June 9th, 2023

Madison staff,

Four days left – we got this! Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, June 12 Tue, June 13 Wed, June 14 Thur, June 15 Fri, June 16
7th Grade Field Trip 6th and 8th Grade Field Trip 6pm – 8th Grade Promotion Last Day with Students Last Day for Teachers
(End of Year Check Out)

Madison INFORMATION     

  • Last Day of School: There has been a change and we are having a full day ending at 3:35.  I wish it was a noon release but no one asked me my opinion. This is the latest draft.  I do not see the times changing much but maybe some supervision assignments might change.
  • No Yearbook, but yes signature book: As most of you know, Madison included track and promotion pictures in the yearbook, so that means they will not be ready until this summer.  Most schools do a yearbook signing activity at the end of the year, but we cannot.  That being said, the office is creating a Signature Book for students to get signatures.  We will hand out the 8th grade books during promotion practice on Wednesday and 6th/7th graders on Thursday. 
  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): I am very comfortable with you using part of your period for signatures, but please do not use the whole periods.  We will have behavior issues if that is your only activity on the last day.  
  • 8th Grader’s Week: 
    • Monday – Normal (probably your last day with 2nd and maybe 3rd period)
    • Tuesday – Field Trip
    • Wednesday – Normal Focus and First (So Theater students can set up the chairs for promotion).  Second period – 8th graders will all come to the small gym and line up alphabetically. During promotion practice, 7th grade band members will be helping. When promotion practice and awards is over – 8th graders will do a normal rest of the day.
    • Thursday – We are to take attendance this day.  The language I am using that we are not sure who will attend so teachers will do all their wrap up on Monday and Wednesday.  8th grade teachers please have activities ready for students that show up even though we do not know how many will show up.
  • Staffing Update: The PE job is posted and closes on the 14th.  If you know anyone you want to work with next year – please encourage them to apply: Link to Job. I do not know when our other jobs will be posted but if you know a SS teacher that wants to work part time, please let Gina know.  Also we should be looking for a couple of EAs if you have friends you want to work with – please let Gina know and she will let you know when the job gets posted.
  • Locker Clean Out Time: We are going to clean out lockers on Wednesday during Focus Class.  Please work out with your commons teachers to split the time so all the students are not out at once.  From this point on – I am fine with backpacks being carried to class.  Even though the students do not have their computers, I am hoping they still have their writing utensils, etc so they know it is a school day and not just here to hang out.  
  • 2023-24 Master Schedule: Linked here is a draft of next year’s master schedule. The first tab is the main schedule and the other tabs are what will change each quarter or semester.
  • Repeat: Report Card Window: Courtney is opening the report card window today – June 9th. Please remember that you need to email your canvas grades to Courtney for each trimester.  If you need/want help – Nicholas Hadley is district person who can help you. 
  • Repeat: TalentEd Goals Reflection: All licensed staff need to complete the Goals Reflection in TalentEd before the end of the year. Please let me know if you have any questions. Here is the link to the spreadsheet that the amazing Dorothy created that can help with your end of year data for the grade guardian risk score.    Some helpful data for the behavior goal can be found attached to email sent by Dorothy on June 6th.


  • Repeat: End of Year Tasks: If you like to pre-plan, linked here is the end of year checklist. All items need to be completed before you officially check out at the end of the year. 
  • Summer Technology Check out for Staff
    Here is the link to click on for Summer take-home. 
    Mark will have a COW up front for educators to put their iPads, MacBooks, and assorted chargers in for those who aren’t taking them home. He will be updating Operating systems and programs as well on those that remain here. 
    If you take it home- please DO update it to Ventura and run the appropriate Managed Software Updates. 

    Interim Assessment Summer Opportunity – I have met with district and state reps to work on a plan for our work on Interims, next year. If you are interested in earning money over the summer to engage in this work, watch for an email on Monday containing details about both the pay and the work product for that time.  


  • 2023-24 District Calendars: Staff were emailed next year’s Employee Work Year Calendars and the District Calendar. There are two mid-term grading days on the calendar that are new to elementary schools. This is to put all grades on the same calendar (no more days where elementary is in session, but secondary isn’t and vise vera), but the district will need to bargain with EEA about what these days look like for elementary school teachers. It’s unclear if they’ll be planning days or if elementary will begin sending home mid-term reports for families.


  • Learning for Justice Spring Issue: The Spring issue of Learning for Justice’s magazine is chock full of some really incredible content. The focus of this issue is in acknowledging a student’s rightful place in the school and in the classroom community. This is only something if you want some summer reading or looking for ideas for next year.

Looking Ahead:

June 19th       August 25
Summer Break!!       Welcome Back Teachers!

Looking Ahead:

June 30 – Principals Last Day
July 26 – Principals and Mary Report Back

August 14 – Courtney and Donna Reports Back
August 24 – 196 Day Classified Staff Report Back
August 25 – Licensed Staff Report Back
August 30 – 192 Day Classified Staff Report Back
September 4 – Labor Day
September 6 – First Day for 6th Graders
September 7 – First Day for 7th and 8th Graders

This is my (Peter) last ever Madison blog post. It has been my honor to serve as your principal these past 6 years. Madison has felt like my home since I started and I have so much love for this place and all who work and learn here. Thank you so much for being such an amazing and supportive community. Madison truly is the best!

