6/4-6/8 PBIS Activities

Cougar PRIDE Drive Activity Sign Up
For the teachers who’ll be here on the last day of school, please sign up for an activity HERE. You’re welcome to add an activity idea of your own and head up that station as you like.
6/5 Tuesday Slideshow:
This week we will focus on risk-taking and the teenage brain. Essential Question: What’s the evolutionary advantage to risk-taking, and what’s the difference between a good risk and a bad risk? You’ll can access the slideshow HERE
6/7 Article:
This week’s article is: Should everyone get a trophy? (3.21) 
Courtyard Cleanup
Mr. Klarr’s homeroom has kindly volunteered to clean the courtyard for the remainder of the year. Let me know if any other homerooms have been itching to do this and we can mix it up for next week. 
Golden Plunger:
To be announced