesheet. 
  • Meeting Schedules: For consistency, please plan on having regular meetings using the following schedule. Building team meetings and staff meetings will run from 2:45-3:30. We will be using the Zimbra calendar attached to your email for our building calendar. If you haven’t received an invitation to that calendar, please let me know.
    • Content Team Planning (Wednesday): 
    • Grade Level Teams (Wednesday): 
    • Professional Development and Staff Meetings(Fridays): Please plan to be with the staff from 2:45 – 4 every Friday.   
  • Building Access & Sign In/Out: If you are in the building outside of regular hours (7:00-8:30) you MUST sign in and out on the clipboard in the hallway near the alarm pad.  This helps whoever else is or might be in the building so they don’t set the alarm on you.

    • Alarm System: If you enter or leave the building outside our regular hours you may need to turn off or turn on the alarm. Check the sign in sheet to make sure you’re not setting the alarm on someone else. Please let me know if you need a training session.
      • There are 4 separate alarmed areas. The office is armed by the keypad in the office. The gyms are alarmed separately using a keypad on the wall between the two gyms. The kitchen/cafeteria also has its own alarm system. If you need to go into the kitchen you’ll need to disarm the alarm which is all the way in the back of the kitchen. The forth and probably most used is in the academic hallway near the drinking fountain by the 8th grade commons.
  • Laptops for Classified Staff: Please connect with me if you are a classified staff member and need a laptop to complete your job duties. We will also have technology available for staff to check emails.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                   

  • Check your Paycheck: The finance department is transitioning to a new system, so there’s a possibility for errors on your paycheck, either under or overypaying. I noticed a significant reduction in how much is being taken out for federal taxes. They told me the new system has a better tax calculator. I’m redoing some paperwork to fix that, so take a look and make sure it seems similar to your past checks.
  • Insurance Open Enrollment Deadline, Sept. 15: A reminder that you need to choose your insurance plan by September 15th or you will lose your benefits. Enrollment this year is mandatory. Check out the 4J Insurance page for more details.
  • 4J Tech Subscriptions: Linked here are the current 4J Technology Subscriptions. There’s no BrainPop or Mystery Science this year, but let me know if there are subscriptions we could consider purchasing as a building or writing grants for.
  • Medication Lock Boxes Available: 4J schools are receiving 5-6 medication lockboxes (that look like cash boxes) to hand out to families that would like to securely store medication. See the Medication Lockboxes email for details, which also contains info about obtaining free gun lockboxes as well. Let Megan Newell know if you know a family in need of one.
  • ALL STAFF – Absences Must Be Entered In Absence Management: Even if you don’t need a sub, all absences for all staff members must be entered into our absence management system.

    • Requesting Subs: All teaching and EA staff must request a sub for the absences if you are absent on a school day. Please be sure the “Sub Required” button is toggled on. You must also change the times to reflect your specific start and end times. If you have questions, please check in with a colleague or ask me.

