Missing Class/Extra Help/Office Hours

Extra Help/Office Hours

I am available outside of class Monday through Thursday from 3:35 pm – 4 pm.   

I am  available at other times by appointment.  Email works great to make an appointment or bring a concern to my attention.  

Missing School

Students that miss class should check in with another student in the class; check out my blog for the day’s agenda and description of daily activities; or see me outside of class during the times listed above – upon their return to school.   I will typically update the daily agenda on my blog by lunch each day for Math.  I will not be uploading the daily agenda in Social Studies this year. 

Upon your return to school, I will do my best to get you caught up in class.  You may see me outside of class for any notes/other information missed.    We can make a plan for make-up work that is reasonable for the situation. Not all activities can be made up.  It is the student’s responsibility to make up work on missed days (outside of class time).  

If you are missing school for an extended period, please check my blog or email me for updates (if the blog is not current). 

Cal Young Middle School