Weekly Agenda: December 10-14, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-12.10


Weekly Goal Setting – see email reminder: one Academic Goal, one Personal Goal

Multiple Intelligences presentation

Should College Athletes Be Paid

Philosophical Chairs

WordGen Article

Renting Pets: Benefits or Not?

Discussion on Wednesday Article – Philosophical Chairs


No Homeroom
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link


Formatting Research Papers and Bibliographies

See email for google doc links and instructions

Any incomplete Portfolio set-up needs completion ASAP

Due 12.11.18

Formatting Research Papers and Bibliographies

Due today.

If finished and checked on ePortfolio, earned free time.

Introduce 3D printing. Familiarize with 123d Design and demo tools to use for Luminaire Assignment

Luminaire Tutorial Link – Part 1

Luminaire Assignment work. Target completion date is 12.21 Weekly Update #2

Luminaire Assignment work. Target completion date is 12.21

P. 2 – Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

5 PSA Quiz – Due Today end of class – assignment explanation on ePortfolio

5PSA Quiz link here

Bring headphones

If students finish early, 10 PSA Assignment topics list is below. Maximum 2 PSAs picked as excellent per topic.

PSA Topics

Begin 10 PSA assignment work – examples of formatting on ePortfolio and hard copy from teacher.

Maximum 2 PSAs picked as excellent per topic.

10 PSA example here. Target Due 12.14

PSA Topics

10 PSA assignment work – examples of formatting on ePortfolio and hard copy from teacher.

Maximum 2 PSAs picked as excellent per topic.

10 PSA example here. Target Due 12.14

PSA Topics

If finished – complete Top Pick PSA Assignment

10 PSA assignment work – examples of formatting on ePortfolio and hard copy from teacher.

Maximum 2 PSAs picked as excellent per topic.

10 PSA example here. Target Due 12.14


If finished – complete Top Pick PSA Assignment

Weekly Update #2

Finish 10 PSA assignment work – examples of formatting on ePortfolio and hard copy from teacher.

10 PSA example here.

Target Due 12.14

P. 3 –  Design Technology

Assignments Link

Brand Awareness Assignment WorkDue 12.11

Work on Personal Logo idea sketches – 4 square folded clean paper – total 8 panels front and back to work on sketch ideas.

Sketches Due 12.12

Brand Awareness Assignment WorkDue 12.11

Work on Personal Logo idea sketches – 4 square folded clean paper – total 8 panels front and back to work on sketch ideas.

Sketches Due 12.12

If finished or stuck on design ideas, Do the Playgrounds Commands lessons – be sure to take snapshots and upload to ePortfolio pages. Do not work ahead of Commands Section

Adobe Illustrator introduction – logo design tools

Work on Personal Logo idea sketches – 4 square folded clean paper – total 8 panels front and back to work on sketch ideas.

Sketches Due 12.12

Adobe Illustrator import web line art for Logo designs.

Work on approved logo designs – Target Due 12.18-21


Weekly Update #2

Adobe Illustrator import web line art for Logo designs.

Work on approved logo designs – Target Due 12.18-21


P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Weekly Goals #2 – Comprehensive/detailed goal for work to be accomplished this week – Goals carry grade weight at midterm and final grading!

Editorial Assignment work for Newbies – mind maps due 12.11 latest.

Rough Drafts due 12.14.

If finished sooner, needs 3 peer edits and them applied to final copy.

Yearbook group work as assigned. Echo work continued.

Zinger to get rough draft of paper by Wednesday, 12.12 Target

Media Pros meet with Kevin – get updates and assignments/tasks. Working on teacher Read Posters – Syd, Jack, Bethany, Neal.

Editorial Assignment work for Newbies – mind maps due 12.11 latest.

Rough Drafts due 12.14.

If finished sooner, needs 3 peer edits and them applied to final copy.

Yearbook group work as assigned. Echo work continued.

Zinger to get rough draft of paper by Wednesday, 12.12 Target

Media Pros meet with Kevin – get updates and assignments/tasks. Working on teacher Read Posters – Syd, Jack, Bethany, Neal.

Editorial Assignment work for Newbies – mind maps due 12.11 latest.

Rough Drafts due 12.14.

If finished sooner, needs 3 peer edits and them applied to final copy.

Yearbook group work as assigned. Echo work continued.

Zinger to get rough draft of paper by Wednesday, 12.12 Target

Media Pros meet with Kevin – get updates and assignments/tasks. Working on teacher Read Posters – Syd, Jack, Bethany, Neal.

Editorial Assignment work for Newbies – mind maps due 12.11 latest.

Rough Drafts due 12.14.

If finished sooner, needs 3 peer edits and them applied to final copy.

Yearbook group work as assigned. Echo work continued.

Zinger to get rough draft of paper by Wednesday, 12.12 Target

Media Pros meet with Kevin – get updates and assignments/tasks. Working on teacher Read Posters – Syd, Jack, Bethany, Neal.

Weekly Goals Reflection and Update #2

All groups forecast and establish next week’s individual and group work.