      • Classified Staff: Please use the quick guide to enter your start and ends time into Aesop so you never have to worry about them. If you have a lunch break, you must enter your time as AM and PM shifts. Example: If you work from 8-2:30 with a lunch from 11:30-12:00, you’d enter your shift as 8:00-11:30 in the AM section and 12:00-2:30 in the PM section. Otherwise the sub gets paid for lunch, which is supposed to be unpaid AND they’ll deduct that 30 minutes from your sick leave. 
    • Enter absences by 6am: If you cannot enter your absence by 6am to request a sub, please text admin and Mary so we can enter it for you.
    • Communicate your absence: Please communicate your absence with your team or cooperating teacher and admin, especially if it’s an unplanned absence so we can ensure your role is covered.
    • How to enter an absence: The quick sheet linked here provides a visual guide of entering an absence.
    • How to use the absence management system: This district page has videos and Q&A about our absence management system. Note it hasn’t been updated to reflect that all EAs are now able to get a sub on day 1 of their absence (old practice required some EAs to wait until day 4 of an absence before they were allowed a sub).
  • Absences: Please refer to your contract for more information on leave provisions and the district Administrative Rule on Attendance. I am happy to answer questions as best I can, however, I cannot make special deals with staff members. If you have a special event you’d like to take leave for or a special situation, please reach out to Human Resources at hr_leaves@4j.lane.edu for guidance. 
    • Sick Leave
      • For Licensed Staff: 8.1.4 “Sick leave” means absence from duty because of illness or injury. “Sick leave” also means absence from duty because of a serious health condition which prevents the unit member from working. (See Section 9.4.1 for eligibility for additional leave.)
        • a. Up to 40 hours sick leave per year may be used to care for an ill or injured family member, regardless of whether such leave is covered by OFLA and/or FMLA. 
      • For Classified Staff: 13.1.4 Definition and Uses. Sick leave means absence from duty because of the employee’s illness, injury, medical appointments, or serious health condition.
        • a) Up to 40 hours sick leave per year may be used to care for an ill or injured family member, regardless of whether such leave is covered by OFLA and/or FMLA. Sick leave may be used for personal illness up to the total hours accumulated.
        • 13.1.5 Proof of Illness. An employee who is absent five (5) consecutive days on sick leave may be required to furnish a statement from his/her attending physician that illness, injury or serious health condition prevents the employee from working. The District may also require medical certification in cases of suspected misuse or to determine if the leave is FMLA/OFLA protected. The District will reimburse the employee for the cost of any medical certification not covered by insurance.
    • Personal Leave:
      • For Licensed Staff: 8.3 PERSONAL LEAVE: Unit members may take three (3) days of personal leave per year with pay.
        • 8.3 .1 This leave is accumulative under the terms of Section 8.3.5.
        • 8.3.2 This leave must be scheduled with the unit member’s supervisor twenty-four (24) hours in advance unless the incident giving rise to the need for the leave is of such emergency nature that advance scheduling is not feasible.
        • 8.3.3 Personal leave may be used on a day adjacent to a holiday or vacation if the leave is otherwise permitted under this provision. However, in no case may personal leave be taken on a day adjacent to a holiday or vacation for the purpose of extending the activities of the holiday or vacation.
        • 8.3.4 Unit members returning to work following a holiday or vacation period who have had their travel curtailed due to a strike, cancellation, or hazardous weather conditions may use personal leave.
        • 8.3.5 Unit members may carry over unused personal leave days up to the total of three (3) accumulated personal leave days. All provisions of Section 8.3 related to the use of personal leave apply to the use of such accumulated leave, except that members taking leave of more than five (5) consecutive days shall complete a leave request form available from Human Resources.
      • For Classified Staff: Personal Days. An employee shall be granted up to two (2) days of paid personal leave during each fiscal year. The leave may be taken in hourly segments.
        • Personal days can be used for any reason except may not be taken to extend school holidays or vacation periods unless approved in writing by the Human Resources Director or designee based on exceptional circumstances.
        • The leave must be scheduled with the employee’s supervisor at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance except for unavoidable emergencies.
        • The administrator/supervisor shall approve the leave unless the leave will interfere with the effective and efficient delivery of the educational program and related support services. Examples include: when a substitute is not available or two or more employees in the same building request leave on the same day and the school cannot reasonably reallocate critical duties.
        • Concerns about use of leave may be appealed to the Human Resources Director or designee. Upon termination unused days are not compensated.
    • Unpaid Leave: If you need to take leave that isn’t covered above, you’ll need to complete a Request for Unpaid Leave form and submit it to me and HR for prior approval. This form covers leave for 5 or fewer days where sick or personal leave wouldn’t apply. This includes wanting to extend a holiday for a vacation or trip. It’s also when you need to take more personal days but don’t have any left. If you need more than 5 unpaid days, for a non-medical reason you’ll have to complete a regular leave form.
    • ALL STAFF – Absences Must Be Entered In Absence Management: Even if you don’t need a sub, all absences for all staff members must be entered into our absence management system.
      • Requesting Subs: All teaching and EA staff must request a sub for the absences if you are absent on a school day. Please be sure the “Sub Required” button is toggled on. You must also change the times to reflect your specific start and end times. If you have questions, please check in with a colleague or ask me.
      • Enter absences by 6am: If you cannot enter your absence by 6am to request a sub, please text me or Tasha so we can enter it for you.
      • Communicate your absence: Please communicate your absence with your team or cooperating teacher and me, especially if it’s an unplanned absence so we can ensure your role is covered.
      • How to enter an absence: The quick sheet linked here provides a visual guide of entering an absence.
      • How to use the absence management system: This district page has videos and Q&A about our absence management system. Note it hasn’t been updated to reflect that all EAs are now able to get a sub on day 1 of their absence (old practice required some EAs to wait until day 4 of an absence before they were allowed a sub).



