October 30, 2020

Brace yourselves 🙂 I moved some things around and changed a bit of the formatting in the blog. Hopefully this makes things easier to find. The week’s schedule is first to avoid having to scroll all the way down to find out when meetings and events are this week. It’s now also in a table to take up less vertical space. I’ve also split the blog into three sections. The first is for Madison-specific information, with this week’s info first and future into after that. The second section is district-wide information. The third is for professional learning articles and videos and any other information that doesn’t fit in the first two sections. The last piece is the schedule for the following week. 

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, Nov 2
A Day
Tue, Nov 3
B Day
Wed, Nov 4
Flex Day
Thur, Nov 5
A Day
Fri, Nov 6
B Day
8am – TLC GLT (Students)  

9 am – GLT (Business)

10am – Staff Meeting/Pd

8am – Justice League  










  • Climate Team Update: In an effort to infuse a bit of energy into kids, and hopefully get some screens on, climate team has decided to organize a spirit week for the 9th-13th. Please see Kellen’s email for more details and watch for a possible teaser, from Tim’s theater kids, to share with classes.


  • District Distribution Dates: If you have anything you wanted to hand out, please work with your team to prepare for distribution on Thursday, November 5.


  • Student Global Announcements: We have learned how to make global announcements on Canvas.  If you want anything announced to the whole school, please let Gina or Peter know.


  • District Admin Update: At last week’s school board meeting, the board postponed their superintendent search for another year, so Cydney Vandercar will continue to serve as acting superintendent for the 2021-22 school year.
  • Talent Ed Goal Setting: Please have all your goals done by Monday.
  • Receiving materials from families: Below is an email from Dawn Strong about the protocols for receiving items from students and families. As we are now approximately one month into the school year we are hearing that there are parents/guardians/students who are showing up at schools for a variety of reasons. It may be to exchange equipment, turn in necessary materials or documentation, or to pick something up for their student(s). While we don’t want to turn any parents/guardians/students away, and our preference is that meetings are pre-scheduled, we also know that there are times when they arrive unannounced. When this happens employees must follow the guidelines below:
    • The employee who interacts with the parent/guardian/student must be wearing a face covering.
    • If the parent/guardian/student is delivering an item to the school, the employee must also be wearing gloves.
    • Meet the parent/guardian/student outside the building. Do not bring them inside. 
    • Maintain at least 6 ft of distance from them at all times.
    • Never take something directly from the person who is dropping it off.
    • Preference – Have a table set up outside the front of your school and have the item(s) placed onto the table. Once the person steps back, the employee will pick up the item(s) using gloves and take it into the building where it will be placed in a designated location to sit untouched for 24 hours, or until it can be cleaned and sanitized (wiped down). 
    • The employee will remove the gloves and then go wash their hands.



  • Educator Appreciation (Papa John’s): The owner of the two Eugene Papa John’s locations is offering 40% off to all educators (certified, classified, and admin) has both of his locations. Use the code EUCTEACH when you order online or by phone. The code will be good through the end of the year.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, Nov 9
A Day
Tue, Nov 10
B Day
Wed, Nov 11
No School
Thur, Nov 12
A Day
Fri, Nov 13
B Day
Fun Background Day Rainbow Day No School Veterans Day School Picture



Dress Like a

Teacher Day


Wishing everyone a restful weekend.

Gina and Peter

October 23, 2020

Schedule of Upcoming Events: 

October 26 (M)
1:30-3:30, Peter and Gina to MS Admin. Meeting

October 27 (T)
8:00 – 9:00, 6th GLT Student Support Planning

10:45-11:45 7th and 8th GLT Supporting Student Planning

October 28 (W)
8:00-9:00, Climate Team
9:00-9:30 GLT Business Meeting

10:00-12:00 Staff Meeting and PD, plus time to get ready for conferences

4:30-8:00 Parent-Teacher Conferences

October 29 (Th)
8:00-12:00 Parent-Teacher Conferences

1pm-4:00 PD: Agenda

  • Debrief Conference
  • QPR Follow Up
  • UDL Weekly Survey Review and update
  • Talent Ed Goals

October 30 (F) – No School

Regular day for Classified
AM – Asynchronous Professional Development 8:00-10:30

  • PD work time around yesterday’s lesson: Talent Ed Goals, UDL Weekly Survey and Safe School Lessons

