Ms Bender

Churchill High School

Algebra IIa Warm-up 16 January 2018


Algebra IIa


Warm-up           16 January 2018


Find the greatest common factors for the following:


  1. 25y2 + 8y + 9



  1. 8x3 + 64



  1. x2 – 15xy – 16y2



Today’s Schedule:

Unit Learning Target: Working with Polynomials

Day Learning Target: I can factor polynomials


  1. Warm-up
  2. Sec 6.4 Q’s… do tomorrow
  3. Factoring Trinomials Practice Worksheet… do today, due tomorrow
  4. each student has own sheet
  5. may work with neighbor next to you with different form
  6. Classwork: Factoring Trinomials Practice Worksheet
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