Ms Bender

Churchill High School

Physical Science – Matter Warm-up 12 December 2017


Physical Science – Matter


Warm-up           12 December 2017


Answer the following in complete sentences/formal response:

** hint: use your INB**

  1. Which types of safety equipment do you need to call 911 if they are needing to be used?
  2. When using the eyewash what do you need the person to do as they place their eyes in the flowing water?
  3. What are the typical uses for the use of the First Aid Kit?
  4. Where is the First Aid Kit located?
  5. When using a fire extinguisher on a fire, what two reasons would you stop spraying?




Today’s Schedule:

Unit Learning Target: What is the nature of Physical Science – Matter with Bender?

Day Learning Target: I can describe basic safety requirements for a laboratory


  1. Warm-up… Stamp: Measurement Matrix (Part A)
  2. Measurement Matrix (Ch 1)… due Wednesday 12/13
  3. Laboratory Safety Equipment (INB)… finish today 2nd & 4th , stamp tomorrow
  4. Practice Cornell Notes (INB)… do today, stamp tomorrow
  5. Measurement and Units (INB)… start today
  6. conversions within Metric System (SI)
  7. English System (ES) ßà Metric System (SI) Conversions guide
  8. Measurement Conversions Worksheet… start today??


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