October 17th 2014

Photography week 6

I’m doing a Photoshop collage…..thats it. 🙂

October 13th 2014

Photography week4

I started doing some photoshop and A.I learning.

October 7th 2014

Happy Haloween 2014


October 3rd 2014

Photography week3

This week I FINALLY finished the scavenger hunt i am super happy that this is done. 🙂

September 19th 2014

Photography Week2

The scavenger hunt has started and I only need 3 more pictures. 🙂

September 12th 2014

Photography week 1

week 1:Took a “selfie”.
Description:I used iphoto and a camera,then took a “selfie” with ceasar
Selfie Savior
Reflection: I think we look great. 🙂

June 6th 2014

Review for Yearbook.

Period 6
May 5,2014
Spirited Away Review
By Miyazaki
Spirited away is about a ten year old girl named Chihiro. This is a very fantastic movie in terms of how creative it really is. It started off with chihiro and her family going to a new home. The dad takes a wrong turn and ends up in a blocked road. The main protagonist think the place is scary but her parents think otherwise. Once exploring the parents find a restaurant and turn into animals. This starts chihiro’s journey.
Let me get you a little bit of behind the scenes.
Miyazaki had almost finished princess mononoke when he decides that he wants to do another project (that project being spirited away).They had a lot of disasters happening like the printer not working ,most of the important people didn’t own a dog (I know that doesn’t make sense),etc. They changed actors and character designs alot during the production. Some of the actors were confused visually causing for some hilarious translation. One time they even had to go to a vet.

Though after all that insanity they made spirited away and made it a classic.
Being japans most successful there was obviously a lot of praise.
The characters and locations were amazing. The acting was great.
It was just a good movie altogether..

June 6th 2014

Yearbook week 10

So…..I messed up….sorry mr.schiff i wasn’t TOLD that i needed to post my projects on eportfollio….please don’t can’t them as late except shots and angles you can do it for that.

June 4th 2014

For the Zine

Period 6
May 2014
Benjamin Robert Halpren

Gaming Recipes Portal cupcakes
• Ingredients
White frosting
1 cup white candy melts
Black Gel
Black food coloring
Gummy candies

• Royal frosting ingredients
2 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon meringue powder
Several tablespoons warm water

It’s a bit messed up do to the wordpress formate

May 2nd 2014

Year Book week 5

This week I finished my Human Intrest paper and we watched spirited away.

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