  • Cookie Monster Practices Self-Regulation: This video from NPR helps students learn about self-regulation from Cookie Monster who thinks he has great self-control until presented with a plate of cookies. It’s a great introduction for kids of what self-regulation is and is a great conversation starter about what it means to wait to do the things we might want to do instead of what’s being asked of us.
  • Introducing the Zones of Regulation: This blog post from Teaching Expertise has some really great activities for introducing students to the Zones of Regulation and learning more about the Zones. Activities include identifying emotions using video clips from favorite movies, developing strategies for what to when you’re in different zones, and games to recognize emotions.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Sept 19 Tue, Sept 20 Wed, Sept 21 Thur, Sept 22 Fri, Sept 23
4:00 P&G to all admin mtg   Picture Day Queen Mary’s Birthday! (and Peter’s too)

1:00-5:00pm Flu Shot Clinic


Here we go!

Peter and Gina


June 10th – Last Blog

Hi Madison Family,

We’re in the final stretch! You all are amazing humans who have given so much this year. Let the final countdown begin! Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, June 13 Tue, June 14 Wed, June 15 Thur, June 16 Fri, June 17
iPad Turn in During Focus 6:30 – Band Concert   Promotion Practice – 5th and 6th Period

Promotion – 6pm

Promotion Party – 7pm to 9pm

Last Day for Students: Special Schedule

MADISON INFORMATION                  


  • Focus Slides: Here is your last slide deck for the year!
    • Monday – iPad turn-in and locker cleaning; if you missed the meeting on Friday or don’t have your spreadsheet, see Peter.
    • Tuesday – Finish iPad turn-in and locker clean-out; then watch the celebratory track video
    • Wednesday – Groaner Day!
    • Thursday – Teacher’s choice! There are a couple of announcements in the slides for 8th graders, around promotion, but other than that, please enjoy this last day of class with your Focus class as you would like.
  • MacBook Camp: Join us for an exciting 4-day, optional learning experience with the 4J Edtech Team and Apple Learning Specialist – August 15th-18th. There will be two camping opportunities…morning camp and afternoon camp. Camp sessions are for 6th-12th grade educators working in a 1:1 MacBook environment. Join us for the latest tools and features of the MacBook and walk away with lessons you can use in the classroom. Not only is this a paid professional development, but upon completion of MacBook Camp 2022, you will also receive 16 PDU credits! There are a limited number of seats available for this fun and exciting opportunity. Completing this survey indicates your interest in participating in this optional learning experience – indicate your camp time preference. Teachers will be notified when seats have been filled. https://forms.gle/hJ2VZwwXaHfacxwv7

  • FERPA and HIPAA: I just wanted to remind everyone that as an education team we are sometimes privy to private student information. This might include a student’s medical history, their personal information and history, or their educational history. By law, student’s educational privacy (FERPA) ad medical privacy (HIPAA) are protected, meaning only people who directly work with a student have the information ONLY if the information needs to be known to successfully help the student. For example, if a student is experiencing housing insecurity, was removed from their home, has a diagnosed disability, or has suffered abuse in the past, only people who directly work with the student should know that information and it should only be shared if it’s essential to ensure the person can adequately help the student. Before sharing personal information about a student, especially as it pertains to a diagnosed or suspected disability or trauma background, please consider if the person (or even you) needs to know that information because it’s essential to your work with them. These are legal requirements and we can be held liable if private student information is shared. Additionally, it can lead to a rumor mill as information gets passed along. I appreciate you taking a moment to pause and reflect before discussing a student’s private information.
  • Last Day of School Schedule: See calendar above
  • Staff Check Out: Linked here is the check out sheet for this year. As a side note, Gina and I have 2 full days of training at the district office on June 20 and 21, so unfortunately we won’t be in the building that day. 

