This is our last blog post of the 2022-2023 school year! There are lots of photos this week, so please scroll down to the bottom of this post.

le 12 au 15 juin 2023 

Upcoming Dates

  • Tuesday, June 13Big party! If your child does not eat/like pizza and carrots, please send a lunch. Otherwise, just send a morning snack. (See below for more information.)
  • Thursday, June 15Field Day/Last Day! Half day of school. Students released at 11:45. Please send your child to school with a backpack to take items home. Parents interested in helping to support field day can sign up to volunteer HERE.

What’s up! Quoi de neuf?

Please give your child his/her/their allergy meds before they come to school in the morning. If you want to leave meds at school, you need to fill out a medical form. If so, please see Eliza in the office. Please send your child to school in proper footwear. If your child is ill or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep your child home. Please continue to follow current Covid rules as well. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers ( and and please call in and leave a message on the school line (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza at

Please remember to pick up this year’s medications, etc. from the office. 

Le français:

Mme Jana, French & Science

•We speak exclusively in French during French class.

•We are learning and applying grammar and spelling rules in French.

•We have learned a tremendous amount about francophone countries around the world.

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching your children this year. They are a great group of kids, and we have not only learned a lot and improved our French, but we also had a great time!

The students’ French is good enough, and we now have the time to do a fun game. We divide in half and each student is responsible for 8-13 cards and as I read a sentence, the two teams have to identify the correct words and get up in the right order with the right words. It’s a great way to practice conjugating and agreements in plural/singular and feminine/masculine nouns and adjectives. Each class has played once, and is really loving it. We’ll try it again next week. It’s also a great opportunity to work as a group and to practice good sportsmanship.

The kids earned their big party in French class, which will include pizza (& carrots), an extra recess, pajamas and a movie! Mme Shelli and I have scheduled it for the last week of school on Tuesday, June 14. If your child does not eat/like pizza and carrots, please send a lunch. Otherwise, just send a morning snack. 

All of the student art projects, except our current project, making a totem with our names, should have come home. If you haven’t seen the artwork I’ve been writing about all year, it will probably be found when it comes home in your child’s purple class folder because it is not yet finished.

A good time was had by most at Le Tour du Monde (Jog-a-thon), and here are some photos of your sweaty children running their cans off!



Mme Shelli, English & Math


As we wrap up math for the year, we are solving some logic problems. Students are collaborating and learning to apply strategies to organize and communicate their math thinking. Last week, they worked on some problems like these:
How many different 2 scoop ice cream cones can you make with 10 flavors?
How many 3-filling sandwiches can you make with 5 filling options?

Students showed each other organization strategies like making a table, making lists, drawing pictures, or using a “web” to show combinations. This week, we’ll play math games to review math concepts from the year.

This year, every student has grown as a mathematician! Look for a “family report” in report cards</span> that come on on Thursday that will have recent CBM and 3rd grade OSAS scores. Your student’s 4th grade scores will be available in the fall.


Summer Math Practice

Look for more ways to practice math this summer at the links below as well as on this page.

Youcubed a GREAT resource for math learning has a free self-paced  online summer program

Maths for Kids Youtube videos for more math fluency games

Khan Academy’s Get Ready for 5th Grade Course


English Language Arts

Family History Home Projects- Due Monday

We have been enjoying students’ stories about their family history. We’ve heard stories of family trees, books of poetry, people who immigrated from other countries, people who traveled on the Oregon trail and many more. Our students have diverse histories and stories to share!

Here are are a few photos of students sharing their family projects:

ELA: Readers’ Theater

To wrap up our unit on traditional stories, students performed dramatic readings of Native American stories from the book Pushing Up the Sky by Joseph Bruchac for their classmates and 1st grade buddies. Here are a few photos.


ATTENTION:  Host an Intern!

Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We will, luckily, be hosting three interns (three girls from France) next school year. Interns provide tremendous and needed support for teachers and students; they are crucial and very beneficial to our program.
If you have room at your house, we are asking that you think about hosting one of the young ladies for 8-12 weeks. The requirements are:
  • they should have their own bedroom
  • they should be transported to and from school
  • they should be provided 3 meals a day
If you are interested in the experience, please email Rachel Buciarski (mom of Maya 3rd grade and Max 1st grade) at
Our program is definitely strengthened by these interns, but without host families, this exchange program can’t exist.
Thank you,
Aurelie Sion (she/her)
2ème année Charlemagne

Message from Eugene-Symphony Youth Orchestra:

ESYO brings beginning strings classes to Eugene elementary schools. Students can learn violin, viola, cello, or bass – and we provide the instruments! Our beginning strings classes are offered on-site after school or before school (twice weekly for 45 mins). Scholarships are available to cover part or nearly all the costs. This year we hope to begin the classes the first week of October at any schools where we have 12-20 interested kids. It would be wonderful to count Charlemagne among the schools for 2023-24. For more information visit!

Tutoring possibility:

Are you interested in your child receiving tutoring this summer? Our former fifth grade teacher extraordinaire, Carrie Grabowski, lives in Virginia now, and she tutors via Zoom. Please see her flyer:  Savoir-Faire Tutoring LLC flyer (1)