POM Textbooks and Science Notebooks

Students received a Properties of Matter (POM) student book and a science notebook (SN) today. The POM book should have been brought home today (9/17). It will be kept at home throughout the unit. (We have a class set available at school) The SN should be carried back and forth in student binders unless there is no homework in which case it can be left in a cubby in the classroom. If a student forgets the SN at school, a copy of the SN can be found on this website and pages can be printed. (See POM SN link above). Attention parents, checking the inside cover of your student’s SN is a great way to see whether there is missing or incomplete work. You can also click on the grades link above. Let me know if you find any errors on the grades page or anything else confusing and I will fix it right away.

Thanks you to the parents who took time out of busy lives to make it to our open house tonight.

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