Fusion 360 Specific Tutorials and Assignments



A. 5 Tips and Tricks – 5 Essential Tips

Create a page on your ePortfolio titled Fusion 360 Intro (kid to parent 3D Design) Make a numbered list of the 5 Tips introduced in the video. Points – 5

B. Basic Tools – Create a Hollow Dice

On the same Fusion 360 Intro Page show at least 2 perspective screen shots of your completed “Hollow Dice” project. Points – 10

2a. (ALL) Turtle Shell Design – Printed

Students will follow the step by step Fusion 360 Tutorial (using headphones) to gain more thorough tool use and application. Students may consult each other in small groups while completing this tutorial exercise. Screen shots of the finished pieces (at least 2 perspectives) will be included in their ePortfolio assignment page. Estimated time to completion – 2-3 class sessions.

Turtle Shell Tutorial

Points – 15

2b. (ALL) Fusion 360: Star Designs (Printed)

Students will follow the step by step Fusion 360 Tutorial (using headphones) to gain more thorough tool use and application. Students may consult each other in small groups while completing this tutorial exercise. Screen shots of the finished pieces (at least 2 perspectives) will be included in their ePortfolio assignment page. Estimated time to completion – 2-3 class sessions.

Star Tutorial Link

Points – 10

2c. Fusion 360: (ASA) Fidget Bolt and Nut (Printed)

Students will follow the step by step Fusion 360 Tutorial (using headphones) to gain more thorough tool use and application. Students may consult each other in small groups while completing this tutorial exercise. Screen shots of the finished pieces (at least 2 perspectives) will be included in their ePortfolio assignment page. Estimated time to completion – 2-3 class sessions.

Fidget Bolt and Nut

Points – 15

2d. Fusion 360: (ASA) Pen Holder & Organizer (Printed)

NOTE: This is a fast video, watch it a few times. After completing the Fusion 360 Beginner Tutorials and at least one of the beginning projects, students should be able to complete a reasonable facsimile of this product.

Students will follow the step by step Fusion 360 Tutorial (using headphones) to gain more thorough tool use and application. Students may consult each other in small groups while completing this tutorial exercise. Screen shots of the finished pieces (at least 2 perspectives) will be included in their ePortfolio assignment page. Estimated time to completion – 2-3 class sessions.

Pen Holder Organizer Tutorial Link

Points – 20

3. (ASA) Fusion 360 Application Exercise – Luminaire (Printed)

Students will be introduced to the Luminaire project in a class demonstration, then follow the step by step instructions to complete the assignment. Advanced students may consult each other in small groups while completing this project and will use Fusion 360 to complete the porject. Students will export their finished luminaire as an .stl file and put the in the printer queue for printing. Screen shots (at least 2 perspectives) will be included in their ePortfolio assignment page, along with 2 pictures of the printed piece. Estimated time to completion – 2-3 class sessions.

Tutorial Link

Points – 20

4. (ASA)Fusion 360 Application Exercise – Lamp Shade (Printed)

Students will follow the step by step tutorial instructions to complete the assignment. Advanced students may consult each other in small groups while completing this project and will use Fusion 360 to complete the porject. Students will export their finished lamp shade as an .stl file and put the in the printer queue for printing. Screen shots (at least 2 perspectives) will be included in their ePortfolio assignment page, along with 2 pictures of the printed piece. Estimated time to completion – 2-3 class sessions.

Lamp Shade Tutorial Link

Points – 20

Cal Young Technology, Journalism, and Leadership