Entry #23


At this point I lost count on what day of quarantine we are on. Last week I thought the day was Thursday when it was Friday. Without school I kinda got out of my schedule when I do things but I also have been getting a lot more sleep. During this quarantine I have tried finding ways of not being bored. A few days ago my mom went to the store and bought me a new sketchbook and colored pencils. I named it “My Quarantine Sketchbook.” I also had a lot of time to cosplay which is one of my hobbies and made a lot of tik toks.-w-

When looking on YouTube today, I saw a bunch of news stuff about Covid-19 and how the death rate has surpassed the death rate of then 9/11 happened. I also heard that you can only get tested for covid-19 if you’re sick. Which I don’t know if it’s true or not but that’s what I heard on the news. Caleb Finn, a famous tik toker was diagnosed with covid-19 but was healthy enough that he won’t die. In New York, the comfort ship arrived to help people with covid-19. Many people came to see the ship and ignored the order to stay home. Many doctors fear that one day they will end up with the virus, many doctors wake up in a panic by checking if they have a fever which I kinda sad because they saw their coworkers get the virus. States are also running out of testing kits, but the U.S.A if the country with the most tests for the virus.

Entry #22

3/31/2020 – 3:15 pm

This break due to the Coronavirus has been very chaotic, I haven’t been able to do much. I miss my friends, and all my family. I think it is very crazy, I’ve never witnessed such a tragic event; stores are running out of essential supplies for example: toilet paper, hand sanitizer, soap, canned foods and much more. The population has gone down significantly, and it’s scary because it’s not slowing down. In Oregon alone, there is around 600 cases, around 11 in the Lane county area. That’s not even counting some people that have been treating themselves at home without known cases. I think it is very important we take orders that have been given to us by Governor Kate Brown, and our President Donald Trump: Stay inside under quarantine, and if you do go anywhere, try to keep the 6 foot rule.

Entry #21

Today is Monday, March 30th 2020. Today during this day of quarantine I have gotten up and gotten myself ready for the day just like it’s any other school day to make what’s happening right now feel more normal. After I got ready I made a good breakfast then cleaned my room. My room has stayed really clean lately because I have nothing else to do. Then I went on a walk with my dog followed by coming home and facetiming with some friends. I am very grateful to my friends and I have these capabilities to communicate back and forth. This has also given me more bonding time with my brother who has come down from OSU from this pandemic. Although this situation has its ups and downs I am still trying to stay safe and positive through it. 

Entry #20

March 2 – 14, 2020

My mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and I left Eugene at 10:22 a.m. (Eugene local time) on the second of March to arrive in Rome at 12:09 p.m. (Rometime) on the third. For us, it was actually 3:15 a.m. because Rome is 9 hours ahead of us. We had been worried about the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) because Italy already had multiple cases in the North. Our concern was not contracting the virus as much as being forced to stay in Italy because of travel restrictions. We decided that we would still continue on our trip to Italy because the disease was still mostly in the North and we were not going to be anywhere near there. Also, the flights we paid for would not be refunded if we decided to not go.


The first night in Rome on the third we went to dinner with my cousin who lives in Rome and had some of the best food I have ever had in my life. We went to Italy to celebrate my mom’s 50th birthday and the dinner was so she could meet her family in Italy for the first time. I also found that wine is cheaper than water in most restaurants. After shortly walking around Rome and seeing the amazing architecture including an incredible castle named Castel Sant’Angelo, we boarded a bullet train early the next morning headed for Florence. On the train we noticed that there were abandoned castles everywhere and other most likely medieval ruins. My sisters were still in Oregon because they were busy with college so we had two days in Florence before we had to go back to Rome to pick them up from the airport. 

The first day in Florence we took a scenic walk to the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore where we climbed nearly 500 steps to the top of the duomo. The view was as incredible as the architecture and the enormous mural on the inside of the duomo. The mural on the dome was made by Giorgio Vasari and Federico Zuccari from 1572 to 1579 and was the largest dome in the world at that time! 

The second day in Florence we went to Galleria dell’Accademia and saw amazing artworks such as the David by Michealangelo. The paintings were all incredibly detailed and many were highlighted with gold leaf, making them even more astounding. Next, we went to the Duomo museum and in the catacombs  saw the tombs of multiple saints, we saw the bones of a couple saints, and an old rusted sword. The last museum we went to was the Uffizi gallery where we saw beautiful B.C.E frescos and sculptures. The Uffizi gallery was so impressive because the ceilings were all intricately painted.

On the sixth, my family and I boarded a train back to Rome to pick up my sisters. On the way, we saw huge abandoned castles high on hilltops and tiny villages tucked under towering mountains. It was truly an unforgettable sight. When we arrived at the airport, we picked up my sisters and headed straight for our Airbnb and as my sisters slept for a bit because of the long flight, the rest of my family and I went to explore the streets of Rome. We saw amazing churches that looked so squished between tall apartments. We also saw wild parakeets that I had never seen before. After that, my parents, my grandparents, and one of my sisters went out to get dinner while my other sister and I stayed home and slept because traveling is exhausting. Because my grandma was fluent in Italian and Sicilian, we were able to get around very well.

On the ninth, my sisters flew back to Eugene and the rest of us flew to Catania, Sicily. We arrived in Catania, but only stayed for a short while because our Airbnb was in Siracusa and we had to check in. We drove a rental car from Catania to Siracusa in less than an hour and checked in to our Airbnb. Our apartment was remodelled from a 13th century castle, which was pretty cool. Having the ocean always within walking distance in Sicily was great because the water was beautiful and we saw lots of fish because the water is so clear.

