Ms Bender

Churchill High School

Biology B Syllabus


Churchill High School                                                                                                    Science Department

Ecological Biology (Bio B) Syllabus

This is a working draft, content subject to change


Course: Biology

Instructor:   Ms Bender                                            Class location: K-7

Office Hours:  Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am – 8:30 am

       Lunch & Teacher preparation period by appointment only

Phone: (541)-790-5100 (x5179)                                   e-mail: bender@4j/

Course Website: 

Required Text: Kenneth Miller & Joseph Levine, Biology, Boston: Parson, 2011

Required Student Supplies: spiral notebook (70 pg minimum), colored pencils, tape/glue stick


Si necesita más información en Español sobre esta clase, por favor comuníquese con Marcos Alvarado al 541-790-5151 o por correo electrónico



Course Description:

In this trimester of biology you will be learning and applying numerous ways to help develop your scientific & academic skills such as critical thinking & inquiry. This course will help increase your knowledge of the natural world from an ecological perspective, as well as outlining the interconnections and processes that occur in biology at the ecological level. Ecological Biology will also be a place where you will practice various study skills techniques, such as Cornell Note Taking, critical reading, and marking the text. These skills will not only help prepare you for advancement in the biological sciences, but it will also help in your preparation for the State Science Standards Test (OAKS), as well as readying you for life after high school… whether that be through college or directly into the career of your choice. Lastly, this course will hopefully be a little fun along the way J).


Course Behavioral Expectations:

  1. Come to class prepared (INB, writing utensils, etc) & on time
  2. Treat all humans & other animals with respect & in a positive manner
  3. Treat all materials (textbook, lab equipment, etc) with care


Units of Study:

In this class we will cover a wide variety of biological topics that includes (but is not limited to) scientific method, systematics, organisms, theory of evolution & ecosystems. Please see your copy of the “Ecological Biology Content Calendar” or access a digital copy on my website for more detailed topics, approximate week coverage & the chapters in the textbook that are covered for each topic. This document is meant as a rough guide & is subject to change.


Grading Policies:

Your grade in Ecological Biology is based on the points you earn on assignments, projects, labs, quizzes, tests, the Interactive Notebook & any extra credit work you complete (see an E.C. handout for requirements). Your overall grade is comprised of the following:


Category Percentage Description
Labs/Assignments 50% Laboratories, In-class work, Homework assignments, Projects & Papers
Tests/ Quizzes 30% Planned unit tests, short quizzes & pop quizzes
Participation 5% You earn up to 5 points every class period based on: being on time, prepared, appropriate behavior, showing Lancer PRIDE, following course expectations, etc.

Interactive Notebook



A bound notebook of Cornell Notes, reflections, summaries & mini-labs, etc. that reinforce biological content & study skills… the best study tool possible J


Your grade will be posted on Synergy at regular intervals (usually every 2 weeks) during the grading period & a detailed individual printout is available at any time upon request. Final letter grades are determined using the following scale:

               90-100% = A        80-89.9% = B         70-79.9 = C         55-69.9% = D


Assignments, Tests & Quizzes:

  1. Assignments & Labs are due at the beginning of the period into the turn in boxes unless otherwise indicated
  2. Tests & quizzes are to be completed & turned in the same class period
  3. Missed classes:
  4. Look up the Warm-up questions & activities using the “Warm-ups/Schedule” binder on top of the turn-in boxes in the classroom OR look up the information on my website using the “Weekly Warm-ups” (posted at the end of the week). Individual printed copies are available upon request
  5. Copies of all handouts are located in the file cabinet at the front of the room
  6. Complete Warm-up & scheduled activities
  7. Late work: *Late Grade Slip Required*
  8. When turning in an assignment after it is due, fill out Late Grade Slip & staple to the completed assignment then place into turn-in box
  9. Calculators may be used, unless otherwise stated on a lab or activity


Laboratory Policy:

There will be numerous labs to complete over the course of biology. To keep the labs at a manageable level, it is imperative that you follow all directions for the lab very specifically. Failure to do so will result in suspension of lab privileges, as well as substitution of a written activity. If you miss a lab, you will be either given data to process or be assigned an alternate activity.


Attendance Policy: (see Student Planner/Handbook for more details)

  1. Absence = missing class


  1. Tardy:
  2. Procedure:
  • First 10 minutes tardy entered by teacher into Synergy
  • After 10 minutes, go to front office for a note to enter class
  1. Excused vs Unexcused …see Student Handbook
  • Make-up work:
  1. Excused: no Late Grade Slip if within 2 class days. LGS after 2 days
  2. Unexcued: Late Grade Slip required
  3. Prearranged Absences: due before or after with teacher discretion
  4. Consequences for tardy:
  • in class :
  1. a) loss of participation points

① ≤ 10 minutes = -2 points

② 11 – ≤20 minutes = -3 points

③ ≥ 21 minutes = -4 points

  1.      b) chronic tardiness may result in referral and a parent conference


Bathroom Policy:

  1. “Bathroom Pass” Required:
  2. Student to present pass when exiting class
  3. Student leaving class & not presenting pass will be marked tardy
  4. Student gone longer than 10 minutes will be deducted participation points & recorded in synergy as an “extended tardy”


Food & Drink Policy:

  1. NO Food or drink in class, except unsweetened water in a sealable container (i.e. personal H2O bottle or purchased bottled H2O)
  2. NO tobacco products in class (see Student Planner/Handbook for more details)
  3. Gum: OK, as long as I don’t see it or hear it J


Electronic Device Policy:

  1. iPods, MP3, Walkmans, and other music devices: not to be used (put away) during class time except during teacher designated “Tech On” work times
  2. Cell phones: not to be used (put away) during class time
  3. Use of electronic devices in class results in confiscation of the device:
  4. first offence: loss of participation points & electronic device returned at the end of the class period
  5. second offence: loss of participation points & electronic device returned at the end of the school day
  6. subsequent offence: loss of participation points, electronic device given to administrative team & retrieve at the end of the school day



Academic Integrity:

It is expected that students will respect and be held to a high level of academic integrity.   Academic Integrity is not something taken lightly at Churchill High School. Breeches of academic integrity include cheating, copying assignments, plagiarism (presenting another’s work as your own), and facilitation of cheating/plagiarism/copying. We expect our students to hold themselves to a high level of integrity; students who choose not to do so will face consequences, including but not limited to, receiving a zero on the assignment/project/test, referral, and parent notification.


Churchill P.R.I.D.E. :


Perseverance Respect Integrity Discipline Excellence


  • We show our PERSEVERANCE by staying positive, continuing to try, and learning from our mistakes


  • We demonstrate RESPECT by treating other the way we want to be treated and by caring for the environment and ourselves.


  • We display INTEGRITY when we are honest, set good examples that make others proud, do our own work, and always stand up for what is right.


  • We exhibit DISCIPLINE when we attend class, work hard every day, are responsible, and do what needs to be done.


  • We illustrate EXCELLENCE when we do our personal best, always try to improve, and lead by example.


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