We hope you have a wonderful last week!

Peter and Gina

These have been my reminders the last four week and are even more important the last week of school.

  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): Keep students busy.  Middle schoolers need to change activities at least every 15 minutes.  That might mean you do a longer warm up activity to have less work time.  Leaving students to work on an assignment for longer than 15 minutes – you will start to have behavior problems in your classroom.
  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): Make Up Days or days where the students finish activities before the bell.  Please have things for them to do.  Just hanging out and moving about the classroom will create headaches for the students trying to work plus you. Also, please make sure that you are marking tardies; particularly after break and lunch. That’s an area where we’re starting to see kids push limits.
  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): In most classrooms towards the end of the year, we are doing projects and group work.  When doing these type of assignments, please work very hard to structure them in a way to keep all students engaged.  I would not recommend using the commons areas as they are very hard to supervise and this time of year, students like to wonder away from where they are supposed to be if not supervised.
  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): Please do not let students go to other teachers room unless you have talked to the teacher.  Just writing a note because a student asked is not good.  We have a lot of subs in the building and I feel students are taking advantage. As we get closer to the end of the year, we need more structure than less.

June 2nd, 2023

Madison Staff,

Can you believe it is June already? It’s been a long, challenging year. Thank you for hanging in there! 

Here are this week’s updates:

June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9
9am – 8th Grade Reading Assessment

3:45 – Meet n Greet with new Principal.

7:45 – Last TLC

7:45- Last Climate Team

  8:10 Safety Team

6:30 – Band Concert

2:45 – End of School Celebration


  • Last Day of School: There has been a change and we are having a full day ending at 3:35.  I wish is was a noon release but no one asked me my opinion. This is the latest draft.  I do not see the times changing much but maybe some supervision assignments might change.
  • Staffing Update: I was hoping our PE position yesterday but it was not.  I hope it will be posted soon.  We are now hiring two PE teachers to get us compliant with PE required minutes.  If you know anyone that is interested – please let them know to watch the job postings.
  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): Keep students busy.  Middle schoolers need to change activities at least every 15 minutes.  That might mean you do a longer warm up activity to have less work time.  Leaving students to work on an assignment for longer than 15 minutes – you will start to have behavior problems in your classroom.
  • End of Year Celebration: Hey everyone, we are gonna have an end of year all-staff celebration next Friday at 2:45. It will be short n’ sweet so you can get home to your families at the normal hour! We will not only be celebrating the end of this school year, but we will also be saying goodbye to Zoe, Suzie, Alan, and Kellen! We have just enough money left in the staff fund to have an ice cream sundae party, so be ready to create your own sundaes and down a lot of SUGAR! We would like to get a gift for Alan (from the staff), as he has been here for 17 years and is retiring. We are asking for donations to buy him a gift card to Coastal Farm Supply. You can leave your donation on my desk (cash or check made out to me, as I will be purchasing the card). Be ready to party hardy next Friday. WOOOOHOOOOO          
  • Report Card Window: Courtney is opening the report card window June 9th. Please remember that you need to email your canvas grades to Courtney for each trimester.  If you need/want help – Nicholas Hadley is district person who can help you. 
  • Monday with Justin: Justin Corey will be on Monday after school for a meet and greet. 
  • Repeat: TalentEd Goals Reflection: All licensed staff need to complete the Goals Reflection in TalentEd before the end of the year. Dorothy will be at Madison to help you with your Talent Ed goals data on Tuesday, June 6, 8:00-11:15 AM, and Wednesday, June 7, 8:00-noon. She will work in the staff room, and teachers can pop in with questions or email her and she will get back to you.
  • End of Year Tasks: If you like to pre-plan, linked here is the end of year checklist. All items need to be completed before you officially check out at the end of the year.    


