Ms Bender

Churchill High School

Physical Science – Matter Warm-up 19 September 2017


Physical Science – Matter

Warm-up                    19 September 2017


Show all your work using conversion factors/ratios:

  1. 5 feet = ______________ cm


—————————– x ————————— = ——————- =


  1. 33 cups = ______________ pints


—————————– x ————————— = ——————- =


  1. 00076 mg = ____________ ounces


—————————– x ————————— = ——————- =


Today’s Schedule:

Unit Learning Target: How do we record & present scientific data?

Day Learning Target: I can convert between different measurement systems using conversion factors/ratios


  1. Warm-up
  2. Measurement and Units (INB)… finish today, stamp tomorrow
  3. conversions within Metric System (SI)
  4. English System (ES) Conversions
  5. English System (ES) ßà Metric System (SI) Conversions guide
  6. Significant Figures (INB)… do today, stamp tomorrow
  7. Measurement Conversions Worksheet… finish today, Due tomorrow
  8. Measurement Lab…start today??
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