Monday, November 13th
Nov 13th, 2017 by young_co

Due Tuesday at the end of class: Worksheet for pages 41-80

  1. Reading Wonder: Finish Chapter 19-24 (pages 51-65)
  2. Answer Monday questions



3rd Period Wonder: Classroom Conversation Week #1
Nov 9th, 2017 by young_co


  1. You will write a 300+ character answer.
  2. You will respond to at least one classmate explaining why you agree or disagree with them, again using 200+ characters.
  3. All comments must be approved by Ms. Young before they appear on the blog (this will happen after you submit your comment)


How “real life” does this book seem to you? Use examples from the book that support your answer.


4th Period Wonder: Classroom Conversation Week #1
Nov 9th, 2017 by young_co


  1. You will write a 300+ character answer.
  2. You will respond to at least one classmate explaining why you agree or disagree with them, again using 200+ characters.
  3. All comments must be approved by Ms. Young before they appear on the blog (this will happen after you submit your comment)


How “real life” does this book seem to you? Use examples from the book that support your answer.


Thursday, November 9th
Nov 9th, 2017 by young_co

Due today: yellow worksheet

  1. Reading Wonder: Finish Chapter 8-14 (pages 19-40) + questions for chapters 1-14 (about 20-25 minutes)
  2. New work: Read through page 50 (with no extra work expected)
  3. Check out the pop culture references in what have read so far:

Group Activity

Wednesday, November 8th
Nov 8th, 2017 by young_co

Homework due today: Vocab words and Epigraph paper

Reading Wonder: Chapter 8-14 (pages 19-40), answer the rest of the questions

on (yellow) worksheet for chapters 1-14

—>If you want to try the audio, let Ms. Young know!<—

*work today will carry into Thursday, due by end of class tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 7th
Nov 7th, 2017 by young_co

Homework due Wednesday: Vocab words and Epigraph paper

Reading Wonder: Chapter 1-7 (pages 1-18), answer questions #1-5

—>If you like to read with audio, today is the day to upload it onto your computer!<—

Finish work on Epigraphs + Vocabulary



1st Period Wonder: Classroom Conversation Week #1
Nov 6th, 2017 by young_co


  1. You will write a 300+ character answer.
  2. You will respond to at least one classmate explaining why you agree or disagree with them, again using 200+ characters.
  3. All comments must be approved by Ms. Young before they appear on the blog (this will happen after you submit your comment)


How “real life” does this book seem to you? Use examples from the book that support your answer.


Monday, November 6th
Nov 6th, 2017 by young_co

Essential Questions from last Friday:

  • What is beauty?
  • How do we measure beauty?
  • How does being considered beautiful affect a person’s life?

Epigraphs in the book Wonder

+ Group Vocabulary Dictionary



Friday, November 3rd
Nov 2nd, 2017 by young_co

Essential Questions:

  • What is beauty?
  • How do we measure beauty?
  • How does being considered beautiful affect a person’s life?

Twilight Zone: “Eye of the Beholder” + Worksheet


Thursday, November 2nd
Nov 2nd, 2017 by young_co

Did you turn in your Art Journal (and all the papers– 5! — that go with it)?

Introduction to Wonder

Writing responses and sharing in Circle

Type + print (or hand write) 

5 sentence responses (give examples to help lengthen your response)

  1. Even kind people commit cruel acts that they later regret.
  2. Fitting in is easy; standing out from the crowd is difficult.
  3. Parents should always pay the same amount of attention to each of their children.



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