Weekly Agenda: December 3-7, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-12.3


No School – Fall Trimester Grading Day

Doing Well In School

Round Robin

WordGen Article

Nuclear Power: Our Energy Future, or Danger to Society

Discussion on Wednesday Article


No Homeroom
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link


No School-Fall Trimester Grading Day Classroom Expectation – Review

How to use Schiff’s Blog/Agenda

Intro to Technology Literature/Explore Computers

Begin Files 1 set-up

Demo ePortfolio Set-up and front load of term assignments

Continue Files 1 set-up

Set-up ePortfolio and front load of term assignments when finished with Files1

Intro Assignment #1 Google Docs formatting standards Weekly Update #1

Review Assignment #1

Contiunue with ePortfolio Set-up

P. 2 – Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

No School – Fall Trimester Grading Day Classroom Expectation – Review

How to use Schiff’s Blog/Agenda

Intro Course and term syllabus – update ePortfolios and front load all assignment pages with descriptions from Schiff blog

PSA defined and past cohort examples. Vocabulary and links to resources.

Finish ePortfolio set-up

PSA tenets and evaluation sheet exercises
Introduce 10 PSA Assignment: Format and Resources Brainstorm Topics to add to list on Schiff blog
Weekly Update #1

Begin 10 PSA Assignment

Review format, Topics list

P. 3 –  Design Technology

Assignments Link

No School – Fall Trimester Grading Day Classroom Expectation – Review

How to use Schiff’s Blog/Agenda

Introduce Course and term syllabus – show past cohort examples of each Module.

Demo  ePortfolio set-up. Front load all Module assignments and descriptions from Schiff blos

Continue with Modules introduction and ePortfolio set-up
Intro Branding and Logo design module.Vocabulary and concepts
Branding and logo design – examples.

Intro Typography as design

Intro Adobe Illustrator and exercises.


Weekly Update #1

Adobe Illustrator play and tools review. Introduce exercises and activities for next week.

P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

No School – Fall Trimester Grading Day Classroom Expectation – Review

How to use Schiff’s Blog/Agenda

Welcome new J/YB students. Review term syllabus and assignments.

Reset and refit/shift/blend/ with established groups: YB Core, Zinger, ECHO, Media Pros.

Identify special projects and independent study opportunities.

Groups re-establish lead roles and members – list to Schiff by end  period.

Identify Student Leader/QCEs to work with new J/YB students on required assignments.

Update ePortfolios to reflect new term: Parent page for J/YB, assignments if new to course.

New J/YB: Assignment #1 Shots and Angles photo skills .

All groups post on ePortfolios what their individual work/jobs are.

Weekly Goals Update #1

All groups forecast and establish next week’s individual and group work.

Weekly Agenda: November 26-30, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-11.26


Goal setting #12:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

Showing Gratitude

WordGen Article

Do Professional Athletes Deserve Multi-Million Dollar Salaries?

Philosophical Chairs

Reread WordGen  Article 2.04 for Discussion

No Homeroom
P. 1 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link

Biopic Examples:

Becky Aasheim

Cody Reuter

Addison Bardwell

Audrey Bivens

Biopic Assignment work.

Completed Biopics with 4 Chapters, 3 sections each, Due 11.28

Continue printing Luminares, add to ePortfolio

Biopic Assignment work.

Completed Biopics with 4 Chapters, 3 sections each, Due 11.28

Continue printing Luminares, add to ePortfolios

Biopic Assignment Target Due Today!

Completed Biopics with 4 Chapters, 3 sections each, Due 11.28

Continue printing Luminares, add to ePortfolios

Clean-up ePortfolios for final grading Weekly Update #12

End of term – last chance catch-up.

P. 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


Claymation – extension 1 day.

Swift Playgrounds Lesson Work

Functions Section: Specified lessons Due Today

Please Read: See here for all sections to be completed and specific Lesson Screen Shots that MUST be uploaded to ePortfolios – eah section needs a separate page for lesson screen shots.

Swift Playgrounds – Learning to Code Work
Please Read: See here for all sections to be completed and specific Lesson Screen Shots that MUST be uploaded to ePortfolios – eah section needs a separate page for lesson screen shots.All Due Thursday. 11.29 end of class.
Swift Playgrounds – Learning to Code Work
Please Read: See here for all sections to be completed and specific Lesson Screen Shots that MUST be uploaded to ePortfolios – eah section needs a separate page for lesson screen shots.All Due Thursday. 11.29 end of class.
Swift Playgrounds – Learning to Code Work
Please Read: See here for all sections to be completed and specific Lesson Screen Shots that MUST be uploaded to ePortfolios – eah section needs a separate page for lesson screen shots.All Due Thursday. 11.29 end of class.
Weekly Update #12

Make-up/Last Chance End of Term work, ePortfolio clean-up.

