Category Archives: ePortfolio

CY Showcase Tonight – 2.24.16!

I’m looking forward to parents and community members coming through my labs tonight to check out the awesome work students are doing here at Cal Young.

– See how students prep and produce the live broadcast for the daily announcements in our broadcast studio.

– Watch 3D design and printing take place in the “Maker” section of our tech lab – 6 3D printer stations will be printing student work, and there will be student guides to demonstrate the design and printing aspect of a 3D production environment.

– The CY Media Pros will be set up to show their commercial media production work for past and current work in my adjoining lab space – check out the giant MondoPad they use for work flow and production evaluation. Some of the CY Pros will be on hand to discuss their work.

All students who take classes in the tech lab are welcome to grab a laptop and show off their work to parents and friends!

Welcome to the New School Year!

Use my instructional blog to view assignments and resources for all of my classes. Students will need to use this site to stay current with course work, and find helpful materials and instruction for how to use their ePortfolios.

6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will find resources for iPad instruction in the iPad menu section.


All students at Cal Young will have ePortfolios using WordPress as the web based software to do this. Returning 7th and 8th graders should all have theirs set-up, some in better shape than others. Please reference the ePortfolio section of this blog to meet student ePortfolio set-up expectations and assignment posting requirements. Students will be give instruction on how to do this.

February 7, 2012 – 4J ePortfolio Workshop

I’m really looking forward to leading an ePortfolio workshop for 4J faculty. We’ll cover basics on how to work with students to set up ePortfolio blogs using WordPress – all 4J students and staff have WordPress blogs, so the mechanism is in place, just need to show folks how. I’ll also make a pitch for teachers to create instructional blogs using WordPress. Fun!

Blog Workshop

Had a great time showing CY staff the ease and utility of  using WordPress instructional blogs, and the benefit for students of using WordPress ePortfolios.

Check Julie’s instructional blog that she set up the after the workshop! Excellent.