M.A. Hochberg’s Technology for Teaching

Making technology easier for people

New Filter System Anomolies

Like anything, there is a learning curve. Here’s a few things that I have learned.

  1. If fast-user switching is enabled and one user is logged onto the filter, all users have access.
  2. In 10.3, the time is not updated unless the user is logged in as the firewall does not have an option to allow the time through the firewall.
  3. 10.3 systems do not clear the previous users authentication quickly. I’m not sure where the problem lies. Perhaps in Safari, as the 10.3 version of Safari does not have a “Enable Private” browsing. Clicking on  Safari/Reset Safari seems to help.
  4. Wireless laptops can take a long time to clear the connection to 4Jcow. Even quitting or resetting Safari does not help.  Even if the computer is restarted, it may still connect to 4JCow. You will still have to authenticate to the filter, however.

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