P. 3 –  Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

Final Cut Due 11.27 *Extra Credit School PSA Due 11.29 *If Finished with PSA#2 – See me for extra credit school PSA list to choose from. Final Cut Due 11.27 *Extra Credit School PSA Due 11.29 *If Finished with PSA#2 – See me for extra credit school PSA list to choose from. Final Cut Due 11.27 *Extra Credit School PSA Due 11.29 *If Finished with PSA#2 – See me for extra credit school PSA list to choose from. Final Cut Due 11.27 *Extra Credit School PSA Due 11.29 *If Finished with PSA#2 – See me for extra credit school PSA list to choose from. Weekly Update #12

Make-up/Last Chance End of Term work, ePortfolio clean-up.

P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Set Weekly Goal #12

Grade Rationales Due Thursday, 11.29 – printed on Schiff’s desk. All Students.

InDesign Tutorial – Due 11.29 as PDF on ePortfolio. All 1st Round J/YB/MP students.

Material on flash drive

Photo Library continued with downloads and organization.

Photo Shoots assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Grade Rationales Due Thursday, 11.29 – printed on Schiff’s desk. All Students.

InDesign Tutorial – Due 11.29 as PDF on ePortfolio. All 1st Round J/YB/MP students.

Material on flash drive

Photo Library continued with downloads and organization.

Photo Shoots assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Grade Rationales Due Thursday, 11.29 – printed on Schiff’s desk. All Students.

InDesign Tutorial – Due 11.29 as PDF on ePortfolio. All 1st Round J/YB/MP students.

Material on flash drive

Photo Library continued with downloads and organization.

Photo Shoots assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Grade Rationales Due Thursday, 11.29 – printed on Schiff’s desk. All Students.

InDesign Tutorial – Due 11.29 as PDF on ePortfolio. All 1st Round J/YB/MP students.

Material on flash drive

Photo Library continued with downloads and organization.

Photo Shoots assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Goals Update #12

Make-up/Last Chance End of Term work, ePortfolio clean-up.

Weekly Agenda: November 19-21, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-11.19


Goal setting #11:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

Being Thankful

CY Thankful Survey

Setting Smart Goals:

Writing Smart Goals – Set one for the year!

CY Smart Goal Survey

No School – Thanksgiving Break No School – Thanksgiving Break
P. 1 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link

Biopic Examples:

Becky Aasheim

Cody Reuter

Addison Bardwell

Audrey Bivens

Biopic Assignment work.

Completed Biopics with 4 Chapters, 3 sections each, Due 11.28Continue to collect images over the weekend.Continue printing Luminares

Biopic Assignment work.

Completed Biopics with 4 Chapters, 3 sections each, Due 11.28Continue to collect images over the weekend.Continue printing Luminares

Weekly Update #11

Biopic Assignment work.

Completed Biopics with 4 Chapters, 3 sections each, Due 11.28Continue to collect images over the weekend.Continue printing Luminares

No School – Thanksgiving Break No School – Thanksgiving Break
P. 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


Claymation Due 11.21

Flash Animation Four corners Past Due

Intro Swift Playgrounds – Learning to Code 1 – Show lesson sequences, how to record for Assignment Proof Grade

HOMEWORK! Commands Section: 1. Portal Practice, 2. Finding and Fixing Bugs, 3. Bug Squash Practice, 4. Shortest Route

Due 11.21

Continue printing boats and luminares

Swift Playgrounds Homework over Break: Assignment Proof Grade on ePortfolios:

Functions Section: 1. Composing a new behavior, 2. Creating a new Function, 3. Collect, Toggle, Repeat, 4. Across the Board, 5. Slotted Stairways, 6. Treasure Hunt

Due 11.26

Claymation Due 11.21

Swift Playgrounds – Learning to Code

Assignment Proof Grade

HOMEWORK! Commands Section: 1. Portal Practice, 2. Finding and Fixing Bugs, 3. Bug Squash Practice, 4. Shortest Route

Due on ePortfolios 11.21

Continue printing boats and luminares

Swift Playgrounds Homework over Break: Assignment Proof Grade on ePortfolios:

Functions Section: 1. Composing a new behavior, 2. Creating a new Function, 3. Collect, Toggle, Repeat, 4. Across the Board, 5. Slotted Stairways, 6. Treasure Hunt

Due 11.26

Weekly Update #11

Claymation Due 11.21

Swift Playgrounds – Learning to Code

Assignment Proof Grade

HOMEWORK! Commands Section: 1. Portal Practice, 2. Finding and Fixing Bugs, 3. Bug Squash Practice, 4. Shortest Route

Due on ePortfolios 11.21

Swift Playgrounds Homework over Break: Assignment Proof Grade on ePortfolios:

Functions Section: 1. Composing a new behavior, 2. Creating a new Function, 3. Collect, Toggle, Repeat, 4. Across the Board, 5. Slotted Stairways, 6. Treasure Hunt

Due 11.26

No School – Thanksgiving Break No School – Thanksgiving Break
P. 3 –  Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

PSA #2 Edits Due 11.21
Final Cut Due 11.27*Extra Credit School PSA Due 11.28

*If Finished with PSA#2 – See me for extra credit school PSA list to choose from.