  • Repeat: Friends/Family Allowed to Help with End of Year Packing: For the last week of school AND when students are not present, downtown is allowing friends and family of staff members to be “essential visitors” to help with end of year packing. The only requirement is they check-in at the Raptor Kiosk in the office (on weekdays) and limit their movement in the building.

End of Year and Next Year Information

  • JuneteenthThe last day of work for most certified staff is Monday, June 20. Now that June 19th or Juneteenth is a federal holiday and falls on a Sunday, it is recognized on Monday, June 20. Certified staff can choose from the following options to observe Juneteenth:
    • Take June 20 off and work June 21
    • Work 8 additional hours the week of June 13-17 and take June 20 off
    • Work on June 20
  • 2022-23 Report Dates: Teachers’ official report back date is Tuesday, August 30, however there is ELA training planned for Friday, August 26 and Monday, August 29. Teachers will be paid for these days, however they are not required since the district did not announce the dates before Spring Break. 
  • 2022-23 Work Year Calendars: Here are the calendars for next year:

We hope you have a great week!

Peter and Gina

June 3, 2022

Hi Madison Family,

10 more kid days to go! While the end is in sight, it’s still important to maintain as much routine and normalcy as possible. Keep your expectations high and the work going even though I know we all are really looking forward to June 17. It’ll help the next few weeks continue to run smoothly. Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, June 6 Tue, June 7 Wed, June 8 Thur, June 9 Fri, June 10
3:45 P&G to Admin meeting

6pm – Parent Promotion Planning event

Fire Drill – 11:30

7:45 Last TLC

6:30pm Spring Play

8:00 Last Wednesday GLT

10:00 Supervision Meeting

Friday Schedule

9:30 Gina to  Attendance Zoom

2:35 Activity Day

6:30pm Spring Play


MADISON INFORMATION                  

  • Focus Slides: Unfortunately, we didn’t get to the slides this week. So, for Monday, please use your professional judgement about whterh your fFocus class would best benefit from an additional day of easyCBM testing, Grade Checks, or a fun game day. Thank you for your patience. We will work to create content for the rest of the week and have it ready to go by Monday afternoon.
  • Staffing Update: We are scheduling counselor interviews next week. I am excited to announce Ruth Mountainspring just accepted the 8th grade math position.  She is currently teaching Lane School.  
  • Activity Afternoon: Thank you for all signing up.   Here is the LINK if you forgot what you signed up for 🙂        
  • Staff Check Out: I will share our staff check out sheet early next week after Justyne and Rechelle approve it.  The sheet includes things like clearing off the tops of bookshelves, moving furniture, and preparing your room to be cleaned. As a side note, at this time I have 2 full days of training at the district office on June 20 and 21, so I unfortunately won’t be in the building that day. Come check out with me on June 17 and then finish up any unfinished items by June 21.
  • Friends/Family Allowed to Help with End of Year Packing: For the last week of school AND when students are not present, downtown is allowing friends and family of staff members to be “essential visitors” to help with end of year packing. The only requirement is they check-in at the Raptor Kiosk in the office (on weekdays) and limit their movement in the building.

