
Posted by waples_s on January 23, 2019 in Uncategorized |

We have two, 4 day weeks to end January! I cannot believe how quickly this first month went. We are working very hard each and every day to be respectful, responsible, and safe in the classroom and around the school. I have also incorporated teamwork into this list because our class runs the smoothest when we are working together and helping each other succeed. To help focus our efforts, the class has been spelling these words out to earn an extra recess as a reward. I have been very pleased with the amount of work we are able to complete when we are on task and focused on everyone succeeding! We have just earned our second extra recess since the break 🙂

This week a letter was sent to all the 4th graders about the upcoming NAEP. Please take time to read the letter and ask me any questions you might have. This test helps to see how our country is doing as a whole. We encourage everyone to participate because it gives the most accurate picture, however, if you think it will cause added stress you can sign the paper I sent home and your child will be exempt. Only sign the paper if you do not want your child to participate. Again, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!

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