Planning Time 10:30 – Noon

PM – Trade Time for from Conferences for Teachers

November 2 (M) – A Day

November 3 (Tu) – B Day

November 4 (W) – Flex Day

November 5 (Th) – A Day

November 6 (F) – B Day

  • This Week’s Quote: This week’s quote was tweeted by a teacher before distance learning began. Teaching has always been an incredibly challenging profession. I want to encourage everyone this week to look for the positives. I don’t say that out of some form of naĂŻvetĂ© or desire to create some false narrative. Instead, I want to ensure we’re taking advantage of the opportunities distance learning provides. It’s likely kids are getting more focused and uninterrupted learning time than they might get in person because of that all-important mute button, far less time is being spent on behavior, and, because our time with students each day is so precious, we are more focused on essential learning than I believe we ever have been. Other things are more challenging, and that’s important thing to acknowledge. How do we work to leverage those positive opportunities so that they outweigh the challenges? Each day will be different – some better than the other, but where we choose to focus our time and energy will have a big impact on our own sense of success and accomplishment and how our students feel about learning this year.         



Wishing everyone a restful weekend.

Peter and Gina

Anyone else eating their feelings this weekend?

October 16th, 2020

October 19-23

  • Week’s Thoughts: The load this year is more than it has ever been. The load at Madison has always been even heavier because of the students we love so much who experience so many things other kids don’t have to deal with. Adding distance learning, full of its own unique weight, to the burdens we carry, and it may feel like too much. We want to encourage you on the weekends, long weekends, and the coming breaks to use your “out of office” feature on email, try and step away, and make time for the things that bring you joy. You are all doing the impossible and even superheroes need time away to recharge. We all deserve clear boundaries between our work and private lives and education is very good at blurring those lines. 
  • Attendance Update: Some information from this week’s admin meeting:
    • Autodialers will happen only on Mondays and will begin next Monday.
    • We aren’t doing truancy this year. Instead 4J staff that does truancy will be conducting wellness checks for students who haven’t been connected.
    • Please ask parents to use the absence line (4343) when reporting an absence, so it gets into Synergy. Despite being CDL, only parents can request an excused absence. 
    • Please be sure to document your attempts to reach students in the Synergy Student Contact Log.

  • Updated Tech Use Policy: Linked here is the English version of the tech use policy. We are waiting on the Spanish version. We’ll include it in the next WAG for parents, but it’s a good idea to review it with students. If an iPad breaks, the district will replace the first one for free, but a 2nd replacement means the family pays 50% of the cost, and with every subsequent replacement, the family pays 100%. The iPads and cases with chargers run about $500.             
  • COVID Protocols and Updates: As there have been a few COVID cases in 4J schools, here are a few updates and reminders regarding Return to Work protocols.
    • Home Visit Approval Required – Home visits are allowed, but require prior approval from downtown, so let us know if you need to visit a family and we’ll seek approval for you. It sounds like they’re working on a system where possibly our truancy officer checks in on families as home visits are a routine part of their job and, since we aren’t doing truancy right now, having them shift to this role makes sense. At another school, there is a staff member in quarantine after a 20 minute contact with a parent during a home visit who later tested positive.
    • Deliveries to Families Not Allowed – Schools are no longer allowed to deliver supplies, devices, or food boxes to families. If this is a need, there is a ticket system for administrators to request a delivery. After each materials distribution, we’ll use this service to get materials to students. Let us know if you have a need.
    • Shared Equipment – One outbreak at an elementary school may have been the result of transmission by staff sharing equipment that had not been disinfected. Try not to share equipment, like a copier, paper cutter, refrigerator, or even typing on someone else’s computer, disinfect it after you’ve touched it.
    • Face Coverings – Face coverings are worn over your nose and mouth, are required upon entry to school, when completing the sign in/out, and when working and moving about in common areas. You are not required to wear a face covering when working privately in an office or classroom. However, when working with colleagues, a face covering must be worn in the 6′ (and preferably 10′) physical distancing requirement cannot be met. If another employee asks you to wear a face covering while interacting at a distance greater than 6 feet apart, you are encouraged to follow their reasonable request. Employees may choose to wear a face covering at all times if they so desire. Face shields may be an additional (optional) barrier of protection, but must be accompanied by a face covering when within 6′ of another person. Linked here is additional information on face coverings.
    • Sign-In Log – Please write your name legibly and also be sure to use your legal name, not a nickname. Also, the log has changed a bit and now has a column for your last name and another for your first. If we need to identify staff to quarantine, these logs will be essential.
    • Notify Gina of COVID Symptoms or Exposure – If you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms, are being tested for COVID, or have potentially been exposed to someone who possibly has COVID, please call, email, or text Gina. When that happens, the staff member will be asked to telework, we will notify the appropriate district staff, and those who were in close contact may also be asked to telework as a precaution.



