10/31 Expectations Review Day

Library Expectations Google Slides Link

10/26 Individual Reading Day

Here’s tomorrow’s article. It discusses the pros/cons of after-school jobs. Find hard copies in your boxes.
As we discussed in our PBIS meeting today, there are no hard and fast rules so feel free to be flexible with how you approach the reading. Some homeroom teachers are putting them up on the screen/doc cam and either reading the articles aloud or having students read them popcorn-syle. You might consider doing this too (may help to save time). Another option might be to extend the discussion and/or writing portion into Friday homeroom.
If you have any questions, let me know! Thanks again!
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10/24 Expectations Review Day



[UPDATED] Thursday Homeroom Articles 10/26-11/30

Here are the Word Generation articles that we’ll be using through November if you’d like to look ahead. I’ll continue to send them out in emails and put hard copies in boxes too. Articles can be accessed here:  http://wordgen.serpmedia.org/browse.html

10/26Are after-school jobs harmful or helpful for middle and high school students? (2.23)

11/9 – Are kids responsible for stepping in to prevent bullying? (2.12)

11/16 – Violence and media: Are ratings systems necessary? (2.16)

11/30 – Should student be paid for performance in school? (2.05)

12/7 – What makes an American? (1.03)

12/14 – Should our use of paper or plastic be regulated? (3.02)

10/19 Individual Reading Day

Keeping with the theme of food, this week’s reading discusses whether schools should sell junk food. The article will be sent to student emails and 10 hard copies will be placed in each homeroom teacher’s box. 

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10/17 Expectations Review: Food and Drink Policy

Here is the slideshow for tomorrow’s homeroom. The focus is on food and drink in school. The beginning recaps last week’s material. Then it goes into a class discussion around what students understand about food and drink policies. I encourage teachers to review the material in the planner (most of it is in the slides too). Thank you!

10/10 Expectations Review

The focus of this week’s Expectations Review is lunch room and courtyard behavior – something I’ve heard is badly needed. Please walk students through this discussion while calling on volunteers at the appropriate places.

Breakfast of Champions – October Theme

October’s Breakfast of Champions has been rescheduled for Monday the 30th. The theme is: always prepared. Please nominate students under the October tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7

I spoke with a few students and parents who had good things to say about last Friday’s Breakfast of Champions. A little recognition goes a long way in the lives of young people. Have you all heard anything from the students you nominated? Would love to hear some feedback. 

Also, if you have a spare five or ten minutes, please try to show your face at the event. This means a lot to the kiddos too.

10/5 Individual Reading Day

Here is the reading for Thursday morning. I’m also giving each homeroom teacher 10 hard copies in their boxes. You can have your students complete these as you see fit. The “Debate the Issue” section might make for an interesting discussion at the end of homeroom if you have time. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

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10/3 Homeroom

The bus safety video will be shown in homeroom on Tuesday morning. Please be advised that this video may run a few minutes long.