Weekly Agenda: May 13-17, 2017

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday -5.13
Periods 1-3 after testing
 Tuesday -5.14
Periods 4-6 after testing
Wednesday -5.15
Thursday -5.16
Testing until 11:00AM – then 37 min. classes
Friday -5.17
 Early Release
Homeroom WordGen Reading – 2.23 Are after school Jobs harmful or helpful for middle school and high school students? in Notabilty – students read the article and complete page 137 (in notability)
Mindfulness WordGen Reading Discussion Guide Here.
Weekly Update s
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link

Photoshop Assignment – Horses Makeover. Past Due
Photoshop Personal Makeover Assignment Work – Due 5.15. If Done Do Buddy Pic – Due 5.17
Photoshop Personal Makeover Assignment Work – Due 5.15. If Done Do Buddy Pic – Due 5.17 Photoshop Personal Makeover Assignment Work – Due 5.15. If Done Do Buddy Pic – Due 5.17 Intro iBook Biopics – templates, examples, requirements. Begin “Shell” with 4 chapters and 3 sections each chapter. Due 5.20
Also can work on Buddy Pic if finished with Shell early
Weekly Updates #7

Intro iBook Biopics – templates, examples, requirements. Begin “Shell” with 4 chapters and 3 sections each chapter. Due 5.20

Also can work on Buddy Pic if finished with Shell early

P. 2 – Design Technology

Assignments Link


1st Rounders: Logical Operators Lessons -Past Due
1st Rounders: WHILE LOOPS Section Lessons Due 5.17 – See Schiff if stuck
1st Rounders: 123d Design Intro to basic tools, grid, layout, working with primitives.
Second Rounders 3D printing proposals, w/sketches (optional), screen shots of designs (required) – Complex Design with moving parts. Due Printed 5.17
1st Rounders: Logical Operators Lessons -Past Due
1st Rounders: WHILE LOOPS Section Lessons Due 5.17 – See Schiff if stuck
1st Rounders – Luminaire-Assignment work following Tutorial on Schiff blog.
Due Completed 5.17Second Rounders 3D printing proposals, w/sketches (optional), screen shots of designs (required) – Complex Design with moving parts. Due Printed 5.17
1st Rounders: WHILE LOOPS Section Lessons Due 5.17 – See Schiff if stuck
1st Rounders – Luminaire-Assignment work following Tutorial on Schiff blog.
Luminaire Shell Due Completed 5.17Second Rounders 3D printing proposals, w/sketches (optional), screen shots of designs (required) – Complex Design with moving parts. Due Printed 5.17
1st Rounders: WHILE LOOPS Section Lessons Due 5.17 – See Schiff if stuck
1st Rounders – Luminaire-Assignment work following Tutorial on Schiff blog.
Luminaire Shell Due Completed 5.17Demo SVG Line Art process, subtractionin 123d Design, etc.Luminaire with design Due Completed – 5.22Second Rounders 3D printing proposals, w/sketches (optional), screen shots of designs   (required) Due 5.17 – Complex Design with moving parts. Due Printed 5.17
Weekly Updates #7

All Students: Drones Video – Watch, notes and Summarize: Notes and Summary on Google Docs, PDF uploaded to ePortfolios for grading Monday.

Video: What Are Drones Used For?

1st Rounders: WHILE LOOPS Section Lessons Due 5.17 – See Schiff if stuck

1st Rounders – Luminaire-Assignment work – Luminaire Shell Due Completed 5.17

Luminaire with design Due Completed – 5.21

Second Rounders 3D printing proposals, w/sketches (optional), screen shots of designs (required) Due 5.17 – Complex Design with moving parts. Due Printed 5.21

P. 3 –  Adv. Design Technology/Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

Individual Project #1 Assignment Work – Target Due 5.15
Individual Project #1 Assignment Work – Target Due 5.15 Individual Project #1 Assignment Work – Target Due 5.15 Extension on invidual projects until 5.17 Weekly Update#7

Drones Video – Watch, notes and Summarize: Notes and Summary on Google Docs, PDF uploaded to ePortfolios. For grading Monday – free time if done by end of period Friday.

Video: What Are Drones Used For?

Begin Drone Work on 5.20

P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Weekly Goals Writing/Update#7

1st Rounders: Review Assignment Assigned – Target Due 5.15

1st Rounders: Human Interest Assignment Past Due

Media Pros – PSAs by Team Progress Evidence check #2 on ePortfolios Completed by 5.10

Echo -Continue Work on 2nd Edition.

Yearbook Slam Team Only finish fine-tuning YB

*Anna comes Friday and Monday – Final submission 5.13

Special Project groups – Set goals and check in.

1st Rounders: Review Assignment Assigned – Target Due 5.15

Media Pros – PSAs by Team ePortfolios Completed by 5.18

Media Pros – 8th Grade video – continue production – Rough cut due 6.5

Echo -Continue Work on 2nd Edition.

Special Project groups – Set goals and check in.

1st Rounders: Review Assignment Assigned – Target Due 5.15

Media Pros – PSAs by Team ePortfolios Completed by 5.18

Media Pros – 8th Grade video – continue production – Rough cut due 6.5

Echo -Continue Work on 2nd Edition.

Special Project groups – Set goals and check in.

1st Rounders: InDesign Tutorial – Get Download, start tutorial. Due 5.22

Media Pros – PSAs by Team ePortfolios Completed by 5.18

Media Pros – 8th Grade video – continue production – Rough cut due 6.5

Echo -Continue Work on 2nd Edition.

Special Project groups – Set goals and check in.

Weekly Goals Update#7

1st Rounders: InDesign Tutorial – Get Download, start tutorial. Due 5.22

Media Pros – PSAs by Team ePortfolios Completed by 5.18

Media Pros – 8th Grade video – continue production – Rough cut due 6.5

Echo -Continue Work on 2nd Edition.

Special Project groups – Set goals and check in.