PSA #2 Edits Due 11.21
Final Cut Due 11.27*Extra Credit School PSA Due 11.28

*If Finished with PSA#2 – See me for extra credit school PSA list to choose from.

Weekly Update #11

PSA #2 Edits Due 11.21

Final Cut Due 11.27

*Extra Credit School PSA Due 11.28

*If Finished with PSA#2 – See me for extra credit school PSA list to choose from.

No School – Thanksgiving Break No School – Thanksgiving Break
P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Set Weekly Goal #11

Cover Poster PSA Due 11.20 after Peer Edits!

Cover Poster PSA Due 11.20 after Peer Edits!

Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Goals Update #11

Wrap up – HW Day if done with all current work.

Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

No School – Thanksgiving Break No School – Thanksgiving Break

Weekly Agenda: November 13-16, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-11.12


No School – Veteran’s Day

Goal setting #10/11:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

Tuesday Focus: Beatles “Blackbird” in Notability

“Blackbird” Lyrics

WordGen Reaing: Should Standardized Tests be a Requirement for High School Graduation Debrief WordGen Reading from Wednesday – review work in Notability and discuss – Philosophical Chairs format.

Guide Slides

Weekly Goals #10/11 Reflection, includes P1. Weekly Update
P. 1 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link

Biopic Examples:

Becky Aasheim

Cody Reuter

Addison Bardwell

Audrey Bivens


No School – Veteran’s Day Intro Biopics assignment – show examples.

Show Templates, modify tools and tips, 4 chapters and min. 3 sections/chapter.

Homework for the week – collect images to use in Biopic

ePortfolio page set-up for Biopics.

Mop-up for Luminare completion

Continue printing Luminares

Biopics assignment  – Demo template to individual custom page set-up.

Show additional examples. Emphasize page layout, use of space, page edges, image scaling and text copy block placement

Review chapter and section set-up and naming. Due 11.15

Homework for the week – collect images to use in Biopic

Continue printing Luminares

Biopic Assignment work.

Show additional examples. Emphasize page layout, use of space, page edges, image scaling and text copy block placement

Chapter and section set-up and naming. Due Today

Homework for the week – collect images to use in Biopic

Continue printing Luminares

Weekly Update #10 included in HR Goals and Reflection
Biopic Assignment work.Completed Biopics with 4 Chapters, 3 sections each, Due 11.28Continue to collect images over the weekend.

Continue printing Luminares

P. 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


No School – Veteran’s Day Storyboards Due Today for Claymation Ideas

Intro Stop Motion Animation with iMotion – show “Play and Clay” ‘mations

15-30 second Stop Motion play exercise Due 11.15 on ePortfolios.

When checked, approval to begin Claymation Due 11.21

Flash Animation Four corners Past Due

Continue printing boats and luminaires

15-30 second Stop Motion play exercise Due 11.15 on ePortfolios.

When checked, approval to begin Claymation Due 11.21

Flash Animation Four corners Past Due

Continue printing boats and luminares

15-30 second Stop Motion play exercise Due 11.15 on ePortfolios.

When checked, approval to begin Claymation Due 11.21

Flash Animation Four corners Past Due

Continue printing boats and luminares

Weekly Update #10
15-30 second Stop Motion play exercise Due 11.15 on ePortfolios.When checked, approval to begin Claymation Due 11.21Flash Animation Four corners Past Due

Continue printing boats and luminaires

P. 3 –  Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

No School – Veteran’s Day Sign up for Live Broadcasts
PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.Rough Cuts Due 11.16If done with PSA #2 Check in with Schiff for Extra Credit School Themed PSA – Teams up to 3 students.
Sign up for Live Broadcasts
PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.Rough Cuts Due 11.16If done with PSA #2 Check in with Schiff for Extra Credit School Themed PSA – Teams up to 3 students.
Sign up for Live Broadcasts
PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.Rough Cuts Due 11.16If done with PSA #2 Check in with Schiff for Extra Credit School Themed PSA – Teams up to 3 students.
Weekly Update #10
Sign up for Live Broadcasts
PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.Rough Cuts Due 11.16If done with PSA #2 Check in with Schiff for Extra Credit School Themed PSA – Teams up to 3 students.
P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

No School – Veteran’s Day Set Weekly Goal #10

All:  Cover contest poster work – individual or team. Continue to finish #1. 2nd Poster Design and Draft extra credit.

All Students including Media Pros: Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA up to 3 students in a PSA Team.  Storyboard the PSA and Outline script.

Edited/Final PSA  Due 11.20

Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

All:  Cover contest poster work – individual or team. Continue to finish #1. 2nd Poster Design and Draft extra credit.
All Students including Media Pros: Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA up to 3 students in a PSA Team.  Storyboard the PSA and Outline script.
Edited/Final PSA  Due 11.20
Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries



All:  Cover contest poster work – individual or team. Continue to finish #1. 2nd Poster Design and Draft extra credit.
All Students including Media Pros: Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA up to 3 students in a PSA Team.  Storyboard the PSA and Outline script.
Edited/Final PSA  Due 11.20
Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries



Goal #10 Reflections

All:  Cover contest poster work – individual or team. Continue to finish #1. 2nd Poster Design and Draft extra credit.