  • District Operations Reorganization: Superintendent Dey shared in an email this week that they have restructured the central office. In doing so, some departments were dissolved, others were moved, and some other organizational decisions were made. Here are a few highlights that pertain particularly to elementary schools:
    • The Equity Department is no longer its own entity. Instead people from within the department will now work under the Instruction Department (now called Academic Access and Advancement) or the Student Support Programs Department (which is now housed under a larger department called Youth & Family Support Services).
    • Most SSD Administrators (Angela, Seth, Tom, and Joel) will now be called Equity and Inclusion Admin and will be under the Academic Access department, spending more time in buildings than downtown.
    • Jeff Johnson will be the sole Director of Elementary Schools and Melissa Ibarra will shift to a newly created role as the Director of K-12 Dual Language Education.
    • Brooke Wagner, currently the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, will now be director of Human Resources. Larry Williams, currently the Director of Equity and Inclusion, will now be the Executive Director of Academic Access and Advancement (formerly known as the Instruction Department).
    • Assistant Superintendent roles have been replaced with Executive Director positions.
    • Kat Lange, current Director of Student Services (SPED), will shift to Executive Director of Youth and Family Support Services. This department will house Prevention Services, Student Services, and Title programs.
    • Misael Flores Gutierrez, currently co-director of Equity and Inclusion, will be the director of Student Support Programs. This department houses the Natives program, EOA, Affinity group leaders, the Newcomers program, ELD, McKinney Vento and Wrap programs, and summer school/extended day programs/charter schools.
    • Rob Hess will move out of the Chief of Staff position into a more global support role helping those shifting into new positions. Current Director of Communications, Jenna McCulley, will be the new Chief of Staff overseeing school choice, translation/interpretation, Emergency Management, Communications, and Policy departments.    
  • IEP Meeting Logs Due June 9: If you’ve attended IEP or 504 meetings that meet the following criteria, you can submit your time for compensation. There is a pool of funds allocated. If the requests are more than what the pool of funds has available, people will be prorated for their time.
    • Criteria for Compensation: The IEP or 504 meeting occurred during a scheduled planning days, scheduled planning time (specials, Fridays from 2:30-3:30, Mondays from 2:45-3:30, and mornings from 7:30-7:50) or outside your work day (time spent after 3:30pm or before 7:30am).


  • 24 Morning Message Ideas to Get Your Day Started on the Right Track: Daily morning (or class) meetings will be a focus for next year. Morning messages are the perfect way to engage your students the minute they walk through the door. Answering a question with no right or wrong answer allows learners to discover and articulate what’s important to them and supports social-emotional growth. Not only that, the questions can spark important conversations that bring your community together on a deeper level. Here are some of the WeAreTeachers Favorite Morning Message Ideas teachers are using to connect with their students.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, June 12 Tue, June 13 Wed, June 14 Thur, June 15 Fri, June 16
7th Grade Field Trip 6th and 8th Grade Field Trip 6pm – 8th Grade Promotion Last Day with Students Last Day for Teachers
(End of Year Check Out)

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

May 26, 2023

Madison Staff,

We only have 1 more 5 day week of the school year! As predicted, some students’ behaviors increase as the end of the year draws near. This means the ReFocus Room is getting pretty busy, especially the end of the of the day. If you have students who ask for a break but don’t really need the ReFocus Room, please have them try a classroom break first. It’s hard to help some of our regular visitors when the ReFocus Room has more than a handful of kids. 

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, May 29 Tue, May 30 Wed, May 31 Thur, June 1 Fri, June 2
No School – Memorial Day Mentor Lunch

7:45 Climate Team

BSU  Retreat – All Day in Library

6:30 – Midsummer Nights Dream


Midsummer Night’s Dream

9am – GSA Field Trip 

6:30 Midsummer Night’s Dream


Career Day – Special Schedule

2:45 PD

6:30 – Midsummer Nights Dream


  • Staffing Update: PE position is still not posted, but I hope soon.
  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): Make Up Days or days where the students finish activities before the bell.  Please have things for them to do.  Just hanging out and moving about the classroom will create headaches for the students trying to work plus you. Also, please make sure that you are marking tardies; particularly after break and lunch. That’s an area where we’re starting to see kids push limits.
  • Midsummer Nights Dream: Come support the theater program this week.  There are three showings all starting at 6:30; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
  • Repeat: TalentEd Goals Reflection: All licensed staff need to complete the Goals Reflection in TalentEd before the end of the year. For those of you who used the template goal around grade guardian, Dorothy is working on preparing that spreadsheet for your Focus class’ risk, based on grades and missing assignments. I’ll send it out when it’s ready, hopefully by mid-late next week.
  • Next Friday after school: We will have a third and final work session with the interim assessments.
  • College and Career Day: Friday, 6/2
    • We are one week away from our College and Career Exploration Day!

      The Planning Committee wanted to share some more logistics with everyone about the event.

      • Presenters are planning to arrive by 8:30 to be escorted to their classrooms to start getting set up
      • Please share with your presenter which lunch they will have based on when your lunch is – we are providing sandwiches, chips, and fruit for our presenters down in the staff room. Any dietary needs will be labeled.
      • Students will be following their regular class schedule and seeing the presentations in those classes. We are considering changing this up for next year with more student choice, but this is what we are asking for this year. 
      • Each student will have a Presenter Passport to keep with them throughout the day. We will have these ready to go for your first period class in your mailboxes. Please hand them out at the start of first period that day as you are taking attendance.
      • We are asking that you give Lion Loot to students who are filling in their Passports toward the end of each period of the day. Please save the last 5 minutes of each class period for Lion Loot drawings. Gina is working on getting a variety of small prizes for students to earn for being a good audience member.
      • Our 6th period Lion Loot drawing will be a larger prize. (Gina – are we able to do the gift card for each class for 6th period?)
      • Our Plan B just in case we have some last minute cancellations is to combine classes. If you have class periods that are small and we have a classroom without a presenter, we would like to combine classes with you. 
      • If you have students who will be in your class twice that day (intervention classes), our plan is to invite those students to join a different classroom presentation so they don’t hear the same presentation twice. Please take attendance first. If it is a large number of students, please let someone know and we will help support that class.


