Entry #14

March 26, 2020

This Coronavirus issue has been relevant for around a month, but with the past week, it has gotten even worse. The virus originated from Wuhan, China and has now spread worldwide including the United States. There is so much news coming out each day. Just a few days back, it came out that there are cases in every single state in the U.S. More specifically to us, a Lane County woman died and the test results for Corona only came back 3 days after her death. I find it very sad that she didn’t know what was happening. This epidemic has spread everywhere which has made life a lot harder, especially for me because one of my family members is more medically fragile. This has required me to stay at home almost 24/7. I have gotten very bored. I have been doing more electronics and listening to music than usual because of a lack of things to do. However, I have still been doing productive things like doing chores, playing basketball by myself and going for bike rides and runs. I have also started learning an instrument in hoping to acquire a new skill. It has also been tough socially because I haven’t seen my friends for a long time. Luckily for phone calls and Facetime, we can still talk. To be honest, I am not really sure what to believe because I see things on the news and online but a lot of it is not true. One thing that scares me the most about this virus is how fast it spreads. You might have gotten it for somebody and not even know that you have it. By the time you figure it that you carry the virus, you have already passed it on. This is a scary situation to be in and I hope it dies down soon.

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