Dear Edison 4th grade families,
Here is our supply list. Do not worry if you need more time to complete your shopping. We will have extras to use in the meantime.

Shared Class Items
• 4 packs of 12 #2 pencils- Try for Ticonderoga (a superior brand)
• 2 large packets of wide lined notebook paper (not college ruled- I still have leftovers from last year.)
• 4 glue sticks or 1 large

Individual items (labeled with name and permanent marker

• 1 backpack
1 large eraser
felt tip colored markers (student choice 12 or more)
colored pencils (12 or more)
Colored folders for subjects: green, orange, purple, blue, red, yellow and student choice for an art folder
1 pair of scissors
1 hand held sharpener
pencil pouch or box (small enough to fit in desk)
composition notebook (no spiral)
a check $40 for extra supplies purchased by teacher (sliding scale if needed)

If you have a box of tissues to donate, it would be appreciated.