All Students including Media Pros: Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA up to 3 students in a PSA Team.  Storyboard the PSA and Outline script.

Edited/Final PSA  Due 11.20

Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Agenda: November 5-7, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-11.5


Goal setting #10:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

Extended HR with DFZ assembly. Friday schedule – shortened periods.
Weekly Goals Reflection, includes reflection on the DFZ assembly.


No School – Parent Conferences No School  – Teacher PD
P. 1 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link



Finish 3D Luminaires.

Extra credit – Create a Primitives Object using tools for Luminaire.

Sign up for Luminaire printing.

Finish 3D Luminaires.

Extra credit – Create a Primitives Object using tools for Luminaire.

Sign up for Luminaire printing.

Weekly Update #10- same POST with HR Goals

Finish 3D Luminaires.

Extra credit – Create a Primitives Object using tools for Luminaire.

Sign up for Luminaire printing.

No School – Parent Conferences No School – Teacher PD
P. 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


Flash Animation Four corners Due 11.7

Continue printing boats and luminaires

Flash Animation Four corners Due 11.7

Continue printing boats and luminaires

Weekly Update #10

Flash Animation Four corners Due 11.7

Continue printing boats and luminaires

No School – Parent Conferences No School – Teacher PD
P. 3 –  Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

Sign up for Live Broadcasts
PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.Rough Cuts Due 11.16
Sign up for Live Broadcasts
PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.Rough Cuts Due 11.16
Weekly Update #10

Sign up for Live Broadcasts

PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.

Rough Cuts Due 11.16

No School – Parent Conferences No School – Teacher PD
P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Set Weekly Goal #10 on ePortfolios

All:  Cover contest poster work – individual or team.

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  Due 11.16 and posters due by 11.7

Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

All:  Cover contest poster work – individual or team.

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  Due 11.16 and posters due by 11.7

Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Alice Training/Review

Goals reflection.

All:  Cover contest poster work – individual or team.

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  Due 11.16 and posters due by 11.7

Photo Library continued with downloads and organnization.

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries



No School – Parent Conferences
No School – Teacher PD

Weekly Agenda: October 29-November 2, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-10.29


Goal setting #9:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

DFZ – 1 hour Homeroom

DFZ Activities Continued

Words We’re Watching slideshow: 
Words We’re Watching Quizlet Game Link: 
DFZ Activities Continued DFZ Activities Continued Weekly Goals #9 reflection and Per. 1 Update on ePortfolios.
P. 1 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link



Mop up Photoshop Assignments.

If completed all 3 – Horses, Personal Makeover, Buddy Pic, then make sure weekly goals #9 is done and check in with Sub for Free time.

Intro 3D Design with 123d Design – Basic tools, and 3D work environment.

Simple 3D Creation Ideas and examples.

3D – 123d Design sketching tools, move, scale and subtract.

Using basic shapes and sketch tools to create a design.

More on Design ideas – Approved ideas by 11.2

3D design project ideas, experiment with tools, 3D environment.

More on Design ideas – Approved ideas by 11.2

Weekly Update #9 – same POST with HR Goals

3D Design ideas due today.

Begin/continue  working on designs. Final designs target Due 11.7

P. 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 

Mop-up work on luminaire projects.

Continue printing boats and luminaires

No Printing Period 2 today.

Intro Flash Animation Four corners Due 11.2

Show examples.

Continue printing boats and luminaires



Flash Animation Four corners Due 11.2

Show examples.

Continue printing boats and luminaires


Intro iPad iMotion Stop motion animation – quick play opportunities.

Claymation using iMotion.

Intro storyboards – handouts. Ideas for Claymation Due 11.5

Show examples.


Continue printing boats and luminaires

Weekly Update #9
Complete 4 Corners Flash animation.Work on Claymation storyboards.Continue printing boats and luminaires 
P. 3 –  Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

No  Studio Training today
PSA #2 Elevator Speeches Past DuePSA#2 Script must follow enhanced script example. Due 11.2
Finish Studio Training & Sign Up for Live
PSA#2 Script must follow enhanced script example. Due 11.2
Finish Studio Training & Sign Up for Live

PSA#2 Script must follow enhanced script example. Due 11.2

Sign up for Live
PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.Rough Cuts Due 11.16
Weekly Update #9

Sign up for Live

PSA #2 Video work, rough cut work.

Rough Cuts Due 11.16

P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Set Weekly Goal #9 on ePortfolios

Writing Styles: Review – Topic must be approved by Teacher –  can be movie, book/book series, TV Series, Video Game/Series, Music Group/Album, etc. Past Due

All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  and posters due by 11.2

Photo Library set-up and downloads

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  and posters due by 11.2

Photo Library set-up and downloads

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  and posters due by 11.2

Photo Library set-up and downloads

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  and posters due by 11.2

Photo Library set-up and downloads

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Goals Reflection #9
All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2 Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters. PSAs  and posters due by 11.1Photo Library set-up and downloadsPhoto Opps assignedQCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group membersZinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projectsEcho Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Agenda: October 22-26, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-10.22


Goal setting #8:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

Expectations Review – Presentation: Golden Plunger!