  • Classified Staff – OEBB Dependent Eligibility Verification Due by June 27: If you’re a classified staff member AND you have dependents covered by your insurance, be on the lookout for mail from OEBB about verifying your dependents. If you’re married, you’ll have to send in a copy of your marriage license and the front page of your tax return. For dependent children, you have to send in copies of their birth certificates. There is a cover sheet that comes in the mail along with directions of what to do. Feel free to ask me any questions you have! Don’t delay – failure to verify your dependents will result in them being dropped from your insurance.    
  • COVID Updates: 4J is changing three COVID protocols to align with changes in state policy. One, COVID positive staff and students are no longer required to quarantine for 5 days and instead just need to be fever free for 24 hours without meds. Two, schools receive new testing kits in the fall to have on-hand. Three, effective June 17th, the vaccination and religious or medical exemption requirement for staff, visitors, and volunteers will end.
  • Administrator Updates: A few updates to district and school leadership.
    • Nadira Rizkallah will be principal at Edgewood Elementary next year. Nadira was previously co-administrator of River Road and Buena Vista and most recently served as South Lane’s human resources and equity director.
    • Kimberly Ingram has been named the principal of YG for next year. Kimberly comes from Salem Keizer where she’s been the principal at Battle Creek elementary for two years and was the district’s elementary curriculum coordinator for MTSS. She also has a Ph.D in special education.
    • Megan Russell, currently the AP at Gilham Elementary, will shift to Monroe Middle School as their AP.
    • Tom Piowaty, principal at Yujin Gauken, will move to Gilham as their assistant principal next year.
    • Carlos Sequeria, formerly assistant superintendent at Lane ESD, will join the Spencer Butte team as their assistant principal.
    • Eric Anderson, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, has been named the new Assistant Superintendent at Lane ESD.
    • Kevin Gordon, formerly principal of Adams and Camas and currently principal of Laurel in Junction City, has been named as ChavĂ©z’s principal for next year.
    • Ed Mendelssohn will take over as the College and Career Readiness/CTE Administrator next year when Tia Holliday retires. Ed has been in administration for 20 years in 4J and Springfield.
    • Adrienne Pierce will serve as the Secondary Curriculum & MTSS Administrator.
    • Morgan Christianson will shift from Title IX Coordinator to Human Resources Administrator supporting licensed staff.


  • None

Looking Ahead:

June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9
9am – 8th Grade Reading Assessment

3:45 – Meet n Greet with new Principal.

7:45 – Last TLC   8:10 Safety Team

6:30 – Band Concert


We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina


May 19th, 2023

Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, May 22 Tue, May 23 Wed, May 24 Thur, May 25 Fri, May 26
P&G to admin mtg Mentor Lunch

7:45 TLC

  7:45 Justice League LSU

2:45 PD/Collaboration


  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): In most classrooms towards the end of the year, we are doing projects and group work.  When doing these type of assignments, please work very hard to structure them in a way to keep all students engaged.  I would not recommend using the commons areas as they are very hard to supervise and this time of year, students like to wonder away from where they are supposed to be if not supervised. 
  • Staffing Update: Congratulations to Justin Corey, who will be our new principal next year! Justin is an experienced educator and secondary administrator, who comes to 4J from Junction City where he has been associate principal at Junction City High School for the past two years. Before being promoted to the high school level, he was administrator at Oaklea Middle School in Junction City—three years as principal and five as assistant principal. He also has 15 years of in-the-classroom experience. Fun fact, for the past 26 summers, Justin has lead a group of 11th graders on a two-week community service project in Costa Rica! He believes that “every student can be successful with the right amount of CARE: Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Encouragement.” His goal is to create a positive, safe and enjoyable learning environment to shape early learners into lifelong learners.

  • Summer PD Opportunities: This link was shared by one of your collegues and it looks interesting if you are interested.  It is called Facing History and Ourselves.
  • TalentEd Goals Reflection: All licensed staff need to complete the Goals Reflection in TalentEd before the end of the year. Peter and I will be coming around to do observations in the next few weeks, prioritizing probationary teachers first. 




