Please get all Charlemagne library books returned this week!

Parent Health Professional Volunteer Opportunity

We would love to have 3-4 parents who are in a health profession visit our classes over the next few weeks.  As part of our health study of body systems, it is wonderful to hear about different kinds of work that people do to keep our bodies healthy.  In the past, we’ve had nurses, doctors, EMTs, chiropractors, dentists, and orthodonists.  Are you interested & available 20-25 minutes during a school day?  Email Shelli for more information.

Link to photos of our Salem Trip here


Mme Shelli’s Class:  No homework in English or Math for the rest of the year. 

Mme Jana’s Class:  There is no French vocabulary homework for the rest of the year either!

Important Dates:

Monday, May 28        NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day

Friday, June 1           La Tour du Monde (Jog-a-thon) 4th grade runs from 10:15-11:15.  Join us, if you’d like to jog or walk for an hour.

Friday, Jun 8             NO SCHOOL – Grading Day

Friday, June 15          Last day of school for students! See you in the Fall!

Mme Jana’s News This week, 

Thank you so much for all the nifty gifts, cards, chocolates and flowers over Teacher Appreciation week. It’s nice to be appreciated!

In a separate email, I’ll be sending lots of links to academic activities to explore over the summer. I strongly encourage your child to keep up his French over the summer. Look above in the Mme Jana “ressources” to find a large number of free French websites to explore.

FLA (French Language Arts):  This week, students will perform some repeat (3x/yr) French language assessments: reading fluency, a writing assessment with no reference materials, and a comprehension assessment. Everyone is reading, writing and speaking significantly better than at the beginning of the year; I’m looking forward to seeing how much they have improved in their scores, which will be reported to you on the report card. Please take the time to look through the significant amount of writing your child did in his French journal when it comes home at the end of the year.

Les sciences humaines:  This is our major project to finish. Every day, the students have been working on their francophone country projects. Some students have begun to make some of the sides of their dodecahedron. I expect all students to have finished their research over the long weekend, if they hadn’t yet, and to begin making their dodecahedron (le dodécaèdre) this week.

Mme Shelli’s News

OAKS testing – Most students finished both state & district testing last week.  A few students may need additional time this week to finish.  Overall, I noticed the kids confidently completing testing and taking the assessments seriously.  Results for district CBM testing will be in students’ report cards.  State testing results come out later in the summer or fall.

Language Arts & Health :  Students will be learning about various body systems & how to keep themselves healthy during reading & writing time over the next few weeks.  Students will learn a little about their respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, and skeletal systems. The reproductive system will not be covered in 4th grade- just wait until next year!  The unit includes some reading & research as well as some small scientific inquiry.  It is a fun way to end the year. 

Math: In Math, we finish a unit on multiplying fractions by whole numbers.   Learn more about this unit at this link.

We will also do some culminating problem solving that involves a variety of mathematical operations over the next few weeks to review major concepts we’ve studied this year.

Summer Math

Over the summer, I encourage students to spend a little time on  math practice.  There are many ways to practice and extend math & reading at home.  One interesting and FREE summer program is called Summer Math Challenge which sends you 6 weeks of math challenges for your child for via email.  Another FREE practice option is to have your child do play math games on DreamBox or SumDog (see math link above) – I will leave your child’s profile active over the summer.

Other news:

Yearbook Ordering Time!

Students from the Yearbook Club are proud to present the 2017-2018 Yearbook. We are selling it for $13.00 or $6.50 for families on the Free and Reduced lunch plan. Please fill out a separate sheet for each child that you would like purchase a yearbook for so that we can deliver the yearbook to your child’s classroom on Yearbook Delivery Day. Also, please consider donating the cost of a yearbook to a child who cannot afford one. Look for the order form coming home this week. Please turn in orders to the Fox Box located outside of Mme Bernadette’s office.