Marking the Text Exercise

Louis Armstrong “Wonderful World” Lyrics

Weekly WordGen Reading and Vocab Discussion

Today’s News: Information or Entertainment

Launch Notability App for reading notes and discussion. Number paragraphs, put numbers above vocab words at top of page, highlight vocab words in context when reading as class. Highlight vocab word top of page if you know the meaning. Discuss each vocab word in context as reading. Brief summary discussion.

Students re-read Doping Article from Wednesday, then take the Quizizz “Live Game” at the link below – students need an iPad.

Notability Review


Weekly Goals #8 reflection and Per. 1 Update on ePortfolios.
P. 1 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link



Photoshop Assignment #2

Personal Makeover -Background image must be 1024×768 – Airdrop iPd image to computer. Move from downloads to files1(drag from downloads to files1 icon on desktop). OPEN (Files–>OPEN) in Photoshop, From main menu bar at top, Select Image—>Image Size and change to 800×600, mask and then copy and paste into your background image.

Save as .PSD, and when finished as .JPG for ePortfolio – TAs can help to fins SAVE AS drop down menu and select .JPG for save and then upload to ePortfolio. Target Due 10.24

When finished, Buddy Pic for extra credit.

Photoshop Assignment #2

Personal Makeover -Background image must be 1024×768 – Airdrop iPd image to computer. Move from downloads to files1(drag from downloads to files1 icon on desktop). OPEN (Files–>OPEN) in Photoshop, From main menu bar at top, Select Image—>Image Size and change to 800×600, mask and then copy and paste into your background image.

Save as .PSD, and when finished as .JPG for ePortfolio – TAs can help to fins SAVE AS drop down menu and select .JPG for save and then upload to ePortfolio. Target Due 10.24

When finished, Buddy Pic for extra credit.

Photoshop Assignment #2

Personal Makeover -Background image must be 1024×768 – Airdrop iPd image to computer. Move from downloads to files1(drag from downloads to files1 icon on desktop). OPEN (Files–>OPEN) in Photoshop, From main menu bar at top, Select Image—>Image Size and change to 800×600, mask and then copy and paste into your background image.

Save as .PSD, and when finished as .JPG for ePortfolio – TAs can help to fins SAVE AS drop down menu and select .JPG for save and then upload to ePortfolio. Target Due 10.24

When finished, Buddy Pic for extra credit

Wrap-up Photoshop work with Buddy Pic Extra Credit. Weekly Update #8 – same POST with HR Goals

All Photoshop work completed and on ePortfolios with COMPLETE Reflections that include the story of each makeover!

P. 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


First Round Students begin work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Extended Due 10.22

Finish Fusion Intro Tutorial Due 10.24

Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

Advanced Students finish Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments

Finish the “Star” Fusion 360 Assignment if done. Due 10.23

Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

First Round Students finish Intro Fusion Tutorial – Due 10.24

*Star Assignment is extra credit

Begin Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

Advanced Students work on: Finish the “Star” Fusion 360 Assignment if done. Due 10.23

Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

First Round Students: Finish Fusion 360 Intro Tutorial – Due 10.24

*Star Assignment is extra credit

Begin Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

Advanced Students work on: Finish the “Star” Fusion 360 Assignment if done. Due 10.23

Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

First Round Students: Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

*Star Assignment is extra credit

Advanced Students work on: Finish the “Star” Fusion 360 Assignment if done. Due 10.23

Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

First Round Students: Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

*Star Assignment is extra credit

Advanced Students work on: Finish the “Star” Fusion 360 Assignment if done. Due 10.23

Luminaire Project in either 123d Design or Fusion 360 Due 10.26

P. 3 –  Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

Begin Studio Training
5—>3—>1 Topic choices for PSA#2 – includes video and stills – must incorporate skills learned from video angles assignment. Topics approved by 10.24
Studio Training

5—>3—>1 Topic choices for PSA#2 – includes video and stills – must incorporate skills learned from video angles assignment. Topics approved by 10.24

Begin elevator speeches once topic is approved – Due 10.25

PSA#2 Script must follow enhanced script example. Due 10.31

Studio Training

5—>3—>1 Topic choices for PSA#2 – includes video and stills – must incorporate skills learned from video angles assignment. Topics approved by 10.24

Begin elevator speeches once topic is approved – Due 10.25

PSA#2 Script must follow enhanced script example. Due 10.31

Watch student video angle movies – 5pts extra credit

Studio Training

Begin elevator speeches once topic is approved – Due 10.25

PSA#2 Script must follow enhanced script example. Due 10.31

Watch student video angle movies – 5pts extra credit


Weekly Update #8

Studio Training

Begin elevator speeches once topic is approved – Due 10.25

PSA#2 Script must follow enhanced script example. Due 10.31

Watch student video angle movies – 5pts extra credit



P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Set Weekly Goal #8 on ePortfolios

Writing Styles: Review – Topic must be approved by Teacher –  can be movie, book/book series, TV Series, Video Game/Series, Music Group/Album, etc. Past Due

All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  and posters due by 10.26

Photo Library set-up and downloads

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  and posters due by 10.26

Photo Library set-up and downloads

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  and posters due by 10.26

Photo Library set-up and downloads

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2

Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters.

