Brand Awareness-Part 2
Part 2 (Separate “Page”): Find three brands/logos that you really like – can be for any organization, for-profit or non-profit, company, etc. Include the design in your post along with a brief statement about why you find it appealing, history, and what features and treatments allow it to succeed. Any prescriptive advice on improvements is also encouraged.
Yacht Club Games
I like this logo because of it’s simplicity.
it’s pleasing to the eye,simple and has a good color contrast.
This logo has very similar things I liked about the last logo.
Though this logo appears a lot more then the last one (probably because they made more than one project) and it feels like it has more dimensions than just a square.
I love the origin of this logo.
There are a few misconceptions with the origins of this logo.
For an example most people think the three prongs represent Mt. Fuji…Wrong!
Mt.Fuji had nothing to do with the logo.
The actual origins revolve around the famous game pong.
That’s why i like this logo.