Dear Families,

What a wonderful week with friends, relatives, sunshine, and happy times!

We welcome our new student teacher, Aaron Loghry, who will teach many subjects this spring semester to complete his Master’s Degree. Please read his bio on our biography page.

We will start our OAKS testing this Friday and the following week in math and reading. Please make sure your child has a good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast.

You will be receiving information about our field trip to Portland next week. There is no worry, since every adult who would like to chaperone has a place. I will be glad to answer questions after Jenny and I send you field trip forms.


Reading– Our new unit will be about Greek Mythology using Daulaire’s Greek Myth Books. The stories include the origin of the gods and goddesses, as well as the heroes such as Hercules, Perseus, and Jason.

Math-  We will revisit fractions and decimals for a short bit, and start our geometry unit. For the first few days of this week, we will complete a math project called Palindromes. Our division drills continue making sure students are competent with facts.

Writing– We were not able to complete our Sacagawea stories before Spring Break, so we will work on it this week. It allows the students to try their hands at writing in the historical fiction genre.

Social Studies – the students will need to complete their Native American Report research for their note cards this week. I have asked them to bring home the cards so that you can help them find information on the five topics this week. The next step will be to put the facts into an outline.

Buenas Semanas y bonne semaine,

Debra, I Jung, and Aaron