PSAs  and posters due by 10.26

Photo Library set-up and downloads

Photo Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Goals Reflection #8
All: Zinger Fun Filler Content – must have 3 fun filler pieces – examples in past Zinger issues (Fun Facts, Horoscopes, Recipes, Trivia, Top Ten lists, etc., Due 11.2Yearbook – Cover Contest Promos – PSA min. 3 different PSAs, rough sketch for posters. PSAs  and posters due by 10.26Photo Library set-up and downloadsPhoto Opps assigned

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper begin layout in InDesign, continue editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Agenda: October 15-19, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-10.15


Goal setting #7:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

Expectations Review – Presentation: Cleaning Up!

Quizizz Homeroom Presentation and  Debrief

Students need iPad and launch link above to take the Quizizz.


Weekly WordGen Reading and Vocab Discussion

Doping in the Sports World

Launch Notability App for reading notes and discussion. Number paragraphs, put numbers above vocab words at top of page, highlight vocab words in context when reading as class. Highlight vocab word top of page if you know the meaning. Discuss each vocab word in context as reading. Brief summary discussion.


Students re-read Doping Article from Wednesday, then take the Quizizz “Live Game” at the link below – students need an iPad.

Quizizz Live Game


Weekly Goals reflection and Per. 1 Update on ePortfolios.
P. 1 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link



Photoshop Assignment #1 work – themed story makeover using Horses image from Schiff’s Instructional blog – requirements of at least 4 images from the web for the composite story.

Target Horses Makeover Due 10.17

Save as .PSD, and when finished as .JPG for ePortfolio – TAs can help to fins SAVE AS drop down menu and select .JPG for save and then upload to ePortfolio

If finished before 10.17 – Students choose another “story” to tell using fresh Horses image – same requirements of at least 4 images from the web for the composite story.

Photoshop Assignment #1 work – themed story makeover using Horses image from Schiff’s Instructional blog – requirements of at least 4 images from the web for the composite story.

Target Horses Makeover Due 10.17

Save as .PSD, and when finished as .JPG for ePortfolio – TAs can help to fins SAVE AS drop down menu and select .JPG for save and then upload to ePortfolio

If finished before 10.17 – Students choose another “story” to tell using fresh Horses image – same requirements of at least 4 images from the web for the composite story.


Photoshop Assignment #1 work – themed story makeover using Horses image from Schiff’s Instructional blog – requirements of at least 4 images from the web for the composite story.

Target Horses Makeover Due 10.17

Save as .PSD, and when finished as .JPG for ePortfolio – TAs can help to fins SAVE AS drop down menu and select .JPG for save and then upload to ePortfolio

If finished before 10.17 – Students choose another “story” to tell using fresh Horses image – same requirements of at least 4 images from the web for the composite story.

Photoshop Assignment #2

Personal Makeover – demo and requirements covered in class session.

Weekly Update #7 – same POST with HR Goals
P. 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


123d Design Assignment Mallet and Board Tutorial Link

Past Due

All Students Must have Fusion 360 accounts for nest assignments.

1st round students begin work on 123d Boat Tutorial Link. Due 10.16 – Must be saved as .STL for printer ready and with oars.

Advanced Students work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments  Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Due 10.17.

1st round students begin work on Boat tutorial. 123d Boat Tutorial Link

Due 10.16 – Must be saved as .STL for printer ready and with oars. Second round/Advanced Students can help here.

Advanced Students work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Due 10.17.

First Round Students begin work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Due 10.19


1st round students begin work on Boat tutorial. Past Due – Must be saved as .STL for printer ready and with oars.

Advanced Students work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total. Due 10.17.

First Round Students begin work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Due 10.19

First Round Students begin work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Due 10.19

Advanced Students work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Past Due – if more time needed check in with teacher)

Begin the “Star” Fusion 360 Assignment if done. Due 10.21

Weekly Update #7

First Round Students begin work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Due 10.19

Advanced Students work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total) Past Due – if more time needed check in with teacher)

Begin the “Star” Fusion 360 Assignment if done. Due 10.21

P. 3 –  Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

Make Vimeo Accounts Today!

PSA #1 Rough Cut Past Due

Peer Edits – 6 peer views and form feedback – Edits list in Docs and PDF on ePorts

Due 10.15

Final Cut Due 10.16

5 Video Angles short video story exercise Due 10.19

PSA #1 Assignment Work.

