Weekly Agenda: April 8-12, 2019

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday -4.8
 Tuesday -4.9
Wednesday -4.10
Thursday -4.11
Friday -4.12
Homeroom Nearpod GSA lessons

Quizlet Vocab

Nearpod GSA lessons

Nearpod GSA lessons Nearpod GSA lessons No Homeroom
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link

Google  Links:

Luminaire Tutorial

Reminder to bring iPads to class every day charged – off when entering room & in baskets until instructed to use them.

Upload Assignment #1 – Report Formatting & Bibliography to ePortfolios – Review how to save Google PDFs.

Intro to 3D Design/Luminaire Assignment – Link on left Margin as well: Luminaire Tutorial

Target Due 4.12

Lunimare Assignment work.
Show how to find/make line art patterns, images.Adobe Illustrator: Live Trace -> Expand -> select white space/delete ->Save As SVG
Lunimare Assignment work.
Review: how to find/make line art patterns, images.Adobe Illustrator: Live Trace -> Expand -> select white space/delete ->Save As SVG

Show Import to 123d Design file: extrude, scale, position, copy, subtract.

Save completed Luminaire as 123d file and .STL file for printing.

Target Due 4.12

Lunimare Assignment work.

Adobe Illustrator: Live Trace -> Expand -> select white space/delete ->Save As SVG

Review Import to 123d Design file: extrude, scale, position, copy, subtract.

Save completed Luminaire as 123d file and .STL file for printing.

Target Due 4.12

Weekly Update #2
Save completed Luminaire as 123d file and .STL file for printing.Target Due 4.12
P. 2 – Design Technology

Assignments Link

Video for this Week:

Video 1: How to Get Empowered, not Overpowered, by AI

Video 2: This Week Best New Inventions & Gadgets

Design Tech Videos #1 &2 summaries as PDFs on ePortfolios – Past Due

Swift Playgrounds Coding – Commands Lessons completed and screen shots on ePortfolios by end of period TODAY

Intro to Branding and Logo Design – Basic terms, concepts, and vocab.

Intro Brand Awareness assignment – Due Friday 4.12


Brand Awareness assignment work – Give examples, Diigo Links – Due Friday 4.12


Assign Functions Lessons – Playgrounds-Homework – Due Friday, 4.12
Introduce 4 panel LOGO sketch  assignments – personal logo.

Sketches – Personal Logo – Due 4.16

Brand Awareness assignment – Due Friday 4.12

Assign Functions Lessons – Playgrounds-Homework – Due Friday, 4.12
Introduce 4 panel LOGO sketch  assignments – personal logo.

Sketches – Personal Logo – Due 4.16

Brand Awareness assignment – Due Friday 4.12

Weekly Update #2
Assign Functions Lessons – Playgrounds-Homework – Due Friday, 4.12

Introduce 4 panel LOGO sketch  assignments – personal logo.

Sketches – Personal Logo – Due 4.16

Brand Awareness assignment – Due Friday 4.12

P. 3 –  Adv. Design Technology/Broadcast Media

Assignments Link


Design Tech Videos #1 &2 summaries as PDFs on ePortfolios – Past Due

Robotic Teams: Confirm Team Names, LEGO Kits Inventory re-check.

EV3 Intelligent Bricks assigned to teams, tested for connectivity to iPad App//team

Begin “Basic Robot Build based on Kit Model Manual. – Baisc Build  w/ EV3 Module/Motor?Sensor Tests Complete – Due 4.12

Personal Project #1 Submitted for approval – Proposal and Rationale PDF uploaded to ePortfolios – Due 4.10



Robotics Build Assignment/Stage 1

Review of EV3 Connectivity steps to iPad App, Team Proto demo iPad app basic drag and drop features, settings

Basic Robot Build based on Kit Model Manual. – Baisc Build  w/ EV3 Module/Motor?Sensor Tests Complete – Due 4.12


Robotics Build Assignment/Stage 1

Basic Robot Build based on Kit Model Manual. – Baisc Build  w/ EV3 Module/Motor?Sensor Tests Complete – Due 4.12

Personal Project #1 Submitted for approval – Proposal and Rationale PDF uploaded to ePortfolios – Due Today

Robotics Build Assignment/Stage 1

Basic Robot Build based on Kit Model Manual. – Baisc Build  w/ EV3 Module/Motor?Sensor Tests Complete – Due 4.12


Weekly Update #2

Robotics Build Assignment/Stage 1

Basic Robot Build based on Kit Model Manual. – Baisc Build  w/ EV3 Module/Motor?Sensor Tests Complete – Due 4.12


P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Goal Setting Week #2 for all students.

YB/J Newbies – 3 Writing Styles summaries due 4.10

Media Pros – PSAs by Team Identified and approved – Elevator Speech Due 4.10

Echo – Final check to submit 1st edition for printing.

Yearbook Core – Work by assignment.

 *Anna comes Friday, April 12th

Special Project groups – Set goals and check in.

YB/J Newbies – 3 Writing Styles summaries due 4.10

Media Pros – PSAs by Team Identified and approved – Elevator Speech Due 4.10

Echo – Final check to submit 1st edition for printing – Echo – Work on 2nd edition

Yearbook Core – Work by assignment.

Special Project groups – Project work

YB/J Newbies – 3 Writing Styles summaries due 4.10

Media Pros – PSAs by Team Identified and approved – Elevator Speech Due 4.10

Echo – Work on 2nd edition

Yearbook Core – Work by assignment.

Special Project groups – Project work

YB/J Newbies – Editorial Topics Due 4.12

Media Pros – PSAs by Team Identified and approved – Elevator Scripts Due 4.15

Echo – Work on 2nd edition

Yearbook Core – Work by assignment.

Special Project groups – Project work

Weekly Goals Update and
Goal Reflections #2

YB/J Newbies – Editorial Topics Due 4.12

Media Pros – PSAs by Team Identified and approved – Elevator Scripts Due 4.15

Echo -Work on  2nd edition

Yearbook Core – Work by assignment –  *Anna comes TODAY.

Special Project groups – Project work