11/7 Behavior Expectations Review

This week’s Tuesday homeroom will focus on resolving personal conflicts.

Conflict Resolution Slides

10/31 Expectations Review Day

Library Expectations Google Slides Link

10/24 Expectations Review Day



10/17 Expectations Review: Food and Drink Policy

Here is the slideshow for tomorrow’s homeroom. The focus is on food and drink in school. The beginning recaps last week’s material. Then it goes into a class discussion around what students understand about food and drink policies. I encourage teachers to review the material in the planner (most of it is in the slides too). Thank you!

10/10 Expectations Review

The focus of this week’s Expectations Review is lunch room and courtyard behavior – something I’ve heard is badly needed. Please walk students through this discussion while calling on volunteers at the appropriate places.

9/26 Expectations Review

After the video “Cougar Pride and Kindness” comes on after announcements (available to view in the left-hand column), please facilitate a discussion with your students around the foundational concepts presented in the video. Questions to the class might include:

1) What are some examples of how you could show kindness and empathy to others in school?
2) What is empathy?
3) What are some real-life examples of times you’ve seen classmates showing Cougar PRIDE?
4) Why should you tell teachers if you see a classmate showing kindness?