Peer Edits – 6 peer views and form feedback – Edits list in Docs and PDF on ePorts

Past Due

Final Cut Due 10.16

5 Video Angles short video story exercise Due 10.19

PSA #1 Final Cut Past Due
5 Video Angles short video story exercise Due 10.19
5 Video Angles short video story exercise Due 10.19 Weekly Update #7

5 Video Angles short video story exercise Due 10.19


P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Set Weekly Goal #7 on ePortfolios

Photography Exercise – 10 Shots and Angles. Final Movie of images with labels and soundtrack – upload to ePortfolios Past Due

Writing Styles: Review – Topic must be approved by Teacher –  can be movie, book/book series, TV Series, Video Game/Series, Music Group/Album, etc.

Drafts Due 10.17.

Finals Due 10.19 after 2 Peer Edits

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Writing Styles: Review – Topic must be approved by Teacher – can be movie, book/book series, TV Series, Video Game/Series, Music Group/Album, etc.

Drafts Due 10.17.

Finals Due 10.19 after 2 Peer Edits

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Writing Styles: Review – Topic must be approved by Teacher – can be movie, book/book series, TV Series, Video Game/Series, Music Group/Album, etc.

Drafts Due 10.17.

Finals Due 10.19 after 2 Peer Edits

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Writing Styles: Review – Topic must be approved by Teacher – can be movie, book/book series, TV Series, Video Game/Series, Music Group/Album, etc.

Drafts Due 10.17.

Finals Due 10.19 after 2 Peer Edits

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Goals Reflection #7
Writing Styles: Review – Topic must be approved by Teacher – can be movie, book/book series, TV Series, Video Game/Series, Music Group/Album, etc.

Drafts Due 10.17.

Finals Due 10.19 after 2 Peer Edits

QCE Leads make sure responsibilities attended to- check on group members

Zinger Paper editing by Zinger leads and editors,

CY Media Pros – jobs and prep for projects

Echo Journal – Promos, collect and sort entries

Weekly Agenda: October 8-10, 2018

Period Monday-10.8


Goal setting #5/6:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

Expectations Review: Round Robin Protocol

Reading: Is Animal Testing a Necessity

Launch Notability App for reading notes and discussion

Weekly Reflection #5/6

Article Discussion – Animal Testing


No School No School
P. 1 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link



Download “Horses Wyo” image and save to files1.

Emphasize Storytelling – no random – show examples

Intro to Photoshop – basic tools, set-up, history, layers

Demo copy image from web, masking

How to save as .PSD, and when finished as .JPG for ePortfolio

Target Horses Makeover Due 10.16

Photoshop Assignment #1 work – revisit copying images.

Composition review – perspective, foreground, background, proportion.

Review masking with magnetic lasso.

Target Horses Makeover Due 10.16


#5/6 Weekly Update in ePortfolio

Photoshop Assignment #1 work – revisit copying images.

Target Horses Makeover Due 10.16

No School No School
P. 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


123d Design Assignment Mallet and Board Tutorial Link

Due 10.8

All Students sign-up for Fusion 360 accounts.

1st round students begin work on 123d Boat Tutorial Link. Due 10.16 – Must be saved as .STL for printer ready and with oars.

Advanced Students work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments  Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total. Due 10.16.

1st round students begin work on Boat tutorial. 123d Boat Tutorial Link

Due 10.16 – Must be saved as .STL for printer ready and with oars.

Advanced Students work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total. Due 10.16.


Weekly Update #5/6

1st round students begin work on Boat tutorial. Due 10.16 – Must be saved as .STL for printer ready and with oars.

Advanced Students work on Fusion 360 Intro Tutorials & Assignments Beginning Tutorials (15 Points Total. Due 10.16.

No School No School
P. 3 –  Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

Make Vimeo Accounts Today!

PSA #1 Rough Cut Due 10.8

Peer Edits – 6 peer views and form feedback – Edits list in Docs and PDF on ePorts

Due 10.9

Final Cut Due 10.10

Intro 5 Video Angles short video exercise Due 10.19

PSA #1 Assignment Work.

PSA #1 Rough Cut PAST DUE

Peer Edits – 6 peer views and form feedback – Edits list in Docs and PDF on ePorts

Due 10.9

Final Cut Due 10.15

Intro 5 Video Angles short video exercise Due 10.19

#5/6 Weekly Update

PSA #1 Assignment Work.

Peer Edits – 6 peer views and form feedback – Edits list in Docs and PDF on ePorts

Due 10.10

Final Cut Due 10.15

5 Video Angles short video exercise Due 10.19

No School No School


P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Set Weekly Goal #5/6 on ePortfolios

Photography Exercise – 10 Shots and Angles. Final Movie of images with labels and soundtrack – upload to ePortfolios Target Due 10.8

All Primary group leads must submit a report on their group work to Schiff each week. #1 Due 10.10

Photography Exercise – 10 Shots and Angles. Final Movie of images with labels and soundtrack – upload to ePortfolios Past Due
All Primary group leads must submit a report on their group work to Schiff each week. #2 Report  Due 10.10
#5/6 Weekly Goal reflection

Mop-up and group work.

No School No School

Cal Young Technology, Journalism, and Leadership