Happy May the 4th, May the 4th be with you!!! Today I was thinking about how much having connections with people matters. Talking and seeing people is something that I would not normally notice the importance of. But now since, I am not talking to very many people I really miss it. Through all of the covid-19 stuff I have spent more time in nature and enjoyed more family time. I think being outside in nature helps me calm myself and stay positive about this whole situation. I like this quote that says “look at the sunny side of everything”. So even though the Covid-19 Pandemic has a lot of sad stuff there’s also a lot of benefits. I have noticed that I can spend more family time, life is a lot less rushed, school is a lot less hectic and I have more time to do my hobbies. It’s easy to focus on the bad things because it’s easier but when you look for the positive that’s what you’ll see more of. I think that this covid-19 pandemic is like a jungle. In a jungle there are lots of dangerous things but there are also beautiful things. In the time of covid-19 there are lots of scary outcomes but there are also valuable moments with ones you love.