  • Classified Staff – OEBB Dependent Eligibility Verification Due by June 27: If you’re a classified staff member AND you have dependents covered by your insurance, be on the lookout for mail from OEBB about verifying your dependents. If you’re married, you’ll have to send in a copy of your marriage license and the front page of your tax return. For dependent children, you have to send in copies of their birth certificates. There is a cover sheet that comes in the mail along with directions of what to do. Feel free to ask me any questions you have! Don’t delay – failure to verify your dependents will result in them being dropped from your insurance.   
  • Repeat: Upbeat Survey: You should have received a link to the end of year Upbeat Survey last week. It’ll look much the same as last time. We are hoping for 100% completion of the survey, so that everyone’s voice is heard. The deadline for submission is today.
  • Administrator Updates: A few updates to district and school leadership. Nadira Rizkallah will be principal at Edgewood Elementary next year. Nadira was previously co-administrator of River Road and Buena Vista, then spent time in Junction City serving as principal of Laurel Elementary and Oaklea Middle School. She most recently served as South Lane’s human resources and equity director. Kimberly Ingram has been named the principal of YG for next year. Kimberly comes from Salem Keizer where she’s been the principal at Battle Creek elementary for two years and was the district’s elementary curriculum coordinator for MTSS. She also has a Ph.D in special education. Megan Russell, currently the AP at Gilham Elementary, will shift to Monroe Middle School as their AP. Eric Anderson, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, has been named the new Assistant Superintendent at Lane ESD. Kevin Gordon, formerly principal of Adams and Camas and currently principal of Laurel in Junction City, has been named as ChavĂ©z’s principal for next year. Ed Mendelssohn will take over as the College and Career Readiness/CTE Administrator next year when Tia Holliday retires. Ed has been in administration for 20 years in 4J and Springfield.



Looking Ahead:

Mon, May 29 Tue, May 30 Wed, May 31 Thur, June 1 Fri, June 2
No School – Memorial Day Mentor Lunch

7:45 Climate Team


Midsummer Night’s Dream

Midsummer Night’s Dream BSU

2:45 PD

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter

May 12th, 2023

Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, May 15 Tue, May 16 Wed, May 17 Thur, May 18 Fri, May 19
Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

Madison Principal Interviews

Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

Mentor Lunch

7:45 Climate Team

Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

Spring Creek 5th Graders Coming – 9:30

4:00 Track Party

Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

8:10 Safety Team

Awbrey Park 5th Graders Coming – 9:30

Math Testing

Peter Out All Week


12:00 AVID Site Visit

2:45 PD/Collaboration


  • End of the Year (More Structure versus Less Structure): Please do not let students go to other teachers room unless you have talked to the teacher.  Just writing a note because a student asked is not good.  We have a lot of subs in the building and I feel students are taking advantage. As we get closer to the end of the year, we need more structure than less.
  • Staffing Update: I think a new principal has been hired and I am excited to hear the announcement.  I have no insider information of who they hired and waiting just like you.  In addition to the principal, we will be hiring two 7 hour EAs and a PE teacher.  If you know anyone interested, please let them know to be looking at the 4j job listings.  I do not know when they will get posted.
  • Welcome Mike Riplinger – We are excited and relieved that Mike will again be joining us all next week, while Peter is in Portland supporting his ailing parents. It’s helpful to have Mike helping out because as the former principal of Awbrey Park, he has a relationship with many of our students and can effectively take on more student-centered issues than a random sub administrator would be able to.     
  • Congrats to Robin Wellwood! Our former nurse, Robin Wellwood was recognized last week with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the ACE Awards. Robin was recognized for all her contributions to our school district over her amazing career. Congratulations, Robin! 


  • Leadership Plans Postponed: The original plan was to work on next year’s leadership plan this year after school improvement plans were finished. The main team redesigning leadership plans hasn’t finished their work, so the new leadership plan structure will likely be introduced in the fall. The team is working to make compensation more equitable at all levels.      
  • School Climate Survey: The annual school climate survey will be here soon. The climate survey asks kids about their safety at school, experience with bullying, and if they have trusted adults.  Gina will let us know when and where students will take this survey. We use the results to help us set goals for the following year. 
  • Repeat: Upbeat Survey: You should have received a link to the end of year Upbeat Survey last week. It’ll look much the same as last time. We are hoping for 100% completion of the survey, so that everyone’s voice is heard. Submissions are being accepted until next Friday, 5/19.
  • May SSD Newsletter: Linked here is this month’s SSD newsletter. It includes information on Transition Services, progress reports, CMA services, and playgrounds.


  • Free Webinar: Zaretta Hammond – SOR + Culturally Responsive Instruction as a Path to Equity: Zaretta Hammond is hosting a free seminar on May 17 at 1pm (definitely not an ideal time) about using SOR alongside Culturally Responsive Instruction to bring truly equitable practices into the classroom. If you register, you’ll get access to a recording of the webinar.

    • Want to attend live? Add your name to this Google doc to let us know you’re interested. I’ll do a wheel spinner and we’ll cover two people’s classrooms so you can attend the webinar live with Carla!
  • A Reminder About Mother’s Day: We have quite a few students who don’t live with their mothers, were removed from their mother’s care, or who have lost their mothers. Please consider shifting “Mother’s Day” themes to “Love Makes a Family” or “Adults I Love” themes. Students can celebrate and recognize any adult who takes care of them. This Welcoming Schools article has some ideas and resources.
  • Discounts & Freebies for Teacher Appreciation Week: Check out some of the links below for discounts and freebies. There are offers from Applebees, Canva Pro, Adidas, Great Wolf Lodge, and many more.
    • Romper.com = list of deals available
    • Insomnia Cookies = free 6 pack of cookies with any $5 purchase.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, May 22 Tue, May 23 Wed, May 24 Thur, May 25 Fri, May 26
P&G to admin mtg Mentor Lunch

7:45 TLC

  7:45 Justice League LSU

2:45 PD/Collaboration

We hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter


May 5th, 2023

Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, May 8 Tue, May 9 Wed, May 10 Thur, May 11 Fri, May 12
Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing

3:45 P&G to Admin Mtg


 Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing

7:45 TLC

Mentor Lunch

Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing

Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing

7:45 Justice League

Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing





  • Staffing Update: No one applied for our PE position during Expo so it should get posted soon.



