Ms. Nora's First Grade




The Room 10 schedule (pending) shows the class schedule we usually follow, but it is subject to change, depending on school activities and special events, and as needed for teaching and learning. Block integration segments variably include Science, Social Studies, and Art, and many subjects have integrated concepts and components throughout the days and weeks.

This first grade plan (pending) shows concepts we cover in a typical year. It is subject to change, depending on school activities and special events, and as needed for teaching and learning of subjects and concepts.

Attendance – Early is on time!

Attendance is important to all aspects of learning. Thank you for supporting your student’s success in school, as well as that of their whole class, and for respecting the teacher’s time and efforts, by helping your student arrive on time every day. Arriving on time helps students feel comfortable, connect with friends, settle in for the day, and not miss out on assignments and learning. We miss your student as part of our learning community when they are late.

Please have your student arrive early so that when the hallway doors open at 8:20am, they’re ready to enter, put their belongings away, and enter the classroom ready to learn. 

Any student who arrives after the bell rings at 8:30am must have a tardy slip from the office to be admitted. The slip means that staff know students are in the building and accounted for.

Students who arrive late on a regular basis disrupt the classroom. If they arrive 10 or more minutes late after the bell rings, the office can add up the minutes to equal a day’s absence for those who are habitually late.

Oregon law requires attendance for children 7-18 years of age and any student who is five to six years of age if they have ever been enrolled in a public school in Oregon.


Contact the school attendance line or office, and me via email, by 8:15am if your child will be absent.

If your child has a severe sore throat, a fever, or has had diarrhea or vomited, they must stay home for at least 24 hours and the condition improves or they are no longer contagious.

A student may be excused up to three consecutive days with communication from a parent that they are sick. If a parent does not call in to excuse the student due to illness, it is considered unexcused. After three days, the school must have a note from a doctor saying that the child has been seen in a medical office, and return to school with such documentation and a “back at school” date, otherwise any subsequent absences will be unexcused.


When your child is at school, please try to schedule appointments, if at possible, on non-school days or after school ends at 3:00pm, or 1:45pm on Wednesdays.