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Assignment #1- Research Paper and Bibliography

Description – Students use Google Docs to learn basic report formatting, learn how to make proper citations for a bibliography, and order paragraphs. Standard report formatting per specifications taught and modeled in class. Students are given 3 paragraphs to put in correct order and format, use correct heading, title, and body copy formatting. These guidelines are used throughout classes at Cal Young and into high school.

Hybrid Cars Bibliography KK

Hybrid Cars Report KK

This assignment (The Hybrid Cars Report/Bibliography) was assigned to learn basic formatting, learn how to make proper citations for a bibliography, and order paragraphs. The steps for the report included copying/pasting it onto google docs, putting all of the text/heading/title in the correct font and size, rearranging and indenting the paragraphs, saving the report as a pdf, and putting it into our ePortfolio. The steps for the bibliography included hanging indenting the citation, putting all of the text into the correct font and size, saving it as a pdf, and putting it onto our ePortfolio. I followed all of the steps and understood the reason we did this assignment. I copied/pasted the report into google docs, put all of the text/heading/title in the correct font and size, rearranged and indented the paragraphs, saved the report as a pdf, put it into my ePortfolio, (for the bibliography:) hanging indented the citation, put all of the text into the correct font and size, saved it as a pdf, and put it into my ePortfolio. I enjoyed this assignment and understood that it was supposed to be useful/helpful, reminding, and informative for future assignments. I put in my best effort, worked thoroughly yet efficiently, and understood what I was supposed to be learning during the process.