Looking Ahead:

Mon, May 15 Tue, May 16 Wed, May 17 Thur, May 18 Fri, May 19
Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

Madison Principal Interviews

Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

Mentor Lunch

7:45 Climate Team

Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

4:00 Track Party

Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

8:10 Safety Team

Math Testing

Peter Out All Week

12:00 AVID Site Visit

2:45 PD/Collaboration

We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

We’ll celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day next week during Teacher Appreciation Week 🙂

April 28th, 2023

Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, May 1 Tue, May 2 Wed, May 3 Thur, May 4 Fri, May 5
6th Grade ELA Testing

8:00 CCE Dream Team Mtg.

1:30 Admin mtg.

6th Grade ELA Testing

Mentor Lunch (1st Lunch)

7:45 Climate Team

6th Grade ELA Testing

8:00 GLT


6th Grade ELA Testing

9:00 All Affinity Groups Mtg

5:00 ACE Awards

No School /PR & PD

9:00 Meeting to talk about next year schedule



  • SCIP Plan: Our finalized SCIP plan is linked here. It’s due this Friday, so this is your last opportunity to share any feedback or ideas with me before it is submitted. 
  • EasyCBM: The Spring window for easyCBM reading and math tests is now open. All students need to be tested, this round. IN the winter, we only needed certain students. Thank you to Mr. Miller for helping out by proctoring the 8th grade reading tests to 8th graders, so that Misty and Katie can focus on state testing.


  • Repeat: Parent Survey: I sent the following email to families this week. The district is seeking feedback from all families about the superintendent’s three priorities: communication, well-being/safety, and meeting the needs of underserved populations. If you could send the info below in Seesaw as well, I would appreciate it! Here’s a link to a pdf of the survey so you can see what’s being asked.
    • Dear Families,We are looking for your feedback to improve our school and our district systems. We would love to hear from you! Please complete the survey below which asks for your input on how we communicate with you about your student’s progress, our school’s climate and culture, and opportunities for parent involvement. We are in the process of drafting a new school improvement plan. Your feedback will help us better target our goals around these three areas.
      English Survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TWK56SG 
      Spanish Survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TQHLW8D
  • REMINDER! Confirm your dependents with OEBB!: Please don’t forget about confirming your dependents with OEBB. Licensed staff should have received something in the mail by now with steps to confirm your dependents. If you don’t submit the required paperwork, your dependents will lose their benefits. Contact Jaime Meyers, the licensed benefits coordinator, if you have any questions.
  • District Staffing Updates:
    • Jen Hebard, currently principal of both Kennedy MS and Chinese Immersion, will be principal of just Chinese Immersion next year.
    • Brian Watson, currently assistant principal at Monroe MS, will be the principal of Kennedy MS next year.
    • Jim Moore, currently principal of Edgewood, will move to South Eugene as their assistant principal and athletic director.
    • Joe Hadley, currently principal of Charlemagne, is leaving the district at the end of this year.
    • Sarah “Poppy” Campbell, currently AP at Spencer Butte, has been selected to be Charlemagne’s principal next year.
    • Deirdre Pearson, currently principal of Chavez, is moving and has accepted a principal position in her new city.
    • Mike Ingman, currently working as an HR admin and formerly principal of Sheldon, will return to Sheldon as their principal next year. Kay Graham served as interim principal this year and is retiring at the end of the year.
    • Carey Killian, the current principal of South Eugene High School, is leaving at the end of the year. Kee Zublin, currently the secondary director of teaching and learning in Bethel, will step in as principal at South next year.
    • Nain Muñoz has been hired as North Eugene’s new principal for next year. Nain (pronounced “nine”) has served as principal at South Albany and Clackamas high schools and was the community schools coordinator at Redmond.


