Entry #39

April 20, 2020

Along with pretty much everyone else, my daily routine has changed a lot. I am the type of person that needs to have some sort of routine in their day, so having to figure out a whole new routine has been hard. It is still not entirely perfect, of course, but I have a pretty good routine down so far. Here is my daily weekday routine during self-isolation:

7:00 am: Wake up to my puppy running into my room and trying to get on my bed. After that, I try to fall back asleep for a little while; I usually don’t, though.

Around 8:00 am: Get up and get breakfast, make my bed, and get my stuff ready for school. 

Around 9:00 am: Start school.

9:00-11:30 am: Do work on Google Classroom.

11:30 am-12:30 pm: Eat lunch and finish getting ready for the day.

12:30-3:00 pm: Do Zoom calls

3:00-7:00 pm: During this time, my family and I usually go on a walk, eat dinner, and do things around the house (chores).

Around 7:00 pm: Around this time, we all start doing our own thing around the house. I typically watch a show or read. 

Around 9:20 pm: My little brother goes to bed, and I get ready for bed, but I stay up for quite a while longer.

Entry #38


My daily schedule

7:30 – Wake up slowly and go downstairs for breakfast

7:40 – Make my own breakfast (usually something with eggs) then help clean up afterwards. 

8:00-  Go to my room and get ready for the day

8:40- Come downstairs and sit at the counter beginning to get everything ready to start online school.

9:00- Put my music in and start completing the daily assignments.

11:30- Go on a walk around my neighborhood with my family, sometimes our family friends join us.

12:30- Eat lunch and help clean up the mess.

1:00- Sit down at the counter and complete any assignments that I have not finished.

2:00- Watch Netflix

4:00- Eat a refreshing snack of fresh fruit.

4:20- Practice piano and search for new songs I want to learn on the piano.

4:50- Go play outside with my siblings. We usually ride bikes and compete in races.

5:30- Enjoy a yummy dinner.

6:15- Help with dinner clean up

7:00- Spend time together watching t.v. Shows (usually comedy shows ;).

8:30- Get ready for bed and brush my teeth.

9:00- Hang out with my mom, talk with her and we watch The Great British Baking show.

10:00- Go to my bedroom and try to fall asleep.

10:30- I usually fall asleep.


Entry #36


Today has been a pretty good day. As of today there are 40 cases of covid-19 in the
Eugene/Springfield area, and 44 cases in Lane County. It’s been a nice and sunny week and I’ve enjoyed the cheery weather. Me and my brother have been riding our bikes around our backyard and doing jumps on our bikes. It was really fun having so much more free time. It’s going to be a really big adjustment to go back to school from having 6 months off of school. I’m worried that my summer swimming and water polo team will be canceled. I pretty much only do swimming during summer. For homeroom today I really liked reading people’s kind acts that they have done during these hard times. It’s a really cool experience to see all of peoples kind deeds they are doing for each other. I think that our world is learning the lesson of kindness through the Covid-19 outbreak.

Entry #35

April 13, 2020

Today is Monday, and it is the first day of the third trimester. So far, it is going well. I started two new classes today; Leadership and Health. The Zoom sessions went well and so did the assignments. Despite school going well, there are still a lot of hard things going on in the world. In response to the prompt for today, the hardest thing for me right now is my dad being a nurse. My dad is a nurse in the cardiovascular department at RiverBend hospital, and although he is not in an area of the hospital where COVID-19 patients would likely be, it is still strange seeing all the precautions he must take. He has to get checked for a fever before he goes into work everyday, and he must wear a sticker that has the date on it and “checked for fever” on it, so that people at the hospital know he is healthy. Also, the hospital is now limiting masks to only 1 per shift unless the worker is caring for a possible COVID-19 carrier (I am not sure if this is only in the emergency room, or if it is everywhere in the hospital). Nonetheless, I am still very grateful that my dad still has a job right now, because I know there are a lot of people without jobs. To be honest, no one can really win right now because if you don’t have a job, it creates a hardship in terms of money, but you are at less risk of the virus. But, if you have a job, you are still earning money, but you have to put yourself at risk for the virus. It is definitely a lose-lose situation.

Entry #34

April 13

I am honestly starting to get kinda stressed. I know that these are stressing times but all of the school work given to me could eventually start to pile up on me. For science, I’m getting at least one whole activity to do that takes about 35 minutes because I like to really think about my answers. Then in my Social Literacy class we are going to be doing at least 3 projects in total over the course of the school year remaining. Then there is health class which will probably also have projects to be done. Then there is math which is the subject I think I will struggle in. I think I’m only stressing since I’m used to all of the things we would get done during a regular school day and have the remaining work be done as homework. Also it’s only the first day and I just have to get used to this new norm of how school is going to work for the time being. Other than that, I’m doing pretty well although I’m also worried about my only grandma who lives in South America and we can only contact her over the phone. I don’t know her health state but I really don’t want her to get sick since my family isn’t able to visit her often.


Entry #33

April 10, 2020

I couldn’t sleep so I made this at 1:30 am. I used mostly watercolor and some colored pencil. I had some watercolor paper that I bought a couple months ago and I wanted to use them, so I made a sunflower.

Entry #32

April 10, 2020

This was the first week of online school and it actually went kind of well. Every day, my teachers posted our assignments on Google Classroom and an update letting us know what was going on. I finished my tasks in the morning, and if I had questions, I’d join Zoom sessions, but most of the time I didn’t. The one thing that wasn’t easy was finding everything like emails, morning announcements, etc. I had to ask a bunch of different people to find where I needed to go on the first day. That was probably because I’m blind, so that was really a me problem, but still. Anyways, everything else was smooth and all my assignments were easy, so I’m not as mad that we’re back in school as I thought I was going to be. Still not happy tho.

Entry #31


Online school has gone well so far. I was happy to be able to see my friends during the zoom calls. Even some of my friends are going to be making zoom meetings for us to see each other and talk. Just today our governor has decided to close down schools for the rest of the school year. I was so shocked to find out. I was hoping to be able to go back to school by probably May or something. Of course now my mind is asking, “ what are we going to do for graduation?” I won’t be able to see my friends physically and only over zoom. I knew things were going to get worse with the Coronavirus since the United States didn’t react the way we should’ve. My mind is all worried with me thinking how life will be after this is over. Or if we will have to start freshman year with online school. Things are just getting too crazy for me and I want this to get better. 

Entry #30

Weather: cloudy

This is our new reality as we are stuck quarantined at home. I think everybody hates online school right now, but I think people are going to warm up to the fact that we don’t have another option. I think online school is better than nothing, it feels very different because there is no face to face interactions. It feels weird how we have to raise our hands in a video call to talk to teachers and how we are all trying to make the best out of this situation. I’m just glad that we can have an online school and aren’t losing our education. I never imagined that I would take part in an online school but here we are in the midst of an pandemic trying to talk to teachers over zoom.