  • Talent Ed Goal Setting: We’ll work on building goals people can copy and paste, but the district has also provided a template for writing an SEL focused goal for this year. If you haven’t yet done your self-assessment, please do so as soon as you can.
  • Repeat: Political Statements – Linked here are the updates from Kerry Delf on Political Activity and from Cydney Vandercar on Black Lives Matter. Additionally, Kerry shared this guide on elections for public officials.
  • Oct 23 Professional Development/Progress Report Day:
    See calendar below for schedule.
  • 4J Student Services Newsletter: If you’re interested, linked here is a copy of the latest 4J Student Services Newsletter that was sent to SSD staff and principals.

Schedule of Upcoming Events: 

October 19 (M) – A Day
8:00 – TLC

October 20 (T) B Day
8:00 – 6th Grade GLT
10:45 – 7th and 8th Grade GLT

October 21 (W) – A Day

October 22 (Th)B Day

October 23 (F)
No School:
8:00 – 10:00 QPR training – Zoom
10:00 – 11:15 Canvas Module 6
11:15 – 11:45 OEA Survey
11:45 – 12:15 Lunch
12:15 – 4:00 Progress Reports to be complete by Monday morning

October 26 (M) – A Day

October 27 (Tu) – B Day

October 28 (W) – Flex Day
8:00 – Climate and Equity
Parent Teacher Conferences from 4:30 to 8

October 29 (Th)
Parent Teacher Conferences 8 to noon
Building PD 1 – 4

October 30 (F)
Building PD 8 – 10-:30
Afternoon – Flex for Wednesday evening

Have a restful weekend!
Peter and Gina

October 9th, 2020

This Week’s Video: Because we probably all could use a pep talk right about now. 

Oct. 9-15

Applied Learning (Asynchronous Work): Continues next week and every week from here on out.  Remember that students should check into your Canvas page on Wednesday looking for Asynchronous work.  You will need to pre-teach that in your classes on Monday/Tuesday plus Focus.  Please let your students know that attendance will be taken on Flex Wednesdays.

Wednesday: Next week is our first Flex Wednesday where we will be offering extensions and supports. Please pick 1 hour for office hours, 1 hour for support, and 30 minutes of extension time. Protected prep should be from 12:30 to 1:30 unless you want to run a club. If you want to run a club, please run your idea by Peter and we will talk about how you want to advertise it. If you run a club, we will talk about how to get your protected prep later in the afternoon along with office hours and support time.

When filling in the google sheet – as a grade level team, please make sure that a student could get support in 5 classes between 1:30 and 4.Next Tuesday during GLT we will start as a whole staff to answer questions and then you will be talking about what students that you will schedule in your support or extension time. In Canvas you should be able to send invites to the students and it will show up on their calendars.

EasyCBM/Assessments for Fall: We finally heard from the district that easyCBM will begin October 12 and go through Nov 13. Gina and Christina are in contact with teachers that are administering the assessment. Math testing will take place next week, 10/12-10/16, and ELA the two weeks after that.

We interrupt our usual announcements to just remind everyone that you are doing an incredible job in an impossible situation. Thank you for all you do and all you continue to do. It’s not normal, we’re all not okay, and we know we all can’t wait for “normal” again. The more you can offer yourself the same grace you’d offer a colleague, find someone to laugh about the “holidays” with, and lean on each other, the less alone and consistently overwhelming it all might be.

Supply & Materials Distribution Friday, 10-2: We are hoping many families come to pick up materials and supplies tomorrow.  Teachers that are participating in material distribution, please send out an email to those families so they know they can come pick things up. What we want to avoid is families thinking they can skip our distribution dates and come later because we are able to staff the distribution dates, but when people come later, our office staff has to consistently interrupt their work to give out materials. 

Behavior Support: Gina is working on a modified check-in check-out process that is specifically geared toward distance learning. Thank you to all of the teachers who have welcomed her into classes this week. She’s gained a great deal of insight regarding how to potentially structure a support document that will increase positive engagement. We’ll have a draft ready for feedback next week.

Covid Protocols: Just a reminder that if you are sick and/or are being Covid tested, have been exposed to someone who is positive, etc., please let us know. There are protocols we need to follow. On the heels of this, we are asking for everyone’s understanding around employee’s individual work from home plans. Many staff have teleworking agreements and aren’t required to be in the building unless their work that day requires it. If someone is awaiting a test result or has been exposed to Covid, they are being required to work from home. They are not required to tell others about this plan. Thank you for showing each other kindness and understanding. Our number one goal is the safety of our team and second is to avoid having our building shut down as cases in Lane County increase. 

We learned this week that if you hear of one of our students testing positive, Gina also needs to know that and report it to our district Covid administrators. They have to follow up to see if those students visited any meal sites, were around other students, etc. Thank you for your help with this.