  • The New Slang: This week’s new word is homie hopper. A homie hopper is a person who “hops” from one person to another where the people they choose to date are within the same group of friends. Urban Dictionary says it became a word in 2013. Not sure why I’m so far behind the times…

Looking Ahead:

Mon, May 8 Tue, May 9 Wed, May 10 Thur, May 11 Fri, May 12
Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing

3:45 P&G to Admin Mtg


 Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing

7:45 TLC

Mentor Lunch

Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing

Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing

7:45 Justice League

Teacher Appreciation Week

ELA Testing




We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina


April 21, 2023

Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, April 24 Tue, April 25 Wed, April 26 Thur, April 27 Fri, April 28
Peter out w/Mom and Dad

3:45 – Optional staff meeting with Sebastian

Peter out w/Mom and Dad

7:45 TLC

4:00 Secondary EXPO

Peter out w/Mom and Dad Peter out w/Mom and Dad

8th graders Forecasting

Peter out w/Mom and Dad

3rd – LSU

4th – BSU

2:45 PD


  • Staffing Update:
    • If you have not met Brandi – please introduce yourself to her.
    • Sebastian will be here Monday after school to listen to you about what qualities you want in a new principal.  This is optional, but if you want your voice heard – this is your time.
  • Personal Reimbursement: As of April 1st the district has cutoff all personal reimbursements (excluding travel & mileage).  All Amazon, personal reimbursements, supplies, incentives etc, are to be processed through the p-card or a purchase request. Communications from Matt Brown, director of Financial Services, was delivered to buildings/departments back in January, regarding this change.   Please see his email below this communication.  
    • We had one staff member get reimbursed this week and they told us it is the last time.
  • ReFocus Room Reminder: Teachers, please remember that the refocus room is closed during 4th period because Jeremy and Zoe are supporting lunch supervision.  If a student needs the ReFocus room, please send them to the office.
  • Attendance Kudos: Thank you to everyone who has been supporting students to improve their attendance for the year. I wanted to share a bit of encouraging results. Our building-wide attendance is currently higher than the district average and half of 4j middle schools. Also, we are trending higher than we were 60 days ago, which is pretty incredible for this time of the year. Keep up the great work, everyone!

  • Problem Solving: This is a good time to review rock-paper-scissors and Stop-Walk-Talk strategies with students. Highlighting small problems and how kids solved them is also a great way to show how kids are working to problem solve together.    
  • SCIP Plan: Gina will be presenting our updated school improvement plan during our Friday Early Release time. Our plan is linked here. Please feel free to connect with Gina in person or via email with any questions or feedback.
  • Classified Sick Leave Bank Help: Sally Duerfeldt, the Classified Benefits Coordinator, will be here Tuesday, May 2 from 8:30-10:00 to answer questions and help anyone interested in the Classified Sick Leave Bank. Open enrollment for the bank opens May 1. Staff who donate some of their sick leave time to the bank can then access the bank if you need to be out for a longer period of time and need additional sick leave. Stop by the staff room on May 4 to learn more from Sally.


  • Parent Survey: Mary sent the following email to families this week. The district is seeking feedback from all families about the superintendent’s three priorities: communication, well-being/safety, and meeting the needs of underserved populations. 
    • Dear Families,We are looking for your feedback to improve our school and our district systems. We would love to hear from you! Please complete the survey below which asks for your input on how we communicate with you about your student’s progress, our school’s climate and culture, and opportunities for parent involvement. We are in the process of drafting a new school improvement plan. Your feedback will help us better target our goals around these three areas.English Survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TWK56SG Spanish Survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TQHLW8D


  • Just in Time Tech Tips: Linked in this paragraph is an email sent to elementary staff that I found on Erin’s (Howard’s) blog.  I thought there was a lot of good information so I am sharing with you. Kellyclare’s Just In Time Tech Tips, I highly recommend checking it out. Topics include simple visual timers, how to model Dreambox games, and adding already curated Wit & Wisdom book collections to Epic.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, May 1 Tue, May 2 Wed, May 3 Thur, May 4 Fri, May 5
6th Grade ELA Testing

8:00 CCE Dream Team Mtg.

1:30 Admin mtg.

6th Grade ELA Testing

Mentor Lunch (1st Lunch)

7:45 CLimate Team

6th Grade ELA Testing

8:00 GLT


6th Grade ELA Testing

9:00 All Affinity Groups Mtg

5:00 ACE Awards

No School /PR & PD

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter

April 14, 2023

Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, April 17 Tue, April 18 Wed, April 19 Thur, April 20 Fri, April 21
4:00 P&G to All Admin mtg 7:45 Climate Team

9:10 Earthquake/Fire Drill

Mentor Lunch (1st Lunch)