End of Year and Next Year Information

  • JuneteenthThe last day of work for most certified staff is Monday, June 20. Now that June 19th or Juneteenth is a federal holiday and falls on a Sunday, it is recognized on Monday, June 20. Certified staff can choose from the following options to observe Juneteenth:
    • Take June 20 off and work June 21
    • Work 8 additional hours the week of June 13-17 and take June 20 off
    • Work on June 20
  • 2022-23 Report Dates: Teachers’ official report back date is Tuesday, August 30, however there is ELA training planned for Friday, August 26 and Monday, August 29. Teachers will be paid for these days, however they are not required since the district did not announce the dates before Spring Break. If you haven’t already planned a vacation for these dates, I highly recommend attending – I am sure it will be good stuff.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, June 13 Tue, June 14 Wed, June 15 Thur, June 16 Fri, June 17
  6:30 – Band Concert   Promotion Practice – 5th and 6th Period

Promotion – 6pm

Promotion Party – 7pm to 9pm

Last Day for Students: Special Schedule

We hope you have a great week!

Gina and Peter

May 27, 2022

Hi Madison Family,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, May 30 Tue, May 31 Wed, June 1 Thur, June 2 Fri, June 3
No School – Memorial Day Dump Recycling Bins

7:45 Last Climate Team

2:30 Fire Drill

8:00 Department/Content Meetings



1:00 Sub-district track meet

9:00 Invited GSA Field Trip

Last LSU – 2nd Period

2:45 PD


MADISON INFORMATION                  

  • No Focus slides this week, because we’re doing easyCBM testing all week. Please see Dorothy’s email for all the details.


  • Staffing Update: We had a team help out with interviews for a new 8th grade math teacher, this week, and we are waiting to hear the results of that hire. Also, our counselor posting has just closed, so we’ll be scheduling those interviews for next week. If you’d like to be a part of the interview team, please talk to Gina.
  • EasyCBM Assessments: Please see Dorothy’s email regarding easyCBM, sent on May 26th, for information and links.  We will be testing all week during Focus class. Here is the link to the log-in directions. 
  • Activity Afternoon: If you haven’t yet signed up for a spot during our June 9th activity hour, please do that using this link.
  • Repeat: iPad Collection: We will be collecting iPads and chargers on June 13th, during Focus. April will bring the charging carts to classrooms so that teachers can collect the devices and mark them turned in. 


Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, June 6 Tue, May 7 Wed, June 8 Thur, June 9 Fri, June 10
3:45 P&G to Admin meeting 7:45 Last TLC

6:30pm Spring Play

8:00 Last Wednesday GLT

10:00 Supervision Meeting

9:30 Gina to  Attendance Zoom

2:35 Activity Day

6:30pm Spring Play


We hope you have a great week!

Peter and Gina


May 20, 2022

Hi Madison Family,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, May 23 Tue, May 24 Wed, May 25 Thur, May 26 Fri, May 27
State Testing Make-ups State Testing Make-ups

No Place for Hate Leadership Training – Peter off campus

7:45 TLC (Library)

8:00 Safety Team (Cody’s Room)

State Testing Make-ups

Fire Drill 11:07

State Testing Make-ups

7:45 Justice League 

State Testing Make-ups

MADISON INFORMATION                       

  • Focus Slides: Here are next week’s slides. They are still under construction, but will be featuring some student-suggested content, which is exciting.


  • EasyCBM Assessments: We will be doing easyCBM assessments in Focus class during the short week of 5/31-6/2. Please start with math and then have kids move on to reading. Dorothy will get out any additional links or details before Friday of next week.

  • Activity Afternoon Event: If you haven’t yet had a chance to sign up for our Activity Day festivities, please take a peek and add your name to the list. On Thursday, June 9th, we will be running a Friday schedule, in order to create an activity hour from 2:35-3:35. 


  • No Place for Hate Leadership Training – will be an all-day training with a professional trainer for the anti-defamation league for selected students. 6th and 7th grade reps will be meeting in the foods room and the 8th grade reps will be going to LCC campus to attend the training with their high school teams. Click here for the list of student leaders invited to participate.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                                              

  • iPad Collection: We will be checking in all iPads at the end of the year, most likely on Monday June 13th. Watch for additional details to come.


Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, May 30 Tue, May 31 Wed, June 1 Thur, June 2 Fri, June 3
No School – Memorial Day Holiday   Gina out AM   2:45 PD

We hope you have a great week!

Gina and Peter