Child Care – The district approved 4 applications from outside groups to set up child care centers using 4J facilities. Madison has been approved to host two different K-5 programs in our gyms.  We are still waiting for more details from them.

Internet Hubs: We have been identified as a current site for an internet hub for North Eugene, but we do not have any students yet. Hot spots seem to work a lot better in North Eugene then other areas 🙂

Comic: The advantage of teaching middle school is we get to experience both sides of this comic.

Political Statements – Linked here are the updates from Kerry Delf on Political Activity and from Cydney Vandercar on Black Lives Matter. Additionally, Kerry shared this guide on elections for public officials.

Repeat: Meal Deliveries Start October 12: Families that indicated they need help with food can sign up to have meals delivered if they aren’t able to access our daily lunch pick up. Priority will be given to current 4J families and food will not be delivered outside of the 4J boundaries. Families can visit this link for more information about the program and complete the form here to sign up for deliveries. The district wants to target families who are not close to food distribution sites or who cannot get to distribution sites due between 10:45 and 2pm for lunch pick up.

3 Keys to Effective Instructional Videos – When using videos with students, remember we actually need to teach students how to use the instructional videos. See this Teacher2Teacher article on what one educator learned last spring about making instructional videos effective during distance learning. The short version is to keep videos 6 minutes or shorter, and super focused on the learning target. Take full advantage of tools that enable you to check whether students are still with you, and ask questions aloud in the video to help kids learn that they need to actually listen to you speak. 

Schedule of Upcoming Events: 

October 12 (M) – A Day
1:30-3:30, Gina and Peter Admin Meeting

October 13 (T) – B Day
GLT Time to talk about students

October 14 (W) – Flex Day
8am – Climate Team
9am – GLT – Business
10am – Staff Meeting

October 15 (Th) – A Day

October 16 (F) –  B day

October 23 (F)
No School – Progress Reports and Building PD

We hope everyone has a restful weekend,
Peter and Gina

October 2nd

We have a feeling we’ll never take a “regular” start to school for granted again. What you all accomplished these last two weeks is nothing short of incredible. We know you gave up entirely too much of your own time to make this happen. We hope you are able to rest this weekend and spend some time doing things you love. 

Reflection for the Week: This work is incredibly hard, the reinvention of how we provide an education has been darn near impossible, and the constant changes have been infuriating at times. We don’t want to offer meaningless platitudes. Just know we see how hard you all are working, what you’re sacrificing for this work, and how you’re doing the near impossible. We see you giving yourselves and each other grace. We see you trying really hard to laugh through the frustrating times and helping each other get through this first week. This village we’ve built is part of the reason we believe we’re all willing to show up each day. Continue to be there for one another, borrow strength and ideas from each other, and take each step forward together.

Applied Learning:  Students complete this work on their own schedule. While we cannot call it homework (it won’t count as minutes for ODE if we say it’s homework), it’s similar to what we might assign for homework. 

  • Please remind students that they need to be interacting with Canvas or Zoom EVERY DAY for EVERY CLASS; Zoom for after noon classes, and Canvas in the morning for “yesterday’s” classes. 

Open House: For Tuesday evening (6:30-7:30), please put some though into what you’d like to present to families. Connect with your team to determine if you’d like to submit a couple of slides to your GL host (Peter -6, Gina-7, Anne-8) to be included in the slide deck. The host will take care of screen sharing, etc. Each teacher will have 5-6 to introduce yourself, share broad strokes of content and curriculum, and 

Supply & Materials Distribution: We will be distributing class materials on Friday 10/9, using the assistance of several EAs. Teams, please compile any and all materials that you want your student to have into a ziplock or paper grocery bag. Bags will need to be labeled with the student name and grade. If you would like the office to print labels for you, let Queenie know by Tuesday afternoon at the latest. 

COVID Reminders: Some of our 4J buildings are beginning to see positive COVID cases and cases in our area are increasing. Please remember a few key things to help keep yourself and others safe:

  • Entrance: Only use the front office entrance, OR the back custodial hallway entrance, and sign in/out every day you’re in the building. 
  • Visitors: We haven’t had an issue, but please remember we cannot have visitors or volunteers in the building. 
  • Safety Protocols: Wear your mask in your work space when you cannot maintain 6′ (and preferable 10′) of space between colleagues, when walking around the room, and when out of your work space. Wipe down your workspace regularly and any shared spaces you use. 
  • Report Illness: Please let us know if you are being tested for COVID or if you have symptoms that are concerning. Your privacy is incredibly important, and we also have to ensure everyone’s safety. Staff can transition to telework while waiting the results of COVID tests.

Building Usage: Beginning in a week or so, one or both of the gyms will be used by child care programs for elementary aged kids. They will be using a separate entrance and will be entirely confined to the gym and gym restrooms. Additionally, 4J is working to create internet hubs for students who cannot get/maintain a consistent wi-fi connection or for our McKinney-Vento students who need a quiet workspace. These hubs are only allowed to operate for two hours per day at a site.  Madison is not designated as an internet hub, but if you have a student who might benefit from an internet hub, please let Peter know. The hubs will be limited to 5-10 students and 1-2 EAs to supervise. 

Ready to Learn Infographics: These graphics can be shared with families or with students during instruction. Spanish versions are on their way. 5 Tips for Creating A Home Workspace 7 Tips for Creating Good Home Study Habits Ready To Zoom It’s a good idea to include a message that says something to the effect of “If these work for your family.” We’ve heard from some families who are having a hard time providing quiet, separate work spaces for students. Reminding families that having students sit with their backs to the walls prevents others from unintentionally ending up on screen and leaving the room for phone calls means we won’t all be listening in 🙂

Meal Deliveries Start October 12: Families that indicated they need help with food can sign up to have meals delivered if they aren’t able to access our daily lunch pick up. Priority will be given to current 4J families and food will not be delivered outside of the 4J boundaries. Families can visit this link for more information about the program and complete the form here to sign up for deliveries. The district wants to target families who are not close to food distribution sites or who cannot get to distribution sites due between 10:45 and 2pm for lunch pick up.

Master Resource List: Here is a link to a master list of all our community resources. There is a ton of information here for staff as well as some pieces that could be helpful for families. While we are not sharing this link with families, you can pull particular links to forward to families if they need them. The district has hired a social worker, Maria Covernali, who will help coordinate our district wrap around supports.

SPED Referrals during CDL: Here is a quick reference sheet from SSD about considerations we should think about if talk of a SPED evaluation arises for a student. Please loop Peter and Gina in on any conversations families might be having with you around requesting a SPED evaluation.

New Process for 504 Requests – 4J is seeing an uptick in the amount of parents requesting 504 evaluations. In response to this, all requests for NEW 504 evaluations will be routed through the District 504 Coordinator. If you receive a call from a parent for a NEW 504 evaluation, explain to the parent we are centralizing the referral process and ask them to call SSD (541-790-7800). If you receive the request in an email, forward it to thomas_de@4j.lane.edu and indicate “New 504 Request” in the subject line. Please also let Anne know so she can follow up if needed. SSD staff have been trained on the procedures to complete child-find obligations and will work with the District 504 coordinator to that end. In addition, district-initiated referrals are also being routed through the District 504 coordinator. The linked Centralizing New 504 Request Process Document articulates the process for both parent-initiated and district-initiated 504 requests.

Talent Ed – We put this way down here because we know no one wants to think about this right now. We’ll work to carve out some PLC or staff meeting time to work on goal setting, but in all your free time (note the sarcasm), if you could complete your self-assessments in TalentEd,(if you have not already done it) that would help get things started. All certified staff will be evaluated this year using the new Instructional Framework tool. Also, rather than use the very confusing Year 1/Year 2 designation, they’ve switched to Formative (informal evaluations only) and Summative (informal and formal evaluations) to describe how certified staff will be evaluated. You shift from one to the other on a rotation each year. We’ll send out more information and begin scheduling meetings as soon as we’ve wrapped our head around how this will all go down this year.

Distance Learning Activities for Zoom –  This quick blog post from Lindsay, The Not So Wimpy Teacher, shares some quick and easy games to play with kids. These are great for short breaks during online learning time as well. 

P.S. Zoom put out an update that allows you to upload a slide deck as the background of your video. Linked here is a video tutorial of how to drop the pages of your read aloud into a slide deck, upload it to Zoom, and then present it. It’ll pop up in the corner of your screen and you’re inside the book! You can do the same with the slide deck you’re using to teach if you want. 

Schedule of Upcoming Events: 

October 2 (F)
Custodian Appreciation Day! We treated Jim and Curtis to a small sweet treat, to let them know how much we all appreciate them.

October 5 (M)
A Day

October 6 (T)
B Day
Open House Zoom 6:30-7:30

October 7 (W)
A Day
7:00, School Board Meeting

October 8 (Th)
B Day

October 9 (F)
No School, State In-Service Day (non-contract day)

We hope everyone has a restful weekend.

Peter and Gina


September 25th, 2020

Hello Madison Staff! As we head into this second week of school, the things you’re being asked to do might border on impossible, so do what you can do each day, focus on the things you have control over, and remember that your well-being is incredibly important. We get to see our kids and I hope their faces continue to bring you the joy we all need.

Word for the Week: This one doesn’t really need explaining. We’re all being asked to do something that’s never been done before on this grand of a scale. Grace, patience, and flexibility will be our anchors in the coming weeks.

Attendance – Teachers, we know there are many questions right now about the nuances of attendance. We know that it’s going to take some time to get the hang of it and nail down all of the “what about this” situations. We will be taking questions at Wednesday’s staff meeting, which will be perfect timing because Wednesday attendance will be a little different, with no Zoom classes. For now, though:

  • Remember that students are absent only if they have done no Zoom, no activity on Canvas, AND no communication from or with the student.
  • Use the attendance one-pager that Gina created to measure attendance and make note of any helpful hints for the staff meeting.
  • New to Synergy? – check out this video of how to record attendance in Synergy

Staffing Update – Please welcome Stephanie Miller to the Madison staff! Stephanie is joining us from the transportation department beginning on Monday. After helping her get up to speed on everything Zoom and Canvas, she’ll be working with students served in the CLC program, attending classes along-side students to provide academic support. 

EasyCBM/Assessments for Fall: Christina has created a great plan for administering easyCBMs in the next few weeks. However, the decision was made, today, to slow the rollout of assessments in order to really prioritize relationship-building in class AND to give ed-center folks time to create some thoughtful resources for supporting teachers with Zoom-based administration. Long story short – update coming on Wednesday – Don’t worry about it for now, yay!

Open House: Next Thursday 10/1 – More to come during the staff meeting – we’re researching the option of a webinar format.

New Process for 504 Requests – 4J is seeing an uptick in the amount of parents requesting 504 evaluations. In response to this, all requests for NEW  504 evaluations will be routed through the District 504 Coordinator. If you receive a call from a parent for a NEW 504 evaluation, explain to the parent we are centralizing the referral process and ask them to call SSD (541-790-7800). If you receive the request in an email, forward it to thomas_de@4j.lane.edu and indicate “New 504 Request” in the subject line. Please also let Anne know so he can follow up if needed. SSD staff have been trained on the procedures to complete child-find obligations and will work with the District 504 coordinator to that end. In addition, district-initiated referrals are also being routed through the District 504 coordinator. The linked Centralizing New 504 Request Process Document articulates the process for both parent-initiated and district-initiated 504 requests.

4J Student Services Newsletter – Linked here is the latest 4J Student Services Newsletter that was sent to SSD staff and principals. You must be in your 4J google account to access.

How to Make Remote Lessons More Inclusive – To build on our learning around UDL (Universal Design for Learning), this article from Education Dive details key ways to make lessons more inclusive. We’ve long used the word “access” to describe how many SPED students engage in an inclusive education model. We provide “access” to gen ed. But “access” can mean so many things to people. For some kids access meant simply they’re in the room while the content is taught, but little is asked around their engagement. For others, they’re provided with alternative assignments, while other kids experience general education just like their peers with strategic options that allow them to fully engage in learning. The bonus is that these strategic options – the article focuses on presentation and choice – benefit all students.

Schedule of Upcoming Events: 

September 28 (M)
A Day

September 29 (T)
B Day

GLT during 10:45-11:45

September 30 (W)
Flex Day

GLT 9am

Staff Meeting at 10am

October 1 (Th)
A Day

Open House 6:30-7:30

October 2 (F)
B Day

Here’s to a great Second week of school!

Peter and Gina

September 18th

Hello Madison Staff! We certainly has some surprises this week. As we always do, we’ll take it in stride, use the time to get even more prepared, and be ready next Monday to meet our kids. The goal this week is to focus on our students.  Start building relationships with the students showing up and calling the ones that don’t show up.

Word for the Week: The above quote sums up all of you. You show up every day, fight through an overload of information and expectations, and still manage to laugh, encourage each other, and just make Madison a better place. Thank you for who you are and all that you do.

Open House Zoom: October 1st at 6:30 to 7:30.  More information to come.

Guest Teachers: If you happen to need a guest teacher, there is a group of subs who have been trained. Please enter the absence into Absence Management and also text or call me to let me know. We will also make them a co-teacher for the day in your Canvas so they can access the lessons. Guest teachers are not allowed to work from home, so we will set them up in a public, accessible place to teach. If you’re an EA who provides support in a classroom or teaches small groups, we haven’t yet heard if there will be subs available for your roles. Please let your cooperating teacher know if you plan or need to be absent so we can make sure your roles are covered for the day. 

Talent Ed & Teacher Evaluation Follow Up: In the interest of avoiding another PD, I’ve linked here the slides from Rob Hess about teacher evaluations. There’s also a three minute video embedded in the slides. The big messages are that evaluations are still happening this year and all licensed staff will be evaluated using the new framework. We’ll save setting goals in Talent Ed for a few weeks. 


More Universal Design for Learning Information: Universal Design for Learning or UDL.

This Week’s Calendar: 

September 20
HB Kimberly!

September 21 (M)
Lunches served daily from 10:45-2:00

First Day of School

9:30 -11 WEB for 6th Grade

12:30-1:30 Focus for 7th and 8th Grade

HB Jessica!

September 22 (T)
A – Day
HB Peter & Queenie

September 23 (W)
B – Day

September 24 (Th)
A – Day

September 25 (F)
B – Day
HB Arleigh!

September 26
HB Jason!

Hope you all enjoy the weekend!

Peter & Gina

September 10th, 2020

Hello Madison Staff! Hope you’re able to recharge this weekend. Here’s the current state of affairs 🙂

Word for the Week: Seriously. Nobody has this figured out. I keep reminding myself that some of Springfield is going back in person and their Facebook page is full of angry parents and frustrated teachers. We’re doing distance learning and 4J’s facebook page is full of angry parents and frustrated people. We don’t have this figured out yet. But we will. I promise.

3rd In-service Week Schedule: 

September 14 (M)
8:30, Building PD

September 15 (T)

September 16 (W)

September 17 (TH)

September 18 (F)
8:00-4:00, Protected planning time

Class Lists: Hopefully everyone can see their students in Synergy and by the time you are reading this (Monday) all of your students are in Canvas.  Keep our fingers crossed that Synergy and Canvas learn to talk to each other this weekend.

Open House: Because we pushed our first day of school back a week, we will move our virtual house back a week to October 1st. 

Schedule of Upcoming Events: 

September 14 (M)
Lunches resume for students 10:45-2:00 
First Day for Students

September 21 (M)
First Day for Students

Hope you all enjoy the weekend!


September 4th, 2020

Hello Madison Staff! Here it all is. I hope this is every piece of information I have right now. If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Schedule: Just as an FYI, the schedule for our building right now is 8am to 4pm. Trainings are built on the 8-4 schedule, as is the student and teacher schedule. When/if we return to hybrid, this may shift. 

Zoom/Teleworking: To clarify about teleworking, this is an option for staff, but not a requirement. If you want to come in every day and work from the building, then there’s no need to fill out the paperwork. If you’d like the flexibility to work at home some or most of the time, then please complete and send in the paperwork. The vast majority of our meetings will be on Zoom.

Back to School Plan: Linked here is the back to school professional development plan. We just received the rest of the PD slides today, so we need to use this weekend to prioritize them. We’ll share out on Tuesday an agenda for the week so you know exactly what we’ll be doing. All meetings will continue to be on Zoom.

Enrollment Update: Here’s our current official enrollment as of noon on Friday. 

  • 6th Grade = 145
  • 7th Grade = 154
  • 8th Grade = 126

Lunch Distribution: Madison will start being a lunch distribution site for the school year and will be open from 10:45 to 2:00 to ensure everyone has access to food. Linked here is an update on how lunches will work in the fall. 

Device Distribution Update: We have handed out about 3/4 of the iPads, so we will still have some work to do next week and the first week of school to make sure every student has one.

Student Schedules: Hopefully every student will have schedules by the middle of next week. We’ll keep you in the loop when we are ready to push out the schedules to families.

What will Sept 14 look like? We will talk about this next Tuesday.

(Repeat)Working in the Building: There are now only two badge entry points for the building: the front office entrance and back staff parking lot (custodial double door entrance). Your badge will not work in any other location.

  • No visitors – Buildings are closed to the public. Non-school personnel, including our own family members or friends, are not allowed on-site.
  • Physical Distancing â€“ All staff will be expected to practice physical distancing (6′) from others in the workplace.
  • Face Coverings – Face coverings are required to be worn when moving about the building and if physical distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Hand washing – Staff will be expected to follow good hand hygiene (frequent washing with soap and water or using hand sanitizer).
  • Stay Home If You’re Sick â€“ You must not report to work if you are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19. Additionally, staff are asked to report illness and symptoms to the building administrator so the district can follow up with appropriate notifications if someone tests positive or is presumptive positive. 

(Repeat): Sanitizing and Cleaning: Cleaning supplies are now in the center of every wing. Please know you’ll be asked to sanitize your personal work spaces and shared spaces like the bathroom. When using the bathroom spray, please spray any surface you’ve touched and use paper towels to wipe it down. Josh and Kimberly will do the deep cleaning of high contact points.

September 7 (M)
No School – Labor Day

September 8 (T)
8:00-12:00, Building PD
12:00-1:00, Lunch/Planning Time
1:00-4:00, Collaborative Planning Grade Level Teams
4:30-5:30, Parent Q & A Zoom Meeting

September 9, (W)
8:00-12:00, Instructional Technology PD
9:00-10:00, Parent Q & A Zoom Meeting
12:00-1:00, Lunch/Planning Time
1:00-2:00, Building PD
2:00-4:00, Protected Planning Time

September 10, (Th)
8:00-12:00, Instructional Technology PD
12:00-1:00, Lunch/Planning Time
1:00-2:00, Building PD
2:00-4:00, Protected Planning Time

September 11, (F)
8:00-4:00, Protected Planning Time
8:00-12:00, Admin PD

September 14 (M)
First Day for Students

August 28th

Don’t forget to take care of your insurance before Sept.15 deadline (but you only need to do this if you want to make changes)!

Word for the Week: We hope everyone is finding as much joy as possible in the remaining summer afternoons. There really is nothing like a summer afternoon when you don’t know what day it is. Soak them up!

PD Plan for the next two week:  Please see the attached PD plan for the next two weeks.  It is still a draft for the the second week.  The first week (I think) is pretty solid.  Any areas highlighted in yellow will be times when the Madison staff is meeting together. Zoom links will be provided.  I am still trying to figure out the best way to share zoom links with our staff and our DHH interpreters.

Teleworking Information: If you are interested in teleworking, please fill out the appropriate form and email it to Peter (or bring it in).  If you do not fill out a form, that means you will work from the building.

Classified TeleWork from Home Request

Exempt Employee (Licensed and MAPS) TeleWork from Home Request

Back to School Update: Families are now being offered a third option for school this year. In this option, they would stay with their school during distance learning, then if we go back in a hybrid model, they would stay home and continue receiving lessons via Seesaw from a 4J school teacher. Here are some key points:

  • No teacher will be expected to teach both the hybrid group and the permanent at-home group.
  • Some students may not be able to stay with a teacher at their grade level. If there’s not a full class of kids who want to stay at home, they’ll be merged with other students in the same situation.
  • We don’t yet have all the information about how staff will be selected to teach an at-home group. We think they’ll first offer those spots to people who have demonstrated a need for an ADA accommodation.

App Approvals: Just a reminder that if there are apps you’d like on your students’ iPads, they must first be vetted by the Instructional Technology department. The goal is to ensure they meet the requirements for student safety and information sharing. If your app isn’t on this list of approved apps, please fill out this form to request approval.

VPNs: Some parts of the district website and instructional technology’s websites require you to either log in or be connected to the VPN. The VPN is a virtual private network that ensures you’re on a secure connection to the site and materials in it. If you’re trying to access something on 4J and it says it’s blocked, try installing and launching the district’s VPN. 

(Repeat) Visiting School: There are now only two badge entry points for the building, which are the office door (yes, you all have the “premium” access now), and the double custodial hallway doors in the back. Your badge will not work in any other location. The intention is to keep people funneled into fewer areas to sign in, so we can maintain contact tracing logs, if needed. 

  • No visitors – Buildings are closed to the public. Non-school personnel, including our own family members or friends, are not allowed on-site.
  • Physical Distancing â€“ All staff will be expected to practice physical distancing (6′) from others in the workplace.
  • Face Coverings – Face coverings are required to be worn when moving about the building and if physical distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Hand washing – Staff will be expected to follow good hand hygiene (frequent washing with soap and water or using hand sanitizer).
  • Stay Home If You’re Sick â€“ You must not report to work if you are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19. Additionally, staff are asked to report illness and symptoms to the building administrator so the district can follow up with appropriate notifications if someone tests positive or is presumptive positive. 

(Repeat) Sanitizing and Cleaning: Please know you’ll be asked to sanitize your personal work spaces and shared spaces like the bathroom. When using the bathroom spray, please spray any surface you’ve touched and use paper towels to wipe it down. Jim and Curtis will do the deep cleaning of high contact points, and keep cleaning supplies available for all.

Device Distribution Update: We have about 100 students who have not yet picked up their iPads, and we are now distributing as they call and ask (no more drive-in distributions). Check out this link for all the info you will ever need for tech support!  Tech Support 2020-21 final

Book Order: We have ordered copies of So You Want to Talk About Race for all who have requested one. If you haven’t yet signed up for one and are interested, we can still do another order later.

September 1 (T)
Certified/Teaching Staff Report Back

September 2 (W)
192 Day Classified Employees Report Back

September 14 (M)
First Day for Students

Hope everyone is well!

Peter & Gina