AAYLC Field Trip

8:00 GLT

10:45 Supervision Team Mtg

8th graders NEHS Lesson

8:00 Safety Team

8:00 Band to OSU

9:30 AVIDize at SEHS

1:30 – Depart for Track Meet 

End of Ramadan

8:00 CCE Planning Team

4th – BSU

6th – GSA

2:45 PD


  • Focus Class: I would like everyone to keep their focus students in their classes.  There is one asterisk on that comment though.  If you want the student in your class to finish a project/assignment/test or to get extra help for your class, that is fine with me.  One of our goals of Focus is to build that family feeling and that is hard to do with students leaving your class.  Moving forward, if you want a student to do work in your class, please reach out to the student’s Focus teacher. That way it can be a conversation between two adults and then we are taking out the student honesty variable.
  • Neoprene computer bags: Last Monday you will handed out the neoprene computer bags to all students who have not been given one yet.  We have ordered more, but please start making sure students are using the bags when computers are not in use.
  • Classified Sick Leave Bank Help: Sally Duerfeldt, the Classified Benefits Coordinator, will be here Tuesday, May 2nd from 8:30-10:00 to answer questions and help anyone interested in the Classified Sick Leave Bank. Open enrollment for the bank opens May 1. Staff who donate some of their sick leave time to the bank can then access the bank if you need to be out for a longer period of time and need additional sick leave. Stop by the staff room on May 4 to learn more from Sally.
  • Staffing Update: A couple of updates about next year’s staffing:
    • Access Center (Formerly known as LC) EA: Brandi Geddis will be starting on April 19th to help support students on Amy’s caseload.
    • New Principal Coming: My time at Madison will come to an end at the end of the year.  I am the new Athletic Director at North Eugene.  I have loved my time at Madison and would not want to work at another middle school.  Many of you have welcomed me into your families through stories and pictures and those are some of my favorite parts of working with you all.  I was told that 4j will be posting the principal position.    
  • Barsotti’s Family Update: Last weekend, I had the opportunity to ski with my dad and Nephews at Mt. Bachelor when my family was in Arizona for Easter.  On the second run of the day, my dad broke both his bones in his lower leg.  My family likes to blame me, but this one was not my fault.  It was a super easy run and he just fell wrong.  My mom is doing way better but is not in a spot to take care of my dad and herself so my siblings and I are back to taking turns supporting them.  My week is the week of April 24th.  I am looking for a sub to help support you while I am gone.  

DISTRICT INFORMATION                  

  • Congrats to ACE Award Nominees! Linked here is a list of everyone who was nominated this year. Here are the Monarchs who were nominated: Peter Barsotti, Tim Wilcox, Zoe Haupt, Queen Mary, and Suzie McLauchlin.


  • None this week 🙂

Looking Ahead:

Mon, April 24 Tue, April 25 Wed, April 26 Thur, April 27 Fri, April 28
Peter out w/Mom and Dad Peter out w/Mom and Dad

7:45 TLC

4:00 Secondary EXPO

Peter out w/Mom and Dad Peter out w/Mom and Dad

8th graders Forecasting

Peter out w/Mom and Dad

3rd – LSU

4th – BSU

2:45 PD

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter

April 7, 2023

Dear Madison Staff,

We hope you had a great week back with your students!

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, April 10 Tue, April 11 Wed, April 12 Thur, April 13 Fri, April 14
Science State Testing Starts

3:45 P&G to Admin Learning

7:45 TLC

4 pm – Expo Interviews

AVID Interviews 7:45 Justice League

1st Track Meet

NASU – 2nd


  • Staffing: Brandi Geddis will be starting on April 19th to help support students on Amy’s caseload.   
  • Science Testing: for 8th graders this week, during their science period (or with Matt/Amy).
  • Neoprene computer bags: During Focus on Monday, you will hand out the neoprene computer bags to all students who have not been given one yet.  Mary is providing you a list.


  • Repeat: OEBB Dependent Eligibility Verification: If you have a dependent listed on your insurance, OEBB is requiring everyone to verify dependents meet their criteria for eligibility. Your dependents could lose their insurance coverage without verification. For example, if you have a spouse on your insurance, you’ll need to submit a copy of your marriage certificate and the first page of your most recent tax return. Linked here are the documentation requirements.
    • Licensed Staff: You should have already received an email from OEBB and will receive a 2nd one in early April if you haven’t verified your dependent(s). You have until April 28 to complete their request.
    • Classified Staff: You will get your first email in early May and will have until June 27 to submit your verification.


  • Ramadan: Ramadan is happening through April 22. This is the Muslim month of fasting. I’m not sure how many, if any, of our students are practicing Muslims, but this information is important to know.

  • Kelly MS Benito Juárez Celebration: Friday, April 7 from 5-8pm is Kelly Middle School’s Benito Juárez Celebration. There will be food and entertainment provided by both students of our local immersion school and community groups. All are invited to attend!
  • Free Library Card for 4J Students and Staff: All 4J students and staff are eligible for a free library card even if they don’t live within the city limits. Just bring your school ID to get your free card. Per Allan, one of the perks is two free streaming services: Hoopla and Kanopy. They also have DVDs to check out of recent streaming shows. My favorite is the free ebook lending library. 

Looking Ahead:

Mon, April 17 Tue, April 18 Wed, April 19 Thur, April 20 Fri, April 21
4:00 P&G to All Admin mtg 7:45 Climate Team

9:10 Earthquake/Fire Drill

Mentor Lunch (1st Lunch)

AAYLC Field Trip

8:00 GLT

10:45 Supervision Team Mtg

8th graders NEHS Lesson

8:00 Safety Team

8:00 Band to OSU

9:30 AVIDize at SEHS

1:30 – Depart for Track Meet 

End of Ramadan

8:00 CCE Planning Team

4th – BSU

6th – GSA

2:45 PD

We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina