1st Period Wonder: Classroom Conversation Week #1
November 6th, 2017 by young_co


  1. You will write a 300+ character answer.
  2. You will respond to at least one classmate explaining why you agree or disagree with them, again using 200+ characters.
  3. All comments must be approved by Ms. Young before they appear on the blog (this will happen after you submit your comment)


How “real life” does this book seem to you? Use examples from the book that support your answer.


13 Responses  
  • Maggie Walker writes:
    November 16th, 201710:10 AMat

    I think this could be a true story because some people are born with what Auggie has. I have seen a video of a girl that was born with something similar to Auggie’s. When she was little she was made fun of and teased when she was little. So I do believe that these kind of things happen in real life.

  • Emma writes:
    November 15th, 201711:58 AMat

    I feel like this book can really be a true story even though it isn’t. Auggie struggles with his face but also his sister struggles with lack of attention. All her life people have circled Auggie because he “Special.” They leave Via in the dust causing her to care for herself. This is hard on a kid and I have met people who are neglected like this. So do believe this story could be real. Via and Auggie have normal lives just with twists that make it hard.

  • Lialani Bennett writes:
    November 15th, 201710:12 AMat

    I think this could be a real life situation and lots of people can relate to things like this. Lots of people get bullied and called names because of their looks ,or even just because people don’t like their personality, or their choice of friends. People shouldn’t judge them on how they look without knowing them for who they are. Things like this do happen.

  • joe writes:
    November 15th, 201710:12 AMat

    a feel that this book is vary real life. lots of kids are boren with berth defects, and probably try to go to school and gets descremnded by the other kid at school.

  • Iris Brandt writes:
    November 14th, 201710:11 AMat

    I think this book is “real life, because sadly, a lot of people get made fun of because of their looks. Also, people have had this happen to them. One of the main themes of this book is accepting new people.
    In chapter 30 it represents how Auggie’s”Friends really think about him. This is a example of people going behind other peoples backs and being rude to them.
    Chapter 31 is about what people have called him. Very mean things like”rat boy, freak, monster, Freddy Kruger, e.t and gross out.”
    Anyway, those are the reasons i think this story relates to real life.

  • Anniah Pfouts writes:
    November 14th, 20179:58 AMat

    I really think that this sadly represents our reality very well, basically saying that the kids who look normal, the kids who dress nice, and have lots of friends think that Auggie is weird and gross. And I see this problem a lot in our reality, where kids don’t get to talk or sit with other people because maybe they act strange, but really they are just trying to be themselves.

    Like when Auggie went to lunch and every time he would try to sit somewhere it was either “Oh, no this seat is taken” or “No you can’t sit here”, so Auggie had to sit alone at a table until Summer came along and sat with him, even though people thought he ate weirdly.

    • Madison writes:
      November 14th, 201710:03 AMat

      I agree with this for some kids my seem weird but they really are not, they are just different from what we say is normal which is just judging them without giving them a chance.

  • Madison writes:
    November 14th, 20179:32 AMat

    This book seems like something that could and probably does happen at schools. I know that not all people are as accepting of new people and when they are different from what we consider normal it can be even harder for them to accept different people for who they are. Julian for instance would not treat him normally and nicely just because he looked different. Jack Will, and Charlotte on the other hand would look at him and treat him like another normal student. I know that some people are more accepting than others and this part of the book demonstrates that.

    • Faith Green writes:
      November 15th, 201710:09 AMat

      I agree that it is hard to exert people who are different. I agree that it happens in schools for I KNOW it happens at our school. I feel that children in this book act like I do and that makes them feel more natural.

  • Faith Green writes:
    November 13th, 201710:09 AMat

    I feel it wonder captures what is like to not be the “POPULAR” kids you can easily feel like people dont like you and you may understand that it’s just the age group you’re in it still hurts. He clearly states that he probably would do the same if he were in there shoes but still cries because it hurts.

    Also all the pop culture reference pull me in. It makes me feel like i am in the same universe like the fact the me and Augie both read Dragon rider.

    More on Augie he acts a lot like a kid in jr high with him comparing himself to fictional characters.
    His friend Jack relatable jokes around with serious issues but does not mean wrong like many kids do.
    Overall I feel that this is a very relatable book.

    • josslyn bowen writes:
      November 14th, 201710:05 AMat

      i agree. you can lose yourself in the book. you can pick out things that you can relate to in different parts of the book. i lost myself in the part where summer sat with augest

      the more you read the more you notice that he is changing in the book. hes getting smarter he’s getting more friends. he is just is someone i would want to be friends if i could. he is a good example.

  • wyatt kietzke writes:
    November 13th, 20179:58 AMat

    I think that this story could be real because kids could actually have this happen to them

    • young_co writes:
      November 13th, 201710:10 AMat

      Add some “supporting evidence” (examples) from the book to get to 300+ characters

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