Entry # 13

Wednesday, March 25th 2020

Today is the 14th day of being out of school and the weather forecast is cold with off and on rain.  I am going to try and go and play outside but I’m probably going to be doing lots of stuff inside today.  I’m less bored right now then at the start of the quarantine because I have found other things to do then scroll through instagram and sit around.  It’s kind of crazy to think that school is one of the things that actually keeps us sane, and people just like to complain about it, so when we aren’t able to go to school and get an education we realize that we are so lucky to have the privilege of going to school and learning and seeing our friends.

Entry #11


Well today was amazing and just so much fun. We had to wake up super early today to go pick up my sister, we had to wake up at 10 and usually we wake up at 12 or 1 but we gotta make sacrifices some times. When we got to the airport to pick my sister up it said that her flight had landed then it took her an hour to get off the plane. Which would make sense if there was like a plane full of people but on her plane there were only 5 people so I think that she just stood at the top of the escalators just to mess with us cause that is something she would do. Anyway my sister is finally home, which was just so freaking amazing and wonderful. One downside is that me and my family have to be quarantined for 14 days now, which should be fun but also maybe terrible at times. Today we pretty much played games, went through all of her souvenirs she got in the philippines, and just talked about her time in the philippines and what happened when she was gone. Today has literally been the best day of this really long break. 

Entry #10


Today was a good day, me and my mom went shopping for my birthday and got a couple other things. I still try and keep 6 feet away. My schedule hasn’t really changed cause it is basically just quarantine and chill. It hasn’t really changed much in another way because during the week my mom has work so there really isn’t a lot to do other then just play basketball at my hoop or play video games. I am still kind of sad cause i don’t get to see my friends, or having to watch what I eat. That is, until my parents tell me some news or they talk about it

My mom is still informing me to watch my hands and what I touch and wash them. Also today I found out some news that a 4j bus driver has gotten corona, and I’m lucky because I don’t ride the bus. Otherwise there is a chance that I might have corona. Also that the coronavirus is in Eugene officially. I can see why Gov. Kate brown is following the steps of Gov. Gavin Newsom (gov. of California) and Jay Inslee (gov. of Washington) because Washington and California have the 1st most and 3rd most confirmed cases of coronavirus. So I see why Kate Brown has been following their steps because they have a lot of confirmed cases. So as always take the extra effort to wash your hands and watch who you touch and stay safe and stay inside and make you and your family safe and corona-free.

Entry #9


Well today was a really great day my brother, was here so I got to hangout with him today and my whole family which was pretty fun. We also found out that my sister is going to get home tomorrow really late which is really exciting. Today me and my family, more like me and my siblings, played a lot of games. We also went and bought some poster paper so that we could make some really cringing posters for when my sister gets off the plane. My family and I are trying to decide if we should bring my dog to the airport when we go pick up my sister because she was always the dog’s favorite and she loved him so much they had a special connection. I sort of ignored some of my friends today, which I honestly feel bad about but I wanted to spend time with my family. Anyway today overall was a really good day. Oh ya and I that we are going to be doing some type of online school which I’m honestly really excited for because it will be something to do. Also I heard that a 4j bus driver got the corona so now the corona is officially in Eugene……..so that’s just great, but luckily it wasn’t my bus driver or else I might have gotten the corona.

Entry #8

Friday, March 20th 2020

Today is the ninth day of being out of school and I already am bored out of my mind.  Everyday I have so much time to kill but I can’t go anywhere or visit anyone because of the virus.  It’s good that my mom is making me do two hours of Khan Academy and at least thirty minutes of reading each day to give me something to do rather than play video games and watch tv all day.  The weather outside is nice and I like to go outside and do yard work with my mom as well as jump on the trampoline with Adam and play basketball in the cul de sac.

Entry #7

Friday March 20th, 9:10 am   

Today I decided to start a quarantine diary. Honestly if I don’t think about the virus, the quarantine is eerily similar to summer or spring break. I spend most of my time reading inside or doing other things, just like I would normally. My schedule doesn’t deviate much, outside of not being able to see my friends, or having to watch what I eat. That is, until I see the news reports, or hear my parents talking about what we should do about some issue. 

The other day I caught my dad trying to make hand sanitizer out of rubbing alcohol and aloe, and I asked him why. He said because many stores are out of it, and I think that’s when it first hit me, that this was really happening. 

My family has always washed our hands a lot, so we aren’t doing much more than usual now. After school was cancelled, I haven’t been able to leave our house to go shopping because of the risk. Every time my parents leave the house to work or pick up supplies I’m worried about them, which is eye opening because when I was younger my parents always seemed invincible. 

Entry #6


    Well today is just like the days before, but a little different because I mainly did stuff outside… I also found out that my soccer is starting up again but instead of going and practicing as a team we are doing it online. I just think that, that is just so funny that my soccer team has figured out how to do it online but the school district hasn’t figured out how to do school online. Today was filled with soccer, me making a lot of bets with my friends and then losing most of them, owing my friend Jamba Juice and kicking a ball into my neighbor’s yard. I pretty much did almost everything I’ve been doing for the whole break. As much fun as today and all the days before was I really wish that school was not being cancelled till April 28

Entry #5

March 19, 2020

Today is Thursday, meaning it is the fourth day of school we’ve missed because of the coronavirus. So far, this break seems more like a normal break from school, like spring break, not an emergency closure because of a pandemic. Or, as some have said, an apocalypse. I think this is because there are not many cases in our area. But, we definitely cannot do the same things now than on a normal spring break. As of today, there are at least 88 cases in Oregon, and 2 in Lane County, 1 of whom passed away a few days ago (the true reason is still unknown). Globally, the cases top 218,000 as of today, with the U.S. responsible for about 8,700 of those. Some people are saying this pandemic could last about 18 months, but I’m not so sure. My parents are saying that this will get worse before it can get better, in terms of Lane County. But, hopefully this means it will quickly get worse, and then quickly get better. Besides, the outbreak in China happened super quickly, but didn’t last a very long time. So far, schools are closed until April 28th. So, I am thinking (and hoping) that this will only last until then. For now, we just have to make the best of the circumstances. 

It’s crazy to think that one week ago, last Thursday, we had just finished the 2nd trimester, and were starting a four-day-weekend. I would have never thought that one week from then we would be in quarantine until the end of April. I found out about this virus in January, and it was worrying, but I never thought it would get to this level. At least, until a few weeks ago. When it started spreading everywhere, I knew it would eventually make its way to us. It’s crazy how quickly things can change. All of a sudden, we went from our normal lives, and stores that actually had toilet paper, to a completely different way of living. And, of course, to stores without any toilet paper. 

It is strange to think that we are living through history. It’s strange to think that 100 years from now, kids will be learning about this pandemic in school. That’s why I think this assignment is so great; because it gives us a chance to write about our experience in this crazy and unexpected time. There are so many unanswered questions, and so many things to be worried about. I am trying not to focus on those things, however, because I know it will just ruin my day, and make me anxious. I am the type of person that needs to know exactly what is going on, when it’s going on. And, I definitely like having a schedule. That’s what is so hard about this time; there are so many things we just can’t control, or predict. And, although we need to be aware, we cannot focus on those things all the time, especially in a time like this. I think the reason this is so hard, specifically in the U.S., is because we haven’t had a disruption to our daily lives in a really long time. And, I think this is an eye-opener for a lot of people. This pandemic is showing that we need to be more prepared for things like this, and I am hoping that we will be, in the future. I am just hoping that everyone stays safe and healthy, and that we can continue on with our everyday lives again soon. But, for now, this is what our life consists of. And, although it is strange and unexpected, we have to make the best of it.