Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Oct 24 2017

Weekly Update-4

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In this week in 3D design to build I almost finished my 3D print spider and I can’t wait to see it print. This week was so fun and I can’t wait to finish my 3D print spider and do more 3D print Projects.

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Oct 23 2017

Weekly Goal-2

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For this week of school my goal is to study for any upcoming tests, participate in class work, help other kids with their class work, and finish my homework.

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Oct 16 2017

Weekly Goal-1

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For this week in school my goal will be to use my time better Before practices and to do well on any tests or class work given from any teacher. I’m am going to try to get home earlier so I can finish my homework and study for tests and give it my all on class work.

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Sep 29 2017

Weekly Update- 3

Filed under Uncategorized

In this week of 3D design to build I completed my sketch up bowl and chair, my spider turned out ok after two more prints. This week was so fun and a can’t wait for the next week and my next 3D design project, lastly today I get to use google sketch up!!

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Sep 22 2017

Weekly Update #2 9/22/17

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This week in 3D design to build I worked on my life like creature project and printed it it came out really nice and it’s now uploaded on my eport. I also worked on my extra credit project, I’m going to print it next week. lastly, I worked in sketch up and uploaded my bowl. This week was so fun and I can’t wait for the next!!

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Sep 15 2017

Weekly Post #1

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This week in 3D design we worked on making planes and recording them on our data sheet. We also cleaned up and setup our Eportfolilos. This week was so fun working with planes and our eports and I can’t wait for next week when I get to throw them off at the skate park.

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Sep 15 2017

Weekly Update #1-9.15.17

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This week in 3D design to build we got our I-pads on Monday and setup or cleaned up our eportfolilo. Then we thought of ideas of what to do for our first project and got used to the 3D environment. I am now about to print my 3D creature which is a spider. That’s what happened in this week of 3D design to build and I can’t wait for next week.


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Nov 18 2016

Weekly Update #10- Tech Lit

Filed under Tech Lit,Uncategorized

This week we finished photoshop and started are biopic it was really fun and I can’t wait to continue. Next week then it is the end of my first middle school trimester I can’t wait to do it next year. This was a great trimester and I can’t wait for the next. This Week Was Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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Oct 12 2016

Weekly Update #1- Language Arts

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This week in Language Arts we worked on the rules of the class room and played some get to now you games. It was very fun and I can’t wait to see what we do in language Arts in the future. Mr. Klarr is a great teacher I can’t wait to be one of his best students.

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