At this point, things were getting crazy because everything besides restaurants, grocery stores, and pharmacies started closing. The streets were empty and only people who had a reason to were allowed out of their houses because tourists were gone and people were staying inside. It is a good thing we did not get stopped by the police! Only two people were allowed into a store at a time and in restaurants, you could only sit three to a table unless you were family. At this point, all museums were closed also.

On the tenth, we went to meet more family in Augusta. We got a full tour of the main parts of Augusta and got to see the homes and a city hall that my great relatives built. After our tour of Augusta we drove back to Siracusa and on the way back we saw wild flamingos and the incredible beaches of Sicily. The next day we went to a town on top of huge mountains called Taormina. The view from the top of the mountains was incredible because it overlooks the ocean. Here we learned that all restaurants and shops were only open from 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and that Italy was enforcing martial law by only letting people out of their houses to get food and medication. You could get a large fine if you did not have a reason to leave your house.

In the early morning, my parents received news that our flights to our next location, Sardinia, had been cancelled and that the borders from Europe to the U.S. were being closed. That is when we decided we had to leave. My parents found a train that went from Messina to Rome where we could catch a flight to the U.S., however, the train ride was eight hours long and we would have to rush to get there. Also, we still did not have a flight from Rome to the U.S. Luckily, we were able to make it to the train station and be on our way to Rome on time. The train stations were practically empty except for military officers which were everywhere due to the coronavirus and an active terrorist threat that had been going on for years. After the eight hour train ride, which I mostly slept through, we arrived at the Roma Termini station so that we could take another train directly to the airport.

When we tried to board our train, we were stopped at a police checkpoint who wanted our papers stating where we were from, and why we wanted on the train. The line was so huge that we missed our train. I suppose now that we had an angel watching over us the entire trip, because the staff at the station let us use the same ticket for a later ride. We arrived at the airport, but no staff were there so we decided to sleep in Rome for the night and try to book a flight tomorrow morning.

My dad took a shuttle to the airport in the early morning to see if he could get us a flight home. He managed to get us a flight to San Francisco so that we could fly to Eugene. My dad came back and reported the news and the entire group of us went to the airport and got on our flight home.

Entry #19


Today my family went on a walk. It was really nice to be outside even though it was raining. Being outside really helps me forget everything that is going on. We saw the picture below in a neighborhood. It’s so crazy! It’s caution tape like a crime science…. 🙁

Entry #18

Friday, March 27th 2020

I am really tired today and I played with Adam for a long time this morning so I am kind of behind on school work.  Tomorrow my dad and I want to go off-roading. I am really sick of quarantine.


Entry #17

March 26, 2020

Yesterday was boring again. I have been playing a lot of basketball with my little brother. Sometimes this gets hard because if people are walking we have to stop and make sure to keep a distance.
I had school work in the morning and it was kind of rough. My mom wants to make sure I don’t get behind because I am getting better grades. I understand because I do want to be better but not the work.
It is hard being around my family ALL the time. I miss personal space.
My mom got a message from her old real estate agent. I guess when my doctor died a long time ago, she wrote a letter to the family. She tells me that she did it because it was only a year after my dad died and she understood their lost. Anyways, the wife of my doctor, with everything that is going on, wants to contact my mom. Because my mom’s letter affected her.
It is nice to know we can be brought together during this.

Entry #16


Today was great, once again I was woken up by my sister and her horn. After that we did a family exercise which was fun. Then after that my mom made us breakfast even though it was noon already. My mom made us French toast which was delicious. Then everyone separated and did their own thing. After that my dad ordered chipotle which was good. Me and my siblings and my dad went and played a tournament of pick a number which is a pool game, my oldest brother won. Which then after that we played a family game of psychiatrist. I’m pretty sure that’s what the game is called but I’m not too sure. All together today was a pretty great day.

Entry #15

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

Today I woke up and watched tv for a bit.  I then fed my geckos and went downstairs and ate breakfast.  Right now I am doing my journal and when I finish this entry I am going to do Khan Academy.  Today the weather is nice so I might go outside and do yard work for a while so I can get paid.  The world currently has 509,427 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus, with 23,004 deaths. The number of people that have recovered from the virus is at 122,226, and the number of people that have it per 1 million people is 72.30.


Entry #14

March 26, 2020

This Coronavirus issue has been relevant for around a month, but with the past week, it has gotten even worse. The virus originated from Wuhan, China and has now spread worldwide including the United States. There is so much news coming out each day. Just a few days back, it came out that there are cases in every single state in the U.S. More specifically to us, a Lane County woman died and the test results for Corona only came back 3 days after her death. I find it very sad that she didn’t know what was happening. This epidemic has spread everywhere which has made life a lot harder, especially for me because one of my family members is more medically fragile. This has required me to stay at home almost 24/7. I have gotten very bored. I have been doing more electronics and listening to music than usual because of a lack of things to do. However, I have still been doing productive things like doing chores, playing basketball by myself and going for bike rides and runs. I have also started learning an instrument in hoping to acquire a new skill. It has also been tough socially because I haven’t seen my friends for a long time. Luckily for phone calls and Facetime, we can still talk. To be honest, I am not really sure what to believe because I see things on the news and online but a lot of it is not true. One thing that scares me the most about this virus is how fast it spreads. You might have gotten it for somebody and not even know that you have it. By the time you figure it that you carry the virus, you have already passed it on. This is a scary situation to be in and I hope it dies down soon.