1. All two-year colleges, commonly called community colleges or junior colleges have their own applications.
  2. These can be found on their individual websites.
  3. Each college’s application process can be different so make sure you know the details.
  4. The admissions office at a two-year college typically does not require a transcript, however, there are times when the college will need a transcript to know what classes you should take.
  5. We do not send transcripts through Naviance to two-year colleges. If you need one, find out to what office the transcript should be sent and then email  Dorothy catanese_d@4j.lane.edu
  6. Please tell us what office needs the transcript and how to send it to them, i.e. email or mail. Or, if you can submit the transcript, we can send it to you. 

How to request a final transcript for a community college IF you need one:

They cannot be requested through Naviance. Should you require a final transcript to be sent to a community college, email our Registrar, Dorothy Catanese, catanese_d@4j.lane.edu. In your email please include your full legal name, student number, the community college name, name of office to which the transcript should be sent and the college’s mailing address.  If the college will accept an electronic copy of the transcript, include the email address.


A few things to keep in mind:

  • A transcript is not considered final until your graduation date is included. Although we cannot give you an exact date when your grad date will be added to your transcript, typically it is not until the week after school gets out for all students. In this case, the week of June 20th – 24th.

We do not include SAT, AP, ACT scores or LCC credits on your transcript.