Entry #3

March 18, 2020

This whole situation makes me feel very uneasy. My head is constantly swirling with questions that have no answer. It feels like the whole world is on pause, but time is still ticking. I worry about my family and my friends and I miss them so much. I never thought the day would come when I would miss going to school, but that day has arrived and long passed. I miss laughing with them, talking with them, having lunch with them, and even doing school work with them. Even though I can’t physically be with them, I am beyond thankful that I have FaceTime so I can still keep in touch.

I occupy my time by watching way too much Netflix, reading, and writing. Writing helps me relieve my anxiety about the whole situation. I feel like if I can create a character who is feeling the same way I am or going through the same things, then there must be an actual person who is too. It’s like creating my own little world where I can control what happens, and I know from the start what happens at the end. It sounds stupid, but I encourage anyone who is feeling incredibly anxious to try the same thing. It just might bring you some peace of mind. 

I try to stay away from the news because it just adds another layer of anxiety, and I never know what is completely true or not. I have heard that many famous people have been diagnosed with the Coronavirus like Tom Hanks and Kevin Durant. It’s all so scary to know that this virus is spreading so fast and affecting so many people. My mom has gone to the store a few times, and they have always been sold out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and even canned foods and now that there is a confirmed case of the Coronavirus in Lane County, it can only get worse. Some things aren’t even available online, which is also a very unsettling feeling; like people are falling apart at the seams and don’t know how to handle the situation. 

I hope that this helped at least one person feel less alone in their anxiety or feelings towards the Coronavirus and all the panic that comes along with it. 

Entry #2

March 17, 2020 9:00 PM

Sadly this year we have to celebrate St. Patty’s day fighting; we are not fighting people we are fighting COVID-19 known as the coronavirus. It is a nasty and deadly disease, that has just recently came into contact with people all over the world. There are over 197,000 cases globally with almost 8,000 deaths. In the US there are 100 deaths and 5,000 reported cases. Lane County reported today that we as a community got our first case of coronavirus. The man that has been tested positive for it lived two weeks before showing any symptoms. COVID-19 has a six foot spreading radius. This sickness has became so out of control that stores are completely sold out of toilet paper. People are even making videos of how to properly wash their hands. I personally as a witness of the coronavirus think this is such a serious thing because me and my parents have never seen schools closing for six plus weeks at a time. Please go the extra mile of keeping you and your peers safe and corona free!

Entry #1

       I feel like we are going through an apocalypse. I am a person that likes knowing what I am doing and having a schedule through the week that stays the same. Having so many unknowns and worries around the world adds an extra layer of panic to my day. I have so many questions. When will we go back to school? When will my life return to normal? How much closer will Coronavirus get to Eugene? Will we have to make up the missed days of school in the summer? Do they have a shot to prevent Coronavirus? Does anyone I ever knew have the virus? Will I get the virus?
      I’ve decided to write daily journal entries about the virus and its impacts on my life and others lives. I hope this will fill some of my extra free time. This is a super cool opportunity for me to share my story about this virus outbreak. It feels so scary but also super awesome to be living history, that someone in the future could care about my story and my views.
        Our family is staying home as much as possible. I am concerned about my elderly grandparents because I know that if they get Coronavirus it would be very bad! I miss talking with my friends and classmates. I miss feeling connected to people at school and being around people who relate to me. This experience is becoming more and more real, they are limiting how many people can go into Costco. They are letting 20 people into Costco every 20 minutes. My mom said the line to get into Costco stretched all the way to the Costco gas station. The lines to get toilet paper and paper towels were 30+ people long. They limit the amount of toilet paper and paper towels you can buy. My dad thinks there is a limit on paper towels because people can use them like toilet paper if needed. There are no longer food samples at Costco and Trader-Joes, it makes complete sense but samples are a part of my normal Costco and Trader Joe’s visits. Lots of things have shut down but I keep reminding myself that people have gone through virus outbreaks before.
     After all of this, I think I will